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URN: 2019-B-22082001B
Topic Briefing
Why did I choose this topic?

I chose the household kitchen as my area of study because it is one of the most important rooms in
a home as it is the centre of the family’s day-to-day living.  Nearly everyone begins their day in the
kitchen with a cup of coffee or breakfast to get their day underway. Its where everyone gathers. It is
the family’s source of strength and nutrition which plays a huge role to their physical health. Also
it’s the place where most of our beloved Indian mothers spend their time cooking. So keeping this
in mind I decided to research more about this area so that I can improve the current living
standards of the Indian household kitchen along with the lifestyles of all the people attached to it.

If the kitchen is the most important room in the house, it stand to reason that a good deal of
attention should be spend on its design to make it more functional for the hardworking people
who cook such delicious and healthy meals for their family and also to make the kitchen to be
more than just a place for cooking and eating .
Data Collection
How did I approach my research topic?

1 Fly on the wall and

I started talking to
2 Asking questions,
people about their discussing, interview.
kitchens and what
do they think can be 3 Persona maps,
changed to improve. empathy maps and
experience maps.
I created a SWOT
analysis to organise
that information. I created visual maps
I used some tools to
properly observe and to make myself
understand and
understand the whole Talking it out! connect more
aura of my study topic
and then collected the properly with the
stakeholders which
information accordingly.
will help me proceed
to the next stage.
Visual Maps
Putting on my inquisitive hat by
clicking pictures of the day-to-day

kitchens and observing everything by
being a fly on the wall and shadowing
the stakeholders.
Fly On The Wall
Observation tool

When I conducted this activity I was sitting at my dining table which is located right outside my
open kitchen, so it was the perfect place to observe from. Firstly, my mother and the domestic
helper decides what to prepare by asking several family members what they wish to eat during a
specific period of the day. After asking, they check all the ingredients and get to work. Both of them
properly wash their hands first and places all the ingredients on the counter. The domestic helper
starts chopping all the vegetables as instructed by my mother ; and she starts prepping the utensils
on the stove. There is a lot of movement in the kitchen from one corner, where the stove is, to the
other, where the fridge is located. There is also a lot of movement to the third corner where the sink
is, to place all the dirty utensils. My mother switches on the chimney and the exhaust to let out all
the smoke which has been collected. I can see so many elements all over the kitchen. While the
veggies are being cooked, the domestic helper goes to all the family members one by one asking
how many ‘rotis’ will they be eating. After getting the total count, he starts preparing the dough.
While working both of them talks a lot about different topics to keep themselves entertained. My
mother guides him how to properly prepare the dough. After the dough is prepared, he washes his
hands and she starts taking small quantities of the dough and makes them into a circle shape. The
helper along side with her tosses them over the ‘tawa’. My mother calls everyone for dinner and as
she is working on the stove the helper serves everyone. As she is making the rotis she keeps
storing them over a piece of cloth in a cylindrical container ,for the members who weren’t hungry at
that time. After all the rotis are prepared she wraps the cloth over all the rotis to maintain that heat.
The whole process took about 2-3 hours. After this they both clean the whole kitchen from the
counters to the floors .the whole process make both of them really tired.
Mrs. Goldy

Mrs. Goldy wakes up at 7:00 am and she does her morning routine to freshen up. After that she
makes herself a cup of tea and munch on some dry fruits to start her day right. She practices
Buddhism and chant for 30 minutes. At 8:00 am she wakes up her domestic helper. They both get
to work starting by cleaning the whole house. At 9 am the helper goes and takes his bath while Mrs
Goldy collects the milk packages from the shop and starts preparing the food. Then she gives the
car keys to the driver who arrives around 10:00am. She likes to prepare the lunch while preparing
the breakfast. She serves the breakfast around 10:30am and by 12:00pm she is done preparing
the lunch as well. She stores the lunch items on the counter near the microwave or on the stove.
After that she takes a break from all the tiring work and watches some television. Around 3:00pm
she started serving the lunch to all her family members. Then she takes a nap to restore her
energy. She wakes up around 4:30-5:00pm and prepares another cup of tea for herself and
glasses of milk for her children. She chants again at 6:00 pm and then goes for her evening walk
with her husband or her children. After that she goes to the market to buy some groceries,
products, etc. or she reads some books or talks to her friends over call. Around 7:30-8:00pm she
starts preparing for dinner. At 9:00 pm she serves the dinner to everyone. After dinner she cleans
the kitchen alongside with the helper and at around 10:00pm she starts reading, studying the
books related to Buddhism. After an hour of study she switches on her television and watch some
entertaining series. By 11:30 she goes to sleep.
ORGANIZING I talked to a lot of people about their
lifestyles and about their kitchen and

PHASE organized that data into a SWOT

SWOT : Analysis

Good vibe, nice place to socialise with like

minded people, its cost effective and the
food is way cheaper and healthier than the
restaurants. Its easier to manage too.

