National Parks of Africa: Kyrylo Nazdrachov Tu-1-12A

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Serengeti National Park of

The Serengeti is a national park in

Tanzania (Africa).
Serengeti is located in the north of
Tanzania on the border with Kenya. The
Serengeti is the most famous national
park in Tanzania, and by some accounts
the best in the world. Its name comes
from the Maasai word "siringet", which
means "endless plain". In 1951, 14,763
square meters were allocated for the
park. km and since then Serengeti is the
second largest park in the country. The
Serengeti ranges from 920 to 1,850 m
above sea level and its landscape varies
from low and tall grasses in the south to
savannas in the center and forested hills
in the north. And the real forests are in
the western part of the park.
Ngorongoro National Park
Ngorongoro Volcanic Crater is a famous
national park in Africa. A picturesque and
diverse landscape, in which the steep cliffs of
the Ngorongoro Crater walls are located next
to spacious valleys covered with grass and
bushes. Ngorongoro is in northern Tanzania
and lies near the western edge of the Rift
Zone, on the border with Kenya. The reserve
spread around the Ngorongoro crater is huge,
it covers an area of ​about 6,500 square
kilometers; its importance for this region of
Africa increased after it received the official
status of an International Protected Area and
Biosphere Reserve. Once this entire area was
part of the Serengeti National Park, but as a
reserve it fulfills two main tasks - the
preservation of the natural resources of the
region, as well as the protection of the
interests and traditional way of life of the
local Maasai tribe, who, as before, graze
herds of cattle, sheep here and goats At the
heart of the reserve is the crater, or caldera,
Ngorongoro, the remains of just one of the
many extinct volcanoes located in the area.
Maasai Mara National Park
The Kenyan Maasai Mara National Park, located in
the northern part of the Serengeti plain on the
border with Tanzania, occupies one of the first
places in terms of animal diversity: about 80
species of mammals and about 450 species of birds
live here. The bumpy plain of the savannah is
divided into two by the Mara and Talek rivers, on
the banks of which grow acacia forests, blooming
along the path leading to the foothills.
However, picturesque landscapes are far from the
main feature of the park: the "great migration" of
herbivores, which is considered one of the wonders
of wild nature, brought it world fame. In the period
from August to September, countless herds of
zebras, gazelles and wildebeests, completely
covering the hills and foothills, stretch in a narrow
chain for many kilometers and move monotonously
to another part of the Serengeti plain.
But also at any other time of the year in the Maasai
Mara you can meet representatives of typically
African fauna. The park is considered the home of
the rare black-maned lion and home to giraffes,
elephants, leopards, cheetahs, buffaloes, black
rhinos, crocodiles and hippopotamuses.
Lake Manyara National Park
This park is located 130
kilometers from Arusha
between the famous alkaline
Lake Manyara and the rock
of the Great African Rift.
Almost all animals live here,
except for leopards and
cheetahs. The "stars" of this
park are the pink flamingos
that live in Lake Manyara
and the lions that climb the
acacia trees. Interestingly,
lions actually spend most of
their time on acacia trees,
because the forest here is
very dense and it is more
convenient to look at the
mining from above.
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