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Groub 4

Pronoun is a pronoun that is used to replace nouns
with the goal to avoid repetitiong words that are
continuously made.
• Personal Pronouns
• Possessive Pronouns
• Indefinite Pronouns
• Relative Pronouns
• Intensive Pronouns
• Demonstrative
• Interrogative Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns is a word used for a specific person, animal, thing
or thing. Personal pronouns can be either subjects or objects in a
sentence. Subjects pronouns are said to be in the nominative case,
whereas object pronouns are said to be in the objective case. As an
subjects : I, You, We, They, He, She, and It, whereas as an objects : Me,
You, Us, Them, Him, Her, and It.

Example :
• Subject pronouns : He has a birthday today
• Object pronouns : We celebrate his birthday
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. The
possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and, their. There’s
also an “independent” form of each of these pronouns : mine, ours,
yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. Possessive pronouns are never spelled
with apostrophes.
Possessive pronouns simplify construction that show possessive of a
noun. Independent possessive pronouns (also called absolute
possessive pronouns) must be used without a noun.

Example :
• My assignment that was ready yesterday
• Is that house yours
Indefinite pronouns is a pronoun for people, objects or things in general or
non-specific who refer to someone or something that is considered
uncertain would. Refer to one or less it is not determine the object, a
creature or place.
There are uncertain pronouns in the form with words of relative or distal
and at the beginning of the word with words any, some, every, and no.
Indefinite pronouns is divided into two parts, namely singular and plural.

Example :
• He gave anything for his friend
• Fewer came late today
A relative pronouns is a word that introduces a dependent {or
relative} clause and connects it to an independent clause. A clause
beginning with a relative pronoun is poised to answer questions such
as which one? How many? Or what kind? Who, whom, what, which,
and that are all relative pronouns.
Example :
•1st sentence : that cake is very delicious
2nd sentence : I bought it yesterday
When combined the sentences become:
That cake which I bought yesterday is very delicious.
Intensive pronouns are pronouns that works to emphasize a sentence (noun
or other pronoun in a sentence).
An intensive pronoun is almost identical to a reflexive pronoun, but their
functions differ. Intensive pronouns are used to add emphasis to the subject
or antecedent of the sentence.

• I myself promise not to destroy the project.
(I myself owe not to corrupt the project).

Demonstrative pronouns is a pronouns that is used to point a object

that depends on the number and distance.
Noun are generally in the form of objects, but can also be a person or
thing. Parameters on demonstrative pronouns there were two,
namely the number (single-hours) and the distance (remote). Both
parameters will affect the pronoun that’s used. Demonstrative
pronouns is in distinguish, this, that, these and those.

Example :
• This is my book
• These are my book

Interrogative pronouns are pronouns that function to

ask questions. Interrogative pronouns present
something about the questions. Interrogative
pronouns consists of what, who when, where, why,
and how.

Example :
• What’s going on
• Who will do your job
Thank you

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