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Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Maintenance Program
Metrics and Routine

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

• The savings to be gained by achieving results with
RCM for any company represents a significant
improvement in gross profit and the commonly
utilized financial measures of Return On Net Assets
(RONA) and Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)

• It is commonly reported that for most companies,

the profit potential is in the tens to hundreds of
millions of dollars—the equivalent to 20 to 35
percent of non-raw-material Operating and
Maintenance (O&M) costs

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Balancing Act
Today’s maintenance managers
are constantly balancing between
higher machine availability (asset
utilization) and lower Cost
Asset Control
maintenance costs (cost control) n

In doing so, they must take into Value

account the growing body of laws

and regulations covering safety, Safety, Health and Environment
health and environment. To make Resource Allocation
everything work, they need to use
the right technicians, spare parts,
knowledge and contractors
(resource allocation)

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Key to Cost Reductions
• Concentrating solely on reducing costs by outsourcing to low
cost providers or eliminating people and programs produces
short-term results
– The short-term results are not sustainable
• Most maintenance professionals contend that reducing failures
and unnecessary non-value added maintenance tasks is the
key to reducing spending
– Reducing failures and non-value added tasks and wastes are the
only ways to address both the labor and material consequence of
– As failures and non-value added tasks are eliminated,
corresponding reductions can be safely and permanently
implemented throughout the organization, including cutbacks in
idle capital used for redundancy, work-in-process, and spare parts
– Negative cash flow caused by failures can be minimized and
operating availability and production effectiveness can increase as
demand dictates

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What Metrics Do
• A blend of metrics is used collectively to
identify opportunities for improvement,
measure progress, and manage the
improvement process
• Metrics convey corporate value and return
(in terms of availability, production output,
quality and cost savings) achieved via
improved equipment reliability and overall
• They justify the sustained investment in
personnel and resources required for RCM

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What Metrics Do (Continued)
• Metrics are also used to monitor the
performance of specific processes, systems,
equipment, and components
• Metrics must be directed to specific results
and cascade from high to low levels,
connecting equipment-optimizing activities
to overall business, mission, and
performance objectives

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Common Metrics
• Corporate metrics – typically asset- or
capital-based metrics that measure
shareholder value, such as Return On Net
Assets (RONA) and Return On Capital
Employed (ROCE)

• Unit or Production Line Metrics – Overall

Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) for example

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Common Metrics (Continued)
• Equipment Level Metrics –Mean Time Between
Failure (MTBF) and Mean Time Between Repair
(MTBR) measures equipment reliability; cost per unit
production measures overall asset effectiveness; the
ratio of planned to unplanned work is a measure of
work effectiveness; inventory turn rates measure
capital effectiveness
 Process metrics – metrics, such as the amount of
training per employee, indicate organizational
commitment to proscribed activities and progress
toward achieving objectives

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Corporate Metrics Measures the rate of return as
a percentage of total assets.
Measures a company’s
• Profit is the numerator and capital efficiency at generating profits
is the denominator of capital- and RONA relative to its total assets.
asset-based measures of
effectiveness, such as Return on
Return on Assets =
Capital Employed (ROCE) and
(Net Income / Total Assets)
Return on Net Assets (RONA)
Measures the returns a
• Reducing capital employed (the company is experiencing based
denominator) has the same positive on capital employed.
effect on measured performance as
increasing profit (the numerator) ROCE =
– This leads to less redundancy and Net Profit (before taxes) / Capital
ROCE Employed
design margin in new facilities and
requires older facilities to operate
closer to design limits ROCE =
– Pressures to reduce capital also lead Net Profit (before taxes) / Total
to pressures to reduce levels of Assets – Total Liabilities
stocked spare parts

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Return on Net Assets (RONA)
• This metric calculates how well a company converts assets to
sales, and, therefore, profits. Quite simple put, at the corporate
level, it helps us understand how well we are using the things
that the investors gave us as an investment to generate greater
value for the shareholders. The simple calculation is plant
revenue minus costs divided by net assets.

RONA = Total Sales – Total Expenses

Total Assets
• Where:
– Total Sales = Total dollar amount of revenue generated due to
sales of the goods produced in a given time period.
– Total Expenses = Total dollar amount of the expenses realized due
to the production of the goods sold in the same time period.
– Total Assets = The total dollar value of the assets owned by the
organization (purchase price – depreciation). This includes items
such as property, plant equipment, raw materials, and inventory.

