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EPRI Power System Dynamics

8 장 요약

2022. 9. 6

주관기관 : 연세대학교 전기전자공학과 스마트그리드 연구실

발표자 : 지찬호 1
01 Power oscillation

 전력 시스템은 60Hz 에서 진동
 60HZ 가 아닌 상황에서 진동시 유효전력 , 무효전력 전압 전류 주파수 임피던스 모두
진동 – 시스템에 데미지
 Load changes, fault, control 시스템 등이 진동을 유발 가능
 진동은 새로운 operating point 를 찾는 것

 발전기가 클수록 큰 관성을 가진다

 관성이 클수록 진동은 발생하기 어렵지만
 진동 발생 시 더 오래 지속된다 .

01 Power oscillation

 A 를 당기면 다른 추들도 모두 진동하지만 거리가 멀수록 진동이 작아짐 ( 거리 = 저항 )

 E,F 를 발전기라고 하면 , E 를 잡아당기는데 더 적은 힘이 든다 . 그러나 F 가 움직일
경우 관성에 의해 더 오랫동안 진동한다 .
 A 를 진동시키면 E 를 당긴 것보다 더 크게 진동한다 . A 가 더 얇은 rubber band 로
묶여 있기 때문에 . A 는 얇은 rubber band 로 묶여 있어 진동이 크면 끊어질 수 있다 .
발전기가 out-of-step 되는 것과 같다

01 Power oscillation

 Typical oscillations may vary from three cycles per minute (0.05 HZ) to 180 cycles per
minute (3 HZ).
 60HZ 에 다음과 같은 power oscillation 이 합쳐지면 8-4 의 그림처럼 변화가 나타남
 전류 파형은 power oscillation 의 모양을 따라감

01 Power oscillation

 Oscillation damping
 Damping 은 power system 과 이 기기들이 진동의 진폭을 축소시키는 능력
 Damping is positive -> the amplitude of the oscillation is reduced
 Damping is negative -> the amplitude of the oscillation is increased -> oscillation insta-
 Major sources of damping
• Load/frequency relationship
• Natural energy losses in the system
• Frictional losses within rotating machinery
• Amortisseur windlings
• Excitation system : source of either positive or negative damping

01 Power oscillation

 Oscillating classifications
• Normal or positive, sustained or undamped, negatively damped

 Normal(positively damped) oscillation

• 몇 초안에 사라짐
• Oscillations may occur due to routine events on the power system.
− Load changes, generator trips, or switching actions

01 Power oscillation

 Sustained(Undamped) Oscillation
• oscillations that appear on the power system and sustain themselves.
• 정상 진동과 원인은 같지만 진동이 멈추지 않음
• If they have large enough amplitude, it can be harmful
• Even small amplitude sustained oscillation can be dangerous( 여러 진동이 겹치면 위험 )

01 Power oscillation

 Negatively damped oscillation

• If an oscillation appears and then gradually grows in magnitude, it is negatively damped
• If left unchecked the oscillation could grow to 100, 200, 300 MW, or even larger.
• Protective relay systems may then be forced to trip lines or generators to protect system equipment.

01 Power oscillation

 큰 전력시스템에 연결된 발전기의 송전 선로 2 개 중 하나가 개방된다고 가정

 선로가 개방되기 전 발전기는 synchronous speed 로 돌고 있다 .
 MW transfer equation 에 따라 선로가 개방되면 X 가 증가하고 MW 는 감소
 Change to Rotor Speed
• The generator’s sudden MW output decrease creates an imbalance between the generator’s
mechanical power input and electrical power output -> accelerating power
• Accelerating power is stored in the spinning mass -> causes the speed of the generator

 Change to voltage phase angle

• 발전기의 속도가 동기속도보다 빠르게 회전하므로 relative acceleration 존재
• 가속에 의해 phase angle starts to increase -> 진동 시작

01 Power oscillation

 Feedback loop for power, speed and Angle

• Point A, the generator’s mechanical power input is compared to its electrical power output.
− If mechanical power input is greater than electrical power output an accelerating condition exists

• Point B, relative acceleration is analyzed

− If the generator is running faster than synchronous speed the phase angle increases.