Work is not divided among individuals like in

a restaurant, the movement space may not
be as large, not everything can be made
with the quality that the restaurants
I have prepared this SWOT analysis based provides.
With the current rate of modernisation, the
on the insights derived from the discussions
kitchens are becoming hi-tech to better suit the
with my friends and their family about the needs and maintain a healthy lifestyle of the users
household kitchens.
O and the consumers. With a smart design plan and
more technological advances I am sure it will be
able to compete with the restaurants.

People like to compare the homemade food

with the food available at the restaurants.
Too much work everyday can cause some
serious health issues to the cook.

In conclusion the kitchen is one of the most important room in a house essential for the regular dose of nutrition and hunger. Its
an energetic place which is packed with delicious meals and is probably one of the busiest place in a house. Its cost effective as
well as healthier compared to the restaurants. Although in a household kitchen the workload on a single person is a lot which can
cause some serious health issues. But hopefully we’ll be able to tackle these problems with a well designed, hi-tech kitchen
which serves to all the stakeholders more functionally.
I created several visual maps to organize all the
complex information laid out in front of me and turn

it into a visual aid for a more comprehensive
understanding. I created persona maps along side

with empathy maps and experience maps to better
connect with the stakeholders.
Let’s Check Out

Personas of the
I have prepared certain personas and reframed them to get an essence of the real

Home maker


Goldy is a home maker, loving wife and a
• Wants to start her own venture
loving mother who cares deeply for her family Empathetic attitude towards
• Helping as many people she can 1 everyone
and friends. She lives with her family of 3
• Wants to own a great house
sons and her husband In Delhi, India. She
Sociable and easily connects
• Travel to as many foreign wishes to help anyone she can with her
2 with everyone
countries as she can empathetic attitude. She enjoys going to the
3 She is very organized and strict
movie theaters whenever there is a new
release. She loves sketching and reading and
could spend her entire evening singing old 4 Extremely humble

classic hindi songs along side her husband. Here is your custom footer, This is Master Style

Business man

• Wants to see a ‘lakers’ basketball game Pratyaksh is a business man, loving husband
in real life. and a loving father of two. He loves spending
1 Hardworking personality
• To raise his children into capable people quality time with his family. He lives in delhi,

of tomorrow with high values india. He is a diligent worker who is an extremely

Very sociable and caring
motivated person to achieve whatever he
2 towards his friends and family
• Wants to make his company globally
desires. He always priorities his family and has
recognized 3 Loyal towards his work and
excellent leadership qualities. He loves playing family
• Become a great example for everyone
basketball with his friends and kids. He is very
active. He wishes to go see a lakers game in 4 Very Active and energetic

real life as its his favorite basketball team.


Domestic Helper

• Wants to provide to his family Rajesh sharma is a domestic helper. He
• Wants to own a great house originally lives with his family In Bihar, Patna.
1 Very hardworking
• Wants to become a professional chef But for work purposes he lives with the family

• Wants to make his father proud he works for in Delhi,India. He is of a really

helpful nature and he is amazing with the
2 Extremely humble

kids. He loves singing and dancing to all the

3 Smart and responsible
modern pop songs. He loves eating sweets
and he is very responsible when it comes to
his daily expenditure. He is really smart and a 4 Joyful and energetic

quick learner.
Let’s Check Out

I have prepared persona maps based on the personas I created in the earlier slides. I have
tried to generalise them so it connects with everyone.
Let’s Check Out

I have prepared empathy maps based on the persona maps I created in the previous
slides. With these I was able to connect with the stakeholders more deepely.
Let’s Check Out

I have prepared experience maps based on the personas I have prepared in the earlier
slides. The aim of this map was to understand their day-to-day routine and how they

Experience Map
Experience map of the household cook

7:00 am
Feeling sleepy
Wakes up and does his/her morning

routine .
8:00 am
Feeling energized
Wakes up the helper
9:00 am and starts doing the
Feeling focused chores
Starts preparing and
serving the breakfast

