Etech Module 1

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Empowerment Technologies

 the process of giving yourself or other
people, the capacity to achieve a specific
 to give power to something or
someone, to promote the self

 Key words: power, process, specific end-goal

• the application of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes, especially in industry.
• Advances in computer technology
• machinery and equipment developed from
the application of scientific knowledge
What is
Empowerment Technologies
• Refers to computer technology that
we use almost everyday, which
enables us to do tasks to achieve
specific end goal
Example No. 1
A fifteen year old owner of a bakeshop
wanted to sell her cookies online. Knowing
that web development is a complex
subject, she checked online for a free
website creation tool. She found WiX and
she was able to put up her own website in
just an hour.


• The student council wanted to create a
video for their upcoming fundraising
project .
• When they asked help from videographers,
they were surprised at the cost given to
them. So, the council decided to find a
video creation tool online.
• They tried Powtoon and was able to
produce multimedia video in a day.


Each individual is able to solve his or her
problem with less cost, less time, and
less effort
With the use of Computer Technology
ICT and Its Current State
• Explain the importance of ICT and how it affects our
everyday lives.
• Compare and contrast the difference between Web
1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 using a chart.
What is ICT?
Information and Communications Technology

Used to describe a wide range of technological

media, not just computers, and it includes:
- the internet
- mobiles phones
- programmable toys
- digital cameras
• Deals with the use of different
communication technologies

• To locate, save, send and edit

Empowerment through ICT
-44th president of the
United States
- first African American
to serve in the office.
Social Media Platforms

Obama’s social media campaign considered as “the

legacy of one of the most effective Internet
marketing plans in history
ICT context…
• Empowerment requires being
information literate and technology
Information literacy
Information literacy is a crucial skill in
the pursuit of knowledge. It involves
recognizing when information is needed
and being able to efficiently locate,
accurately evaluate, effectively use, and
clearly communicate information in
various formats.
In 2000
Information Literacy Competency for
Higher Education enumerated the
competencies for information literacy:
1. Determines the
nature and extent of
information needed

2. Uses information
effectively to
accomplish a
specific purpose
3. Accesses the needed
information effectively
and efficiently

4. Understands many of the

economic, legal, and social issues
surrounding the use of
information, and accesses and uses
information ethically and legally
5. Evaluates information and its
sources critically and incorporates
selected information into his or
her knowledge base and value
In 2002
The International ICT Literacy Panel defined:

Technology literacy
as the ability to use digital technology,
communication tools, and/or networks define
an information need, access, manage, integrate
and evaluate information, create new
information or knowledge and be able to
communicate this information to others.
Why do you think two literacies
must be linked?
• Both forms of literacy are essential for individuals to function and succeed
in today’s society; they are distinct but inter-related. In an increasingly
technological society, the means of authoring, information finding and
organization and research, and even information use are increasingly
mediated by information technology. And information technology shapes
the channels of publication, access and dissemination of information; the
influence, and the intrinsic nature of digital documents, raise new issues
in the activities and practices of analysis, assessment, evaluation and
criticism. And much of today’s information technology and supporting
infrastructure is intended to enable communication, information finding,
information access and information delivery. Teaching of the two sets of
literacy skills thus need to be closely coordinated.
ICT and Society
• Several studies conducted in different
countries of the world have pointed out
the importance of ICT in four major
aspects of life
a. communication
b. economics
c. education
d. travel
• Source of learning, teaching,
and research materials
• Online learning communities
• Recording and computation
of grades
• Managing records and other
administrative purposes
• Online marketing
• Convenient business
• Online payment
• Social networking
• Instant messaging
and video calls
• Forums and webinars
• Online booking and
• Online tracking
Demand in the workplace have also changed

Harvard Business Review (2012)

Top Three (3) requirements for

applications today are:
(1) ICT Skills
(2) Communication skills
(3) Analytical Skills
ICT in the Philippines
Philippines dubbed as ”ICT HUB of Asia” by
several international companies

- Huge growth of ICT-related jobs around the

- 106.8 cellphones per 100 Filipinos in the
year 2012 (2013 Edition of Measuring the
Information Society by the International
Telecommunication Union)
• Annual survey of Philippine Business
and Industries,NSO, in 2010, the ICT
industry shares 19.3% of the total
employment population here in the
• Time Magazine’s
• “The Selfiest Cities around the World”
of 2013 places two cities from the
Philippines in the top 1 and top 10
• Instagram
ICT Today
World Wide Web

• Is a system that enables you to access hypertext

documents and other files over the internet.
• Proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989
• Database and interface will be implemented to
associate links in readable documents
A Peek in the Past
World Wide Web
 The World Wide Web, commonly referred to as WWW, W3,
or simply the Web is an interconnected system of public
webpages accessible through the Internet. It was invented
Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
 Web pages are what make up the world wide web and it
can either be static or dynamic.
Static Vs. Dynamic
- called a flat page/stationary page
- As is and cannot be manipulated by the user
- is a web page that is delivered to the user exactly as
• Allows the user to interact
• Instead of reading, the user may be able to comment
or create a user acount
• Web pages that are affected by user input or
Web 1.0


Makes a Reads the

According to the inventor of the world wide web, Tim Berner Lee, web
1.0 is “Read only web” which means the user can only read whatever
online content the creator has made.
Web 1.0
• Known as the Read-Only Web.
• Information of hypertext file is accessed by the user
• There were no other facilities to interact with it
other than to read or view the content.
Web 2.0
Makes a Reads the


