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• The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll upon the lives of people both in
terms of the burden of disease and mortality. The wait for a successful vaccine
and the subsequent varieties of vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 virus has been met
with a varied response from public including both healthcare worker and

• The novel COVID-19 vaccine has been developed by different organisations,

which have been studied to provide a relative degree of protection against the
virus, thus bringing quarantine and social restrictions to a temporary but an
effective end for now. However, the vaccines available have been seen to
produce problems in the form of side effects, allergic reactions and varying
levels of efficacy in each.
• Awarness, attitude and practices of Indian people is important
for government and policy makers to address all barriers of
vaccine distribution.
• In this study we collected information on these aspects of
Indian population so we can get a highlight on the societal
barriers and concerns regarding the covid vaccines.
• To evaluate the awareness attitude and
correlate the acceptance or refusal of Covid -
19 vaccine among above 18 population in
• To evaluate willingness to take COVID 19 vaccine in individuals above the age
of 18
• To establish safety and effectiveness of COVID 19 vaccine 
• To achieve maximum vaccination rates.
• To remove any misconceptions about COVID 19 vaccine and it’s adverse
• To create awareness about benefits of vaccination and dangers of non
• To make people aware about their social responsibility to fight COVID 19 by
taking the vaccine.
1)Study design:
Cross sectional

2)Sample size-
Considering p as 5% vaccine hesitancy in general population and allowable error 20% minimum sample
size is 1900

3)Study population:
Study population consists of Indians aged 18 years or older with access to online platform like whatsapp

4)Inclusion criteria:
People aged more than 18 years
People who understand hindi, marathi and English
Willingly participate
5) Study period:
19th October 2021 - 20th October 2021

6)Data collection tool:

Questionnaire form predesigned on google form and passed through whatsapp

7)Data collection:
Survey is done with the help of google forms which will be circulated through social media platforms. Each
participant can give one response only. After data collection Microsoft excel will be used for data analysis.

8)Ethical consideration:
Institutional Ethics Committee approval will be obtained. The respondants will be assured that their
confidentiality would be maintained and ethical principles will be followed

9) Data Analysis
The data will be analysed usingSPSS(STATISTICAL PACKAGE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES) version 2.0. The result
will be presented in graphical and tabular form.
1. Have you received COVID vaccine?
300 305
Responses Count 250
No (नही) 15
Yes (हाँ ) 290

Grand Total 305 150



0 15
No (नही) Yes (हाँ ) Grand Total
 Urban population is more aware than rural population about covid vaccination
because some people in rural areas lack mobile phones or internet connections. We
recommend that population of rural areas must be made aware of the topic by in
person interviews, news, small campaigns by health care workers, etc

 Some of the people have not taken the vaccine. We should spread awareness about
the benefits of the vaccine so that people are encouraged to take it. Some people
think they’ll experience adverse side effects and lack of vaccines is also a point to be
noted as to why so many people are unvaccinated. The government should organize
more camps for vaccination and make sure the vaccine is available in a large
2. If yes, Name of vaccine? SIMPLE TABLE

Name of Vaccine taken Count

AstraZeneca 1
Covaxin 40
Covishield 243

Pfizer 2

Sputnik 4 250

Grand Total 290





AstraZeneca Covaxin Covishield Pfizer Sputnik Grand Total
 It can be seen from the graph that very few citizens above the age of 60 have been vaccinated. It is thus
recommended that these people should be necessarily administered the vaccine as they are in much more
need than the other age groups considering that they have a weaker immunity.Also maximum elderly
patients suffer from chronic diseases like hypertension,diabetes mellitus etc which predisposes them to
the severe complications of the disease

 We see that maximum response are for Covishield and Covaxin as they are easily available and
manufactured in India. Availability of Pfizer and Sputnik is less as they haven't been imported in much
quantity so far. It’s mandatory for citizens to be aware about the available vaccine this can be done
through media, newspaper and news
3. Reason for taking Vaccine? SIMPLE TABLE

Reason for taking Vaccination Count

My father told me to 1
Social responsibility 9
Social responsibility , To protect my friends and family members from getting covid. 1
To move outside India 1
To prevent COVID infection 46
To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility 32
Vaccine is effective 6
Vaccine is safe, Social responsibility 1
Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection 6
Vaccine is effective , To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility 6
Vaccine is safe 18
Vaccine is safe, Social responsibility 2
Vaccine is safe, To prevent COVID infection 6
Vaccine is safe, To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility 10
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, Social responsibility 4
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection 7
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection , Social responsibility 132
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility , A step to prevent contraction of covid and/or its severe complications. 1
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility, Covaxin Human Trial Subject. 3 Doses. 1

Grand Total 290


Grand Total
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility, Covaxin Human Trial Subject. 3
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility , A step to prevent contraction of
covid and/or its severe complications.
Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection , Social responsibility

Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection

Vaccine is safe, Vaccine is effective, Social responsibility

Vaccine is safe, To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility

Vaccine is safe, To prevent COVID infection

Vaccine is safe, Social responsibility

Vaccine is safe

Vaccine is effective , To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility

Vaccine is effective, To prevent COVID infection

Vaccine is safe, Social responsibility

Vaccine is effective

To prevent COVID infection, Social responsibility

To prevent COVID infection

To move outside India

Social responsibility , To protect my friends and family members from getting covid.

