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EPRI Power System Dynamics

5 장 요약

2022. 08. 01

주관기관 : 연세대학교 전기전자공학과 스마트그리드 연구실

발표자 : 지찬호 1
05 Voltage Control

 Active power(P) is what does the work in the system.

 Reactive power(Q) enables the active power to do its work.

05 Voltage Control

 Inductive load exchanges reactive power with the system

• Current flows through the line ( It makes voltage drops and power

 Reduce voltage drops~ > Reduce the amount of reactive power

• Add capacitors near the inductive load

 Storage and return cycles of inductive and capacitive loads are oppo-
site one another.

05 Voltage Control
5.2 Causes of Low Voltage

 Voltage levels are directly tied to the availability of reactive power.

 The root cause of low voltage is a deficiency of reactive power.
 Common causes of low voltage
1. Heavy Power Transfers
2. Transmission Line Outages
3. Reactive Equipment Outages
4. Failure to “Get Ahead of the Voltage”
5. Motor Stalling

05 Voltage Control
5.2 Causes of Low Voltage

 Heavy Power Transfers

 Reactive Losses
• Minimize I, Z Maximize V
• In high voltage transmission system,
− Line’s inductive reactance is much greater than line’s resistance.

05 Voltage Control
5.2 Causes of Low Voltage

 Significance of Surge Impedance Loading

• SIL is the point that the the Mvar from the
line’s natural capacitance exactly provides
the Mvar the line needs to support its volt-
• =
− SIL Occurs

 P-V Curves
• MW transfer increased, the voltage at the
receiving substation gradually declines.
− Due to the increased Mvar losses

05 Voltage Control
5.2 Causes of Low Voltage

 Transmission Line Outages

• The power flows must readjust following the line trip

05 Voltage Control
5.2 Causes of Low Voltage

 Reactive Equipment Outages

• Generator trip and Loss of reactive power sources cause problems with
the ability of a system to control voltage.

 Motor Stalling
• Customers place induction motors in-service that require large amounts
of Mvar to start.(In-rush current)
• The in-rush current >> reactive burden on the system is large

05 Voltage Control
5.2 Causes of Low Voltage

 Failure to Get Ahead of the voltage

• The Mvar output capability of capacitor banks is reduced as voltages
• If system voltage drops to 90% of nominal, a shunt capacitor bank is
good for only 81% of rated output.

05 Voltage Control
5.4 Effects of Low voltages

 Effect of Low Voltage on System Equipment

• If the transformer is heavily loaded a sustained low voltage may result in a
rise in current flow through the transformer.
• High current could lead to thermal overloads of the transformer

 Effect of Low Voltage on Load Magnitude

• Motor load does not significantly vary
with the voltage magnitude.
• Non-motor load varies with the voltage.
− Constant current varies with voltage
− Constant impedance varies with

the square of the voltage

05 Voltage Control
5.4 Effects of Low voltages

 Effect of Time on Load Magnitude Change

05 Voltage Control
5.4 Effects of Low voltages

 Effect of Low Voltage on Angle Stability

• The lower that system voltages are held, the greater the risk of instability

 Effect of Low Voltage on Power Losses

• Hold system voltages as high as practical to minimize current and thus
minimize losses.



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