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Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
• Similar to RONA, ROCE calculates the organization’s
ability to make the best use of the assets provided to
it by the shareholders
• It is similar to RONA in that it uses the net profit
from sales (Total Sales – Total Expenses) figure in
the numerator, and total assets in the denominator,
but it also gives consideration to the liabilities of the

ROCE = Total Sales – Total Expenses

Total Assets – Total Liabilities

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RCM Value
• Optimizing lifetime operations and maintenance
(O&M) costs is an important aspect of RCM
• RCM involves design and includes procurement,
installation, operation, and maintenance
• It links safety, mission compliance, availability,
capacity (production output), reliability, quality
(yield), operating and maintenance costs, and
environmental compliance to business objectives
• RCM constructs the vital ability to predict future
availability, conditions, and cost that enables
managers to make production commitments with
confidence in their ability to deliver

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Capital Reduction
• A comprehensive RCM strategy looks for opportunities
to reduce capital and reduce spare parts inventory
• Estimates indicate that spare parts inventory
consumes a minimum of 15 percent per year of
inventory valuation for warehouse storage, damage,
loss, and obsolescence
• Estimates are that the annual cost of maintaining
spares inventory is somewhere between 30 and 40
percent of the value
• Thus, a facility with $100 million in spares inventory is
paying at least $30 million per year above usage costs
for handling and warehousing
• For companies seeking to maximize effectiveness, this
cost must be reduced.

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Capital Reduction
• The first step toward minimizing spare parts
inventory is to reduce failures and the
corresponding necessity for maintenance
and spare parts
• Next, many facilities are implementing efforts
to increase shared parts and reduce unique
• In some cases, slight design alterations may
eliminate a unique spare and allow a
machine to share a component, such as a
bearing, that is already used on multiple

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Leading Indicators
• Leading indicators are task specific metrics that
respond more quickly than results metrics
• Selected to anticipate progress toward long-term
objectives that may not change quickly in response
to effort
– Examples: employee training should result in improvement.
Thus employee training is considered a leading indicator.
Initiating a program of precision shaft alignment may
require years to affect overall reliability measures such as,
MTBF, MTBR. In this case a leading indicator might be
individual MTBFs or MTBRs for specific equipment.
• Leading measures are also an early indication where
added improvements might be necessary

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Leading Indicators (Continued)
• Examples of leading indicators that are in
use for equipment management include:
– Schedule compliance
– MTBF/MTBR on specific equipment with
improvements implemented
– Percentage Preventive and Condition-based
Maintenance, percentage overdue
– Overtime hours worked
– Emergency work (Maximo Quick Reports)
– Warehouse stock turn, planning accuracy
– Percent failures subjected to RCFA
– Hours of training per employee

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Lagging Indicators

metrics that are
Good Good
achieved when
Result Indicators

Process Indicators
the leading-


activities are
Result indicators measure
final outputs from successfully
customer’s perspective
Good Good

Process indicators measure key

points within the process itself
which will predict/affect the
final result indicators

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• The probability that the item is successfully restored
after failure
• The probability of performing a successful repair
action within a given time
• The relative ease and economy of time and
resources with which an item can be retained in, or
restored to a specified condition when maintenance
is performed by personnel having specified skill
levels, using prescribed procedures and resources,
at each prescribed level of maintenance and repair

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

MTBF and MTTR Definitions
• Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
– The total number of equipment failures divided by
the total number of operating hours.
– This measure is related to equipment reliability.
Equipment with low MTBF may require further
assessment/redesign to increase this measure.
• Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
– The sum total of all repair times (from report of
failure to equipment operational) divided by the
total number of repair activities.
– Is a measure of how fast repairs can be
completed on a particular piece of equipment –
maintainability metric

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• MTTR = maintainability metric
• Sum total of repair times divided by total
number of repair activities
• Measures how efficient we are
• Critical equipment with high MTTR should be
– Better planning?
– Kitting / staging?
– Cycle time compression
– Others?

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MTBF and Failure Rate

MTBF = Failure Rate

With a MTBF of 11 months, the failure rate is
1/11 = .0909 failures/month

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MTBR Defined
• Mean Time Between Repair (MTBR)
– Average time interval between previous repair and
next failure incident.
– This is a measure of the actual time available for
equipment operation. Related to equipment

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• Can also be tracked and analyzed
– Corrective + Preventive tasks
– Aim is to increase MTBR through FMEA, task
analysis, interval analysis, leveraging PdM, etc.