11:00-12:00 am
 Feeling tired
Preparing the lunch
and storing it properly

1:00 pm
Feeling comfortable
Relaxes a bit in front
of the television

3:00 pm
Feeling responsible
Serving lunch to
everyone and then goes

for their afternoon nap
4:30-5:00 pm

Feeling relaxed
Waking up from the
afternoon nap. Makes
a cup of tea for
himself/herself and
6:00 pm snacks for the rest of
family members
Feeling energetic
Goes outside for the
evening walk, read a
book, talks to people,
goes to market. 7:30-8:00 pm

Feeling Focused
Starts preparing for

9:00 pm
Feeling busy
Serves everyone

10:00 pm
Feeling calm
Spends the leisure
time reading a book,

watching television, 11:30 pm
talking with the Feeling tired
family, board games, Prepares for sleep
etc and calls it a day.

Experience Map
Experience map of the domestic helper

8:00 am
Feeling sleepy
Wakes up and does his/her morning

routine .
9:00 am
Feeling energized
Stars doing all the
9:30-10:00 am chores and helps in
Feeling focused preparing the
Serves the breakfast breakfast
and attends the
driver, laundryman,
delivery man ,etc

11:00-12:00 am
 Feeling focused
Starts preparing the
lunch along side the
cook and starts
storing it properly for
later consumption

1:00 pm
Feeling comfortable
Meet up with his
friends and hang out
at the park.

2:30 pm
Feeling tired
Goes for his afternoon

4:30-5:00 pm

Feeling relaxed
Waking up from the
afternoon nap. starts
Makes snacks along
side with the cook for
6:00 pm the family.
Feeling happy
Spends his evening
watching television
and music to keep
himself entertained 7:30-8:00 pm

Feeling Focused
Starts preparing for
dinner along side with
the cook

9:00 pm
Feeling busy
Helps in serving the
dinner and cleans the
10:00 pm
Feeling calm
Spends the leisure,
watching YouTube

videos, listening to 11:30 pm
music. Watching a Feeling tired
movie, etc Prepares for sleep
and calls it a day.

Experience Map
Experience map of the businessman/consumer

8:00 am
Feeling sleepy
Wakes up and does his/her morning

routine .
8:30 am
Feeling energized
Stars doing his
9:00 am morning puja, lays
Feeling hungry down the plans for
Has his breakfast the day
and leaves for work

10:30-12:00 am
 Feeling focused
Attends his business,
calls and staff

2:00 pm
Feeling confident
Meet clients and
schedule meetings

3:00 pm
Feeling hungry
He takes a lunch break
and enjoys his tiffin

packed by the cook
4:30-5:00 pm

Checks all the
products and

6:00 pm
Feeling tired
Starts wrapping up
his work and leaves
for home
7:30-8:00 pm

Feeling relaxed
Reaches home and
freshens up

9:00 pm
Feeling hungry
Eats his dinner

10:00 pm
Feeling calm
Watches television
and spends time with

his family 11:30 pm
Feeling tired
Prepares for sleep
and calls it a day.
Let’s Check Out

I have prepared 200 problem statements from which I can better connect with the
stakeholders and help them accordingly.
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mrs Goldy to reduce the heat in the kitchen, when she is cooking?
2. How might we help Mr Praveen to reduce the collection of smoke when someone is cooking?
3. How might we help Mr Akshat deal with the excessive spices in food?
4. How might we help Mr Keshav deal with smoke allergy when he is cooking?
5. How might we help Mrs Madhu to switch on the fan when stove Is burning as it puts out the flame?

6. How might we help Mr Taksh to deal with the ants when the kitchen is tidy?
7. How might we help Mrs Sashi to deal with cockroaches when wet utensils are left in the sink?
8. How might we help Mr Tharoor deal with the termites in the wooden cabinets?
9. How might we help Mrs Eva deal with pest when she forgets to cover the trash bin?
10. How might we help Mrs Kavita to chop citrous items when she is allergic to them?
11. How might we help Mr Grihit to chop onions and not tear up at the same time?
12. How might we help Mr Pratham deal with the electric outlets when surrounding area is wet?
13. How might we help Mrs Kalpana to Stand for long hours when she is cooking?
14. How might we help Mr Arjun to not sweat when is working?
15. How might we help Mr Samyak to clean the stains when he is done with cooking?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mr Pawan to clean the oil which collects up in the chimney after a lot of cooking?
2. How might we help Mrs Neelam to clean the oil/residue which collects up on the ceiling after cooking?