Social responsibility

My father told me to
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

 It can be seen from the graph that very few citizens have taken the vaccine due to
number of reasons, most important reason being vaccination is safe and it’s a social
responsibilty. It is thus recommended that these people should be necessarily
administered the vaccine as they are in much more need.
  Don't know (पता नहीं) May be (हो सकता है) No (नहीं) Yes (हाँ) Grand Total

Diploma holders ( डिप्लोमा धारक ) 0 0 0 10 10

Graduate (स्नातक) 6 9 0 106 121

High school (हाई स्कू ल ) 1 0 0 10 11

Higher secondary ( उच्च माध्यमिक ) 2 11 0 56 69

Middle school ( मध्य विद्यालय ) 0 0 0 4 4

Post graduate (स्नातकोत्तर) 8 6 1 72 87

Primary ( प्राथमिक ) 0 0 0 2 2

Read and write but no schooling ( पढ़ें-लिखें लेकिन स्कू ली शिक्षा नहीं ) 1 0 0 0 1

Grand Total 18 26 1 260 305

% % % % %
0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
4.96 7.44 0.00 87.60 100.00
9.09 0.00 0.00 90.91 100.00
2.90 15.94 0.00 81.16 100.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
9.20 6.90 1.15 82.76 100.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
5.90 8.52 0.33 85.25 100.00
Chart Title







Diploma holders Graduate (स्नातक) High school (हाई स्कू ल ) Higher secondary ( उच्च Middle school ( मध्य Post graduate Primary ( प्राथमिक ) Read and write but no
( डिप्लोमा धारक ) माध्यमिक ) विद्यालय ) (स्नातकोत्तर) schooling ( पढ़ें-लिखें
लेकिन स्कू ली शिक्षा नहीं )

Don't know (पता नहीं) May be (हो सकता है) No (नहीं) Yes (हाँ) Grand Total
• It is observed that the knowledge about the vaccination is seen more in graduate and post graduate
people and lesser in people who have less education. This is because they understand the side effects
and the safe sides of vaccination. Others may not have access pr may feel insecure taking vaccines as
rumors about it being unsafe is mostly spread in groups of people who aren’t educated enough.
  Count of Have you ever been infected with COVID 19? % % % %

Grand 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

No (नहीं) Don’t know (पता नहीं) Yes (हाँ)
100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
OCCUPATION         30.00 0.00 70.00 100.00

Advocate 1 0 0 1 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00

Aviation consultant 1 0 0 1 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00
Business 3 0 7 10
63.73 5.88 30.39 100.00
Dentist 0 0 1 1
69.44 2.78 27.78 100.00
Doctor 1 0 1 2
65 6 31 102 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
Employed (कार्यरत)
Housewife (गृहिणी) 25 1 10 36 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00

Lecturer 1 0 0 1 75.00 0.00 25.00 100.00

Professor 0 1   1 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
Retired (सेवानिवृत्त व्यक्ति) 3 0 1 4
100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
Self employed 5 0 0 5
77.21 2.94 19.85 100.00
Shetkari 1 0 0 1
33.33 0.00 66.67 100.00
Student (छात्र) 105 4 27 136
1 0 2 3 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
Unemployed (बेरोज़गार)
Was running a pre school before covid 0 0 1 1 69.51 3.93 26.56 100.00
Grand Total 212 12 81 305








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Count of Have you ever infected with COVID 19? No (नहीं) Count of Have you ever infected with COVID 19? Don’t know (पता नहीं)
Count of Have you ever infected with COVID 19? Yes (हाँ) Count of Have you ever infected with COVID 19? Grand Total
 We can see that students have been the most infected by COVID-19. this maybe due to
crowding of students in schools and universities and students below the age of 18 years are
more prone to infection because they don’t have access to vaccination yet.

 Experts say that people who’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19, can get infected with the
virus but the chances are low. They say that COVID-19 vaccines have been highly effective in
preventing the coronavirus disease, lead to lower hospitalizations and death. With the
mutant virus still in full force, the pandemic is nowhere near its end. Therefore, following
basic preventive measures, such as masks and following social distancing are still very much
required. Getting the vaccine doesn't guarantee full protection but only a preventive method
to lower the chances of infection.  Therefore, vaccinated people and unvaccinated people
should maintain all the Covid guidelines.
• Since it was online through a Google form we couldn't reach out to rural population
extensively and they also don't have access to smartphones and proper internet connection.

• As it was held online we couldn't know other's point of view as to why they chose that
particular option and their thoughts behind their answers.

• Because of the pandemic, we were unable to reach out to the population and spread
• People who don’t understand the language other than Hindi, English and Marathi cannot fill
out the form. Even if we get responses, it’ll be more from the higher socioeconomic classes
and responses will be lower.


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Thank you

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