Creator reads
USER GENERATED User reacts to


Web 2.0 is “Read-Write”, which refers for the ability of the user to add
content thru posting, sharing, commenting or rating. Web 2.0 allows
interaction not only in between the user and the creator but also to other
users. Examples are sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter andReddit.
Web 2.0
• Known as the Read-and-Write Web
• Dynamic Website (The content of the website changes)
• Interactive (The user may be able to comment or create user account)
• It started with the need to interact with web pages.
• enables an increased user participation in the web
• Enabled users or viewers to edit the content of the files they were
• In this period, blogging sites started to gain popularity.
Features of Web 2.0
• The features of Web 2.0 include:
- Folksonomy
- Rich user experience
- User participation
- Long tail
- Software as a service
- Mass participation
1. Folksonomy
- allows users to categorize and classify/ arrange
information using freely chosen keywords. (ex. tagging)
- popular social networking sites that uses tags that
stars with the pound sign(#).
- This is also referred to as hashtag.
-Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
2. Rich user Experience
 content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input.
 An example would be a website that shows local content. In the
case of social networking sites, when logged on, your account is
used to modify what you see in their website.
3. User Participation
- the owner of the website is not the only one who is able to
put content.
- Others are able to place a content of their own by means of
comments, reviews, and evaluation.
• -some website s allow
readers to comment on an
article, participate in a poll,
or review a specific product.
4. Long tail
– Services that are offered on
– rather than on a one-time
purchase. In certain cases,
time-based pricing is better
than file size based pricing
or vice versa
• This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan
that changes you for the amount of time you spent
in the internet, or a data plan that charges you for
the amount of bandwidth you used.
5. Software as a Service
- users will subscribe to a
software only when needed
rather than purchasing them.
- cheaper option if you do
not always need to use a
6. Mass participation
- diverse information
sharing through universal
web access.
Web 3.0
• Semantic Executing Web or Web Data
• Extension of Web 2.0
• Still in its development stage
• A version that would enable a wider range of search in a
fast manner (keywords in your search)
When you search for the best restaurant to visit in a
specific area
• First, it may look for your previous visits from other
restaurant and if you have rated them whether good or
• In return, Web 3.0 will search for restaurants that have
a similar menu, good rating, and budget that fit your
preferences in the past.
Web 3.0
Request suggestion Scans the internet
for a restaurant based on various data


Gives the response ENABLED Filters the internet for the most
Relevant response

Web 3.0 is a concept of how the web will evolve. The keyword for Web
3.0 is “Executable”, which refers to the capability of accepting a request
from the user will execute a solution or suggestion considering the
behavioral data the user.
What I Can Do
Differentiate Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 in your own words.

WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 WEB 3.0

Lesson 2
1. Convergence
2. Social media
3. Mobile technologies
4. Assistive Media
1. Convergence
• Technological Convergence
• Technological advancements to work on
similar goal or task
• Using several technologies to accomplish a
task conveniently

Besides using Personal Computer to create word documents, you can now use
2. Social Media
• Is a website, application, or online
channel that enables web users to
create, co-create, discuss, modify and
exchange user-generated content.
According to Nielsen
- Global information and measurement
- Internet users spend more time in
social media sites that other type of
- Advertisers use social media to
promote product
6 Types of Social Media
a. Social Networks
b. Bookmarking Sites
c. Social News
d. Media Sharing
e. Microblogging
f. Blogs and Forums
A. Social Network
- allows you to connect
with other people with
the same interests or
- User creates his or her
account, can set up a
profile, add people,
create groups, and share
- Facebook and google +
B. Bookmarking Site

- Allows you to store

and manage links to
various websites
and resources.
C. Social News
• Allows user to post
their own news
items or links to
other news source
• Users can also
comment on post
and comments
may also be ranked
D. Media Sharing
• Allows you to upload
and share media
content like images,
music, and video.
• Most of this sites have
additional social
features like liking,
commenting, and
having user profile
• Youtube, Instagram,
E. Microblogging
• Focus on short
updates from the
• Those who subscribe
to the user will get
an update.

• Twitter and Plurk

F. Blogs and Forums
• Websites allows user to post their
• Other users able to comment on the
said topic.

• Blogger, Tumblr, Wordpress

3. Mobile Technologies
-popularity of smartphones and tablets
- Capable of using high-speed internet.
- 4G networking (LTE) fastest mobile
Different types of mobile operating systems:

 iOS
 Android
 Blackberry OS
 Windows Phone OS
 Symbian
 WebOS
 WebOS
iOS - used in apple
devices such as the
iPhone and iPad. An
operating system used
for mobile devices
manufactured by Apple
An open source operating
system developed by
Being open source means
several mobile phone
companies use this
Operating system for free
(smartphones and tablet
 Windows Phone OS – a closed source
and proprietary operating system
developed by Microsoft
 Windows Mobile – developed by
Microsoft for smartphones and pocket
Assistive Media
-non profit service designed to help
people who have visual and reading
- A database of audio recording is used
to read to the user
Exploration 1.1
Identifying the Correct Web Platform for
Social Change

1. Identify a problem in your community (e.g.

littering, garbage disposal, blocked
drainages, etc.
2. Imagine that you are going to create a
website to pursuade both community
leaders and members to solve this problem.
Community Problem:____________
Vicinity: ______________
Campaign Name: _________________
Type of Social Media Used:
Website Used:

What will be the content of your social media site?


Why did you choose that type of social media?


Why did you choose that website?

Exploration 1.2
Situation Analysis.
Read the following news item online.
Identify the following:
a) the challenge or problem
b) technology used to address the
c) how the technology empowered the
individuals involved

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