3. How might we help Mrs Komal to clean out the odor when the trash can in full?
4. How might we help Mrs Shalu to segregate dry waste and wet waste easily when she is cooking?
5. How might we help Mrs Supriya to not mess up the amount of seasoning when she is cooking?
6. How might we help Mrs Neha deal with unwanted elements In the food when its served?
7. How might we help Mrs Haq deal with unwanted elements in the food when she is preparing the food?

8. How might we help Mrs Poonam to preserve the food items when its still hot?
9. How might we help Mrs Reena to preserve moist food items from pests when planning to eat later on?

10. How might we help Mrs Tina to preserve dry food items from pests when planning to eat later on?
11. How might we help Mr Pradeep deal with soaps before cooking when he has contact dermatitis?
12. How might we help Mrs Kripi to complete her grocery shopping when she has arthritis?
13. How might we help Mrs Shreya to properly wash the vegetables when she is tired?
14. How might we help Mrs Yavika to deal with veggies which are treated with pesticides and chemicals?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mrs Simran to safely use the appliances when her hands are moist while cooking?
2. How might we help Mrs Prerna handle fragile utensils when she is in a hurry?
3. How might we help Mr Yagit to wash glass and clay utensils when dealing with so many utensils?
4. How might we help Mr Saket to properly wash the utensils when he is extremely tired?
5. How might we help Mr Gokul to arrange the utensils everyday when he is done cleaning them?
6. How might we help Mrs Namrata to properly clean the utensils when she doesn’t want to scratch
7. How might we help Mr Angad to safely chop items without cutting himself when he is cooking?
8. How might we help Mrs Samiksha to remove heavy stains from the utensils when she is cleaning
9. How might we help Mr Dhwanil to stop the sink from getting clogged when he is cleaning?
10. How might we help Mrs Asmi to unclog her sink when the food particles clog it off?
11. How might we help Mrs Isha to arrange all the grocery properly when she is exhausted?
12. How might we help Mrs Saloni to clean off the stains when food items are stuck in grooves and holes?