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Report of
Timeline Failure

Equipment Equipment
Equipment Operating
Failure Failure



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MTBF Example
• A plant with 384 operating hours in a month
and 25 incidents of recordable downtime in
the logbook
– Has a reliability of .934
– And a failure rate of “x” failures per hour

• Fr = 25/384 =.065
• MTBF = 1/Fr = 15.36 hours

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

MTBF Example – Another Way
• A plant with 384 operating hours in a month
and 25 incidents of recordable downtime in
the logbook
• MTBF = 384/25 = 15.36 hours

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

MTTR Example
• A plant operating for 380 hours in a month:
– Has a total number of downtime incidents that =
12.50 hours within 5 occurrences

• Total Repair Time = 12.5 hours

• MTTR = 12.5 / 5 = 2.5 hours

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Availability Defined
• Accounts for both reliability and
• A percentage measure of the degree to which
machinery and equipment is in an operable
and committable state at the point in time
when it is needed

• A = (Scheduled time - delays)

Scheduled Time

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Availability and Reliability
• Availability is about how we use time
• Reliability is about the failure free interval
• They are not equal, unless there were no
downtime and no failures

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Equipment Life and Failure
“Common Sense and Intuition” tells us every type of
equipment has a specific life span.
– How does equipment fail?
– What impacts how long equipment will last?

Influenced by: Most think

How used and environment
– How long in service Is the killer!
– The duty cycle
– Effort to maintain good condition

Is this really true of all equipment?

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Equipment Life and Failure

Nolan and Heap’s RCM Report found two main types

of failure Modes:
1. Age-Related Failure Modes were found in
equipment subject to continuous STRESS throughout
their lives

2. Non Age-Related Failure Modes were linked to

equipment that received intermittent STRESS during
their lives

Lets look at each failure mode in detail as this information is

critical to providing safe, cost effective asset availability

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Equipment Failure
• The Age-Related Equipment Life Scenario
– When “New”, equipment is in “Best” Condition with highest
resistance to failing
– When “New”, equipment has maximum capability to
perform –well above minimum
– During operation equipment is subjected to STRESSES
– Over time, (cycles, miles, weeks, years) the stresses lower
the equipment ability to resist failure
– Performance deteriorates (due to fatigue, cracking, spalling,
erosion, corrosion, etc.) to a point of functional failure
where it can no longer perform
– We must repair or replace to maintain asset availability

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Equipment Failure
The Age-Related Failure Theory

Point of
“Functional Failure”

Useful Life

Constant Stresses cause decrease in performance

and over time, “Age-Related” failure.

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Equipment Failure
The Age-Related Failure Reality

Point of
“Functional Failure”

Useful Life

Varying Stresses cause decrease in performance

and over time, “Age-Related” Failure.

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Equipment Failure – Useful Life

Point of
“Functional Failure”

Useful Life

Knowing the “Useful Life” of equipment is very

important in providing Asset Availability. Why?

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Equipment Failure – Useful Life
• Most plants have multiple pieces of identical
equipment in operation and Useful Life is
statistically tracked.
Could we assume that a certain pump model has the same 22 month
useful life in any application?

A specific pump model with a 22 month Useful Life fails in position #1 of a

system and is replaced with an identical pump. Will the replacement have
a 22 month Useful Life?

Useful life can be expected to differ even under ideal conditions!
Research has shown that identical equipment used in theoretically the
same application will fail at different rates.

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Equipment Failure – Useful Life
Research has found
• Identical
Normal Distribution “Bell Curve”
components wear
and fail at different

• Failures due to
“wear-out” will
statistically group
about a mean
representative of a
Normal Standard Mean of Failures

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Useful Life
Describing useful life for multiple pieces of equipment:
• To understand the Useful Life of multiple pieces of
equipment, failure frequencies are plotted by time
periods (i.e., weeks, months) along the x axis of a
curve chart.

Redo Graphic!

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Useful Life
Normal Distribution Curve:
• Mean is center line of failure distribution
• Equal number of failures on either side of mean
• Percentages indicate what we would expect
• 68% of failures would occur within one Standard
Deviation of the mean 96%

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Useful Life
Example of failure rates for 112 pieces of “like”
– Assume that first 12 periods we have 1 failure each
– In the 13th period we start to see multiple failures
– The start of multiple failures indicates the end of
Useful Life and the beginning of the “Wear-out Zone”

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Average Life
Example of failure rates for 112 pieces of “like”
– The Wear-out Zone has six periods of Normal
Distribution failures
– The Average Life of the group can be calculated using
the concept of “Conditional Probability of Failure”

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Conditional Probability of Failure
Example of failure rates for 112 pieces of “like”
– Conditional Probability of Failure tells us the “Odds”
of surviving equipment failing during period
– The Odds of failing in any one period are
“Conditional” on the equipment making it to that
period without failing