• Point C, a power-angle curve is used to illustrate changes to electrical power output.

− If the angle is increasing, the operating point moves up the curve and increases the MW output

• Point D, mechanical power input 과 electrical power output 이 같고 synchronous speed 로

회전할 경우 진동이 멈춘다

01 Power oscillation

 Comparison of Power, Speed, and Angle

• Initially the MW output drops and the generator starts to accelerate
• As the generator speed rises above synchronous speed the phase angle increases and the
MW output increases
• Phase angle plot is in-phase with the MW output
• The points T2,T4 and T6, the turbine/rotor is again matched to synchronous speed.
• This points correspond to the positive and negative peaks of the MW output and phase angle

01 Power oscillation

 Natural frequency of Oscillation

 모든 발전기는 natural frequency of oscillation 을 가진다 .(0.75~3.0HZ)
• inertia of the generator, the strength of the power system to which the generator is attached
• the changing strength of the transmission system and the changing loading of the generator

 Effect of inertia on Natural frequency

• large diameter, heavy turbine/rotor assembly has a large inertia
• 관성은 per-unit 단위로 비교 (hydro unit>steam unit)
 Effect of System strength on Natural frequency
• The generator oscillates at a lower frequency if it is connected to a weak transmission system.

 Effect of Generator output level on Natural frequency

• As the generator’s torque angle rises toward 90° its natural frequency of oscillation reduces.

01 Power oscillation

 전력시스템은 과 같은 에너지 손실을 통해 amplitude of oscillation 을 줄인다

 The higher the frequency of the oscillation, the more positive damping the power sys-
tem provides
 The oscillates that cause problems are the low frequency.

01 Power oscillation

01 Power oscillation

 Oscillation & Excitation systems

 Excitation systems can both cause oscillations and be used to dampen oscillations.
 Excitation systems are composed of the voltage regulator and the exciter.
 AVR 은 Vout 를 기준값과 비교하여 기준치보다 낮을 경우 exciter 에 증가시키라고
command 를 보냄
 Exciter is the source of the DC power used to turn a generator.

 Benefits of Fast, Powerful Excitation

• Extending steady state stability limits
− Increase voltage levels and ensure that voltage is highest when needed

• Extending transient stability limits

− Change generator field voltages during these first few swings

01 Power oscillation

 Excitation Systems and Oscillatory Stability

 Power System Stabilizers(PSS)
• Designed to correct the phase error present in fast excitation systems
• PSS monitor the system frequency or MW output at the generator terminals
• Based on the changes the PSS detects in system frequency or MW, a voltage signal is input
to the automatic voltage regulator

01 Power oscillation

 Additional causes of Oscillations

• Cyclic Loads
− Sometimes, major loads may be added and removed in a cyclic nature. -> From a power system per -
spective these cyclic loads are similar to power oscillations

• HVDC Systems
− The power converters at the ends of an HVDC transmission line convert power between AC and DC
− The HVDC control system’s operation must be coordinated with AC system generation levels to en -
sure the HVDC does not cause AC system frequency disturbances
− HVDC Modulation
 HVDC systems can also be used to dampen AC system power oscillations.
 The power that flows in an HVDC system is removed from the AC system at the rectifier end of the HVDC.

• Generator Pole Slipping

− If the angle goes beyond , the generator may lose control of its torque angle and enter an unstable condition
− At a torque angle of system voltages are very low and Mvar output from the generator very high. The rotor spins out of con-
trol with the rotor field poles slipping past the stator windings -> slipping poles

01 Power oscillation

 Additional causes of Oscillations

• Governor Control System
− Generator governor control systems arrest frequency deviations
− Depending on the size of the detected frequency change, the governor adjusts the working fluid input
to the turbine/generator
− If the droops are set incorrectly, generators could compete for load changes. The result is power oscil -
lations as the system’s generators fight each other to make load changes.
− Power and frequency oscillations result as the system’s generators repeatedly increase then de -
crease generation levels

<<< Generator pole slipping


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