13. How might we help Mrs Mishika to maintain his hair when she is cooking in a humid environment ?
14. How might we help Mrs Simran to come up with innovative dishes on her own when she is bored by
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mrs Parul to get rid of rats from her kitchen?
2. How might we help Mr Shrest to get rid of Lizards?
3. How might we help Mrs Vidhanshi to take accurate quantities of materials when she is cooking?
4. How might we help Mr Rahul to dispose off the garbage when the lockdown was implemented?
5. How might we help Mr Anand to handle too much criticism when he presents his dish?
6. How might we help Mr Ishan to get rid of the smell coming from the drain when he wants a clean place?
7. How might we help Mrs Era to close the cabinet doors when its hinges become loose over time ?
8. How might we help Mrs Tina to close off the doors properly when the hinges become loose over time?
9. How might we help Mrs Jahanvi to clean greasy surfaces when she is done with cooking?
10. How might we help Mr Goyal deal with greasy surfaces when he is cooking?
11. How might we help Mr Bablu to manage his cholesterol when he is eating?
12. How might we help Mrs Bubbly to manage the fats when she is cooking?
13. How might we help Mrs Chavi deal with the pan and container lids when she doesn’t want to lose them?
14. How might we help Mrs Parisha deal with stuck drawers when she is cooking ?
15. How might we help Mr Eshaan to keep a track of all utensils so that he doesn’t lose them?
16. How might we help Mrs Swetha deal with insufficient light when she is cooking?
17. How might we help Mrs Srusti to deal with the broken water pipes when she is working in the kitchen?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mrs Vidhi to deal with a smelly fridge when she is cooking?
2. How might we help Mr Athwani to deal with a smelly freezer when he is cooking?
3. How might we help Mrs Kritika deal with a warm fridge or freezer when she is cooking ?
4. How might we help Mrs Nimisha to deal with the faulty wire of an appliance when she is cooking?
5. How might we help Mr Parashar to fix the microwave plate when its not moving?
6. How might we help Mr dhruvin to deal with dripping faucets and sinks when he is not In the kitchen?
7. How might we help Mr Yacoob to deal with an inefficient gas cooktop when he is trying to cook?
8. How might we help Mr Jacob to deal with a faulty electric cooktop when he is trying to cook?
9. How might we help Mr Puru to deal with dripping taps when he is cleaning the kitchen?
10. How might we help Mr Khanna to deal with broken containers when the food is already stored in
11. How might we help Mr Fakeer to manage the traffic through the work triangle when he is cooking?
12. How might we help Mrs Timi to serve food to everyone when everyone is in their rooms?
13. How might we help Mr Natu to serve the food to everyone when he is cooking as well?
14. How might we help Mrs Verma to manage all the utensils when there isn’t enough storage space?
15. How might we help Mrs Aroshi to manage all the food items when there isn’t enough storage space?
16. How might we help Mrs Vrinda to manage all the food items on a small counter when she is cooking?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mr Ashik to manage the space occupied by all the appliances when he is cooking?
2. How might we help Mrs Nazzuk to deal with maintenance of the appliances when she is not working?
3. How might we help Mr Kukreja to deal with the maintenance of the appliances when he is cooking ?
4. How might we help Mr Sarthak deal with loud appliances when he is working with them in the kitchen?
5. How might we help Mr Adit deal with loud cooking processes when he is cooking?
6. How might we help Mr Apoor to clean the appliances when he is done using them?
7. How might we help Mrs Aany to store all the appliances when she is not using them?
8. How might we help Mrs Meg to clean the appliances which aren’t waterproof when she’s done cooking?
9. How might we help Mr Dhar deal with slow cooking processes when he is really impatient?
10. How might we help Mrs Goyal to speed up the cooking process when she is cooking?
11. How might we help Mrs Ashi to deal with spillable items when she is really clumsy ?
12. How might we help Mrs Gupta to deal with overflowing containers when she is not paying attention?
13. How might we help Mrs Garima to deal with loneliness when she is cooking alone ?
14. How might we help Mr Naik to manage all the recipes he comes across while deciding what to cook?
15. How might we help Mrs Gul to differentiate harmful appliances which can affect the food when cooking?
16. How might we help Mr Gupta to choose the perfect appliance for cooking when shopping?
17. How might we help Mr Vikas to avoid getting burned when he is cooking?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mr saha to evenly cook the meat when he is cooking?
2. How might we help Mr Rana to not get distracted when he is working in a kitchen ?
3. How might we help Mrs Lavya to help her forgettable nature when she is cooking?
4. How might we help Mr Sonu to close off any interruptions when he is having his food?
5. How might we help Mr Saiz to deal with food items he’s allergic to when he is eating?
6. How might we help Mrs Greet to deal with a dish when she doesn’t have all the ingredients ?
7. How might we help Mrs Upasana to deal with people who body shame her when she is eating?
8. How might we help Mrs Bansal to achieve everyone’s expectations from a dish when she is cooking?
9. How might we help Mr Manan to deal with stinky food items when he is cooking?
10. How might we help Mrs Natu to keep track of all the expiry dates of the products when she is cooking?
11. How might we help Mrs Goel to become independent from all the appliances when she is cooking?
12. How might we help Mrs Ava to deal with the traffic in the kitchen when she is cooking with 2+ people?
13. How might we help Mrs bidan to reach the top shelf as she is really short when she is cooking?
14. How might we help Mrs Sonia to reach the bottom most shelf with ease and she is really tall?
15. How might we help Mr Anil to grab the farthest thing in the cabinet with ease when he is cooking?
16. How might we help Mr banga to properly clean the counters when he is done with cooking?
17. How might we help Mr Patel to clean the drawers when its filled with food, containers, products, etc?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mr Jain to properly use the appliances when doesn’t want to disrupt it’s quality?
2. How might we help Mrs Hevi to maintain the same quality of the food when she eats it after some time?
3. How might we help Mr Kolpe to boost up the healthy factors in a dish when he is cooking?
4. How might we help Mrs Sam to conserve the richness of the food when its microwaved?
5. How might we help Mr Goel to be able to make valuable changes after when the dish is prepared?
6. How might we help Mr Aman to work in the kitchen when there is a power cut?
7. How might we help Mrs Sujata to use the appliances when there is a power cut?
8. How might we help Mrs Arora to provide her with another counter space when needed?
9. How might we help Mr Pathak to provide sufficient clearance between opposing sides when working?
10. How might we help Mrs Ridhi to clear up the blockages made by the tall appliances when working?
11. How might we help Mrs Sanya to clean up all the corners properly when she is done cooking?
12. How might we help Mr Rana to clean the dust which is settles on fans when cleaning the house?
13. How might we help Mr Ishika to clean the dust which settles on ceilings when cleaning the house?
14. How might we help Mrs Janvi to know about any pest manifestation when she is not in the kitchen?
15. How might we help Mrs avishi to manage the oil dripping from the chimney when she is working?
16. How might we help Mr Kapoor to avoid any leakages from any appliances when he is working?
17. How might we help Mr Bachan to detect a leakage from any appliances when he is not working?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mr Kaur to manage the efficiency of the automated burners when he is cooking?
2. How might we help Mrs Pavit to give her a seating arrangement when she is cooking?
3. How might we help Mr Raghuvir to keep an eye on everything when preparing several dishes?
4. How might we help Mrs Divya to be able to see and fix the tds of the drinking tap for health reasons?
5. How might we help Mrs Kushi to inform her about what is healthy and what is not when she is
6. How might we help Mrs Priya to play good quality music when she is cooking in the kitchen?
7. How might we help Mr singh to keep him entertained when he is working in the kitchen?
8. How might we help Mr Nikhil to manage the crashing sound of the utensils when cleaning them?
9. How might we help Mr Negi to open up tightly closed jars when he is cooking?
10. How might we help Mrs Negi to open a package of an item without spiling it when eating/cooking?
11. How might we help Mr Rohit to keep himself clean when he is cleaning the whole area?
12. How might we help Mr Sanesh to prevent breaking glass containers when he is cooking?
13. How might we help Mrs Navya to get rid of the greasy items out of the utensils when cleaning them?
14. How might we help Mr Jindal to get rid of sticky food items out of utensils easily when cleaning them?
15. How might we help Mrs Ansh to pick out the best quality of veggies and fruits when shopping?
16. How might we help Mrs Nivya to avoid buying adulterated products when shopping?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mrs Vasund to prevent her from injuring herself when she is using a grater?
2. How might we help Mrs Spriya to manage her expenses when she is shopping for food items?
3. How might we help Mr Holt to search for great alternatives for expensive food items when cooking?
4. How might we help Mr Onkar in providing him with food items when they aren’t available in the shop?
5. How might we help Mr Raj manage his gas cylinder when he is cooking?
6. How might we help Mr Rahul to cook when his gas cylinders goes out ?
7. How might we help Mrs Bharti to become single minded when she is cooking?
8. How might we help Mr Jai to clear out his icebox when its clogged?
9. How might we help Mr Naru to manage the handles of the appliances when they get loose over time?
10. How might we help Mrs Seem to Manage the handles of the utensils when they get loose over time?
11. How might we help Mr Nair to manage the overflow of the items when its heated too much?
12. How might we help Mrs Isha to manage the flooded kitchen when the drain is clogged?
13. How might we help Mrs Kanika to manage the rusting of the utensils when working with too much?
14. How might we help Mrs Sadaf to manage the rusting of the metal appliances when working ?
15. How might we help Mr Sadak to manage the rusting and rotting of certain areas in the kitchen?
16. How might we help Mr Pranay to keep a track of the maintenance of all the appliances when in use?
17. How might we help Mr Singh to get rid of the yellow tiles when exposed to too much smoke/oil?
Problem Statements
200 Problem Statements related to my study