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Example of failure rates for 112 pieces of “like”
• Period #10 – 1 failed, 103 survived
• 1/103 Odds, 1% Chance of Failure
• Period #16 - 34 failed, 50 survived
• 34/50 Odds, 68% Chance of Failure

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Example of failure rates for 112 pieces of “like”
– Average Life = Periods Survived/Total Equipment
– Also referred to as Mean Time Between Failure

1628 Periods Survived / 112 failures = 14.5 Periods

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Average Life Example
Example of failure rates for 112
pieces of “like” equipment:

• Entire 112 pieces lasted 18


• Saw failures each period

• Use Table to calculate the

number of periods survived
by the equipment that failed during
each period

• Example: At period 14 we had 14

that failed, so these 14 survived a
total of 198 periods (14 periods X 14

• The 112 pieces of equipment

Average Lifeof 1628
lasted a total 1628periods
Periods Survived / 112 failures = 14.5 Periods

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Example of failure rates for 112

pieces of “like” equipment:

Average Life = 14.5 Periods

MTBF = 14.5 Periods

Useful Life = 12 Periods

How can we make use of this

information when setting up our
maintenance strategy?

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Example of failure rates for 5
pieces of “like” equipment:
 Assume that we have the
failure date for 5 Electric
Motors as shown at right

What is the Average Life

(MTBF) of these Electric

What would be the Useful Life?

Average Life = 157
31.4 Months

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

MTBF Calculations

• MTBF = total number of equipment failures

divided by the total number of operating hours
• Can be used as comparison between like
• 1 / Fr
– If MTBF = 11 months, Failure Rate is 1/11 = .0909

A plant with 384 operating hours in a month and 25 incidents of
recordable downtime in the logbook has a reliability of .934.
Fr = 25/384 = .065
MTBF = 1/Fr = 15.36 hours

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Reliability Calculations Using MTBF

• Reliability at a certain point in time can be

 t
R(t )  e
• Example: Data indicates an equipment failure at
monthly intervals of 8, 13, 15, 11, 12, and 10.
– MTBF = 11.5 months
– Reliability at 4 months = 70%
– Reliability at 6 months = 59%
– Reliability at 8 months = 49%

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Failure Rates and MTBF

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Stress and Non-Age Related Failures
• Non age-related failure modes were linked to
equipment that received intermittent STRESS during
their lives

• Research has shown that most equipment failures

are not age-related!

• Failure Mode characteristics:

– Random failures
– Not associated with time
– Stress is variable and inconsistent

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Stress and Non-Age Related Failures
• Non age-related failure modes were linked to
equipment that received intermittent STRESS during
their lives

• Failures Associated with:

– Operational Errors – High Stress
– External Damage
– Forced Deterioration situations
– Incorrect Manufacturing or Assembly

• Examples:
– High Voltage Transformer
– Bearings

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Non-Age Related Failure

A. Sudden Failure

• High Peak Stress

resistance to stress
and equipment
fails immediately!

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Non-Age Related Failure

B. Stress-Induced Weakening
• High stress
resistance to failure
• This type of stress
makes equipment
weaker and weaker

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Non-Age Related Failure

C. Temporary Stress Impact

• High stress weakens
but impact is
• Equipment “Healing”
takes place and
original level of stress
resistance is regained
• Typical of equipment
with thermoplastic
materials (harden -
soften with

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Non-Age Related Failure

D. Stress Resistance to Stress Decreases

• High stress weakens

and resistance to
stress keeps
• Typical of equipment
assembled with
damaged parts or
equipment not stored

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Non-Age Related Failure
Conditional Probability of Failure tells us the “Odds” of surviving
equipment failing during period:

• Non Age-Related equipment failure is NOT related to Time or Age

• Conditional Probability of Failure is the same from period to period
• The Odds of failing in any one period are “Conditionally the same”
for all periods

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Infant Mortality
• Infant Mortality – Equipment that fails shortly after
installation, overhaul or servicing

• Contrary to equipment
having the highest
resistance to failure
when new!
• Most Common form of
equipment failure in
• What are the causes?

