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Class Rules

• Be prepared for class

• Be quiet when the teacher is talking.
• Respect and listen to the teacher.
• Respect and listen to your classmates
• Raised your hand to speak.
• Ask questions.
requires a lot of wit and confidence.
Lesson Ojectives
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. Identify the features of an impromptu speech,

2. Develop topics appropriate to an impromptu speech,
3. share a personal disposition on current issues by
delivering an impromptu speech.
How do you find the video?
Did the speaker spoke with confidence?
What do you think we need to do in order for
us to deliver such kind of speech effectively?
What various strategies did the speaker employ to
deliver his/her message?
How can we say that a message or a speech has been delivered
There are times when we are asked to say
few words about a topic we have no intention of
speaking about. Has this ever happened to you?
Impromptu speeches

• when you are asked to speak on the spot.

• when you do not know ahead of time that you will be

speaking before a group.
Impromptu speeches

• are speeches that are delivered without

• notes or a plan, and without any formal preparation
– they are very
• spontaneously delivered.

• Meetings where you give your opinions or

• Ambush interviews where journalist ask
you questions
• Class recitations
• Q & A portion during beauty pageants
What is your favorite?
Do not panic. Just relax.
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

• Content
Present a definite point of view in your speech

opening sentence should be an attention-getter

State a firm, clear, specific standpoint or position.

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

I just canot agree with the motion to postpone the classes.
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

Support your point of view with reason and logic

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

Present at least some specific data. Cite quoatations,

statistics, examples to support your position.
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

Link your speech to what previous speaker have said.

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

2. Organization
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

2. Organization
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

Past, present and future

Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

- after a brieft attention getter and statement of your subject
or point of view begin with a brief consideration of past
events related to your subject.
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

- state the present condition of your subjcct how things are
at the present.
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

- future and present posibilities relevance of your topic in
the future.
Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
(Fletcher and Crochieve)

- future and present possibilities relevance of your topic in
the future.
Basic format:
I. Introduction
a. Attention getter
b. Preview
II. Discussion
a. Main points
b. Logical Arrangement
c. Supporting Data
III. Conclusion
a. Review
b. Memorable statement
How to deliver impromptu speech effectