Memahami Sistem Saraf Manusia

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Unit 2.

Understanding The Human Nervous System Memahami Sistem Saraf Manusia



Central nervous System Sistem saraf pusat

Peripheral nervous System Sistem saraf periferi

Brain Otak

Spinal cord Saraf tunjang

Somatic nervous System Sistem saraf somatik

Autonomic nervous System Sistem saraf autonomik Control involuntary action Kawal tindakan tidak terkawal

Cranial nerves Saraf kranium

Spinal nerves Saraf spina

Control voluntary action Kawal tindakan terkawal

Figure of human nervous system

Central nervous system

Control centre of the body Brain controls all activities of the body like walking and seeing. Spinal cord controls the reflex actions

Peripheral nervous system

The peripheral nervous system is divided to: Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system The somatic nervous system is divided to: Spinal nerve (from the spinal cord) Cranial nerve (from the brain) The spinal nerve controls voluntary actions like walking, scratching and running. The spinal nerve connects the spinal cord with the receptors and affectors in the body like limbs, skin and abdomen.

The cranial nerve controls voluntary actions like talking, smelling and seeing. The cranial nerve connects the brain to sensory organs in the head and neck like the eyes, nose, ears, tongue and jaws. The autonomics nervous system controls involuntary actions, like heartbeat and contraction of blood vessels. The autonomic nervous system contains nerves which connect the spinal cord to internal organs and glands like liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.

Structure of a neurone

A neurone is a basic unit of the nervous system. Neuron ialah unit asas bagi sistem saraf The function is to carry impulses Fungsinya membawa impuls / maklumat Cell body contains nucleus and cytoplasm. Badan sel mengandungi nukleus dan sitoplasma A dendron is a cytoplasm projection with spreads out from the cell body. The small branches of dendron are called dendrites. Dendron ialah unjuran sitoplasma yang keluar drpd badan sel. Cabang kecil bagi dendron ialah dendrit

An axon is a long projection from the cell body. Akson ialah unjuran panjang daripada badan sel. The axon is surrounded by an insulating membrane called myelin sheath. Akson diselaputi oleh membran penebat dipanggil selaput myelin The myelin sheath is separated by small gaps called nodes of Ranvier. Selaput myelin dipisahkan oleh ruang kecil yang dipanggil nodus Ranvier.

Neurone Part Bahagian neuron

Function fungsi

Cell body Badan sel Dendrite Dendrit

Controls all activities of the neurone. Mengawal semua aktiviti neuron Receives impulses from other neurone and trasmits them to cell body. Menerima impuls drpd neuron lain dan menghantarnya ke badan sel. Dendrite that carries impulses towards the cell body. Dendrit membawa impuls kpd badan sel

Dendron Dendron

Axon Akson

Dendrite that carries impulses out of cell body Dendrit membawa impuls keluar drpd badan sel

Myelin sheath Insulator on axon that prevents the leakage of impulses Selaput Increases the speed of impulse myelin transmission Penebat bagi akson mengelakkan kebocoran impuls Meningkatkan kelajuan penghantaran impuls

Characteristics Ciri - ciri Sensory neurone Neuron deria Relay Neurone Neuron perantaraan Motor Neurone Neuron motor

Structure Struktur

Position of cell body Kedudukan badan sel

In the middle of neurone Di tengah neuron

At the end of neurone Di hujung neuron

At the end of neurone Di hujung neuron

Length of axon Panjang akson Function Fungsi

Short Pendek

Changes Berubah

Long Panjang

Carries impulses from the sensory organ or receptor to CNS Membawa impuls drpd organ deria atau reseptor kpd CNS

Transmits Transmits impulses impulses from sensory from CNS to effector neurone to motor (muscle/glan neurone d) Menghantar Menghantar impuls drpd impuls drpd neuron deria CNS kpd kpd neuron efektor motor (otot/kelenjar )

Each has a cell body containing nucleus, dendron, dendrite and axon The main role is to receive and transmit impulses.

The end of the neurone is separated by a minute space called SYNAPSE Allow impulses to be transmitted in one direction only. Found between the axon of a neurone and the dendrite OR the cell body from another neurone.

1. Complete the table below:
-Spinal nerve -Cranial nerve -Autonomic nerve

Action Running Smelling Jumping Moving the tongue Pulse Breathing

Type of nerve

2. State three types of neurone and their function.

Types of neurone (a) (b) (c)


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