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Classic Failure Modes
• 1960’s United Airlines Stanley Nolan and Howard Heep
documented six failure mode curves
• Graph vertical axis = Conditional Probability of Failure
• Graph horizontal axis = Operating age since new, overhaul or

Age- Related Non Age-Related

Bathtub Low Conditional
Conditional Wear
with Wear-out Zone Constant
Conditional Wear

Increasing High Infant Mortality
Conditional Wear
with No Wear-out

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Recent Studies Have Shown most failures are Non Age-
Related (71- 89%)

Age vs Non Age-Related #1

Failure Equipment Killer

High Infant


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Overall Equipment Effectiveness


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OEE Components

• Availability – the percentage of time that our

equipment is available for production
• Performance Rate – the percentage of
design operating rate (speed) that our
equipment is performing at
• Quality Rate – the percentage of good
product produced in the given time frame
when compared to raw material inputs

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OEE Example

• World Class Level of Performance is

Considered to be 85%

• This value is based on a 90% Availability,

95% Efficiency and 99% Quality

• .90 X .95 X .99 = .846 = 85%

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OEE Visual Illustration







• OEE = A X P X Q
•OEE Exposes the Six Big Production Losses
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The Six Big Losses (1,2,3)

Six Big Loss Category OEE Loss Event Examples

Tooling Failures

Availability Unplanned Maintenance

Loss General Breakdowns
Equipment Failure
Material Shortages
Setup and Adjustments Operator Shortages
Loss Major Adjustments
Warm-Up Time
Obstructed Product Flow
Component Jams
Small Stops Rate Loss Sensor Blocked
Delivery Blocked

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The Six Big Losses (4,5,6)
Six Big Loss Category OEE Loss Event Examples
Rough Running
Under Nameplate Capacity

Reduced Speed Speed Loss Under Design Capacity

Equipment Wear
Operator Inefficiency

Startup Rejects Quality Loss In-Process Damage

In-Process Expiration
Incorrect Assembly

Production Rejects Quality Loss In-Process Damage

In-Process Expiration
Incorrect Assembly

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Overall Equipment Derivations

Classic Measure:
• OEE = A X P X Q

Alternate Measure:
• OEE = U X P X Q

Copyright 2009 GPAllied©

Maintenance Benchmarks:
• Reliability, and Planning and Scheduling:
– OEE >80%
– Process availability 90 – 95%
– Equipment capacity wasted <1%
– Backlog
• Ready 2 to 4 weeks
• Total 4 to 6 weeks
– Scheduled compliance (act. sch. hrs. complete / total available hrs) 70 – 90%
– PM schedule compliance >95%
– Overdue work orders (work order discipline) <5 – 10%
– Percent of work planned (planned / total mtce) 90 – 97%
– Planned and scheduled mtce as % hours worked 85 – 95%
– PPM routines / corrective WO (actions) 6:1 (without RCM)
– On-the-job wrench time >55%
– Percent supervisor time at job site >65%
– Work orders reworked / total work orders approx. 0%

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Maintenance Benchmarks:
• Reliability, and Planning and Scheduling (continued):
– Hourly maintenance workers as a percent of total workforce 15%
– Technician / craft time (based on labor hours)
• PM and PdM percent >30%
• PdM / total mtce hours available approx. 50% (Penn State, 1999)
• Unscheduled percent <10%
• Emergency percent <2%
– Percent of crew consumed by
• Urgent response 10%
• PPM Inspection 15%
• Relief of planned backlog 75%
– Mechanics per
• First line supervisor 8 to 15
• Planner 20 to 30
• Clerk (administrator) 20 to 50
• Storeroom attendant 25 to 40
• Support person (composite of multiple roles) 5

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Maintenance Benchmarks:

• Reliability, and Planning and Scheduling

– Response to urgent requests

>96% w/in 15 minutes

– Satisfaction surveys response favorable

target >98%
– Recent repair jobs requiring crew return


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Maintenance Benchmarks:
– Stores service (average) 95 to 98%
– Materials delivered to job site Above 50 – 65%
– Stores turns per year 2 to 5 turns
– On time delivery (from vendors) >98%
– Material and part performance (right first time) >98%
– Storeroom value / equipment replacement value<0.5 –
– Stores reimbursement as percent of total maintenance
materials 50%
– Contractor cost / total maintenance cost 35 – 64%

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Maintenance Benchmarks:
• Cost:
– Maintenance cost to
• Sales dollars <3 – 6% in mfg
• Units or volume Manage trend
• Total manufacturing cost <10 – 15%; typ.12 to 14%
• Total asset value (gross) Variable, typ 6-7%
• Total asset value (net) Variable, typ 11-12%
• Equipment replacement cost Approx 2%
– Overtime <5%
– Absenteeism <3%
– On-the-job wrench time >55%
– Training (for at least 90% of workers) >40 hrs/yr
– Spending on worker training approx. 4% of payroll

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End of Subject
• Questions
• Comments

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