1. How might we help Mr Goel to avoid any gas leaks when he is not working in the kitchen?
2. How might we help Mr Kael to preserve the snacks from getting soggy when left unattended for a bit?
3. How might we help Mrs Tondon to clean the cobwebs and pest nests from the ceiling when cleaning?
4. How might we help Mr Vaibhav to work with the food items he is allergic to when cooking?
5. How might we help Mrs Vrinda to remind her to turn off the burner when she is done with cooking?
6. How might we help Mr Vidyut to protect his clothes from getting burned when he is cooking?
7. How might we help Mr Tooraj to let him know he is following the recipe correctly when cooking?
8. How might we help Mrs Megha to communicate with others when there is a lot of noise while cooking?
9. How might we help Mr Shamit to protect his injuries when he is working with salts and citrous items?
10. How might we help Mr Rao to quickly measure the exact quantity of an item with ease when cooking?
11. How might we help Mr Udit to avoid overeating dishes when he is having his food?
12. How might we help Mr Manin to execute all the dishes he sees on the internet and TV when cooking?
13. How might we help Mr Amit to lift heavy objects when he is working in the kitchen ?
14. How might we help Mrs Mehak to preserve the anti burning coating of the utensils when cooking?
15. How might we help Mr Sorte to stop the condensation ruining his hot food when its packed in a tiffin?
16. How might we help Mr Ratan to clean his utensils when he is low on dish-soap?
17. How might we help Mr Jain to manage the depletion of cleaning materials when cleaning the kitchen?

URN: 2019-B-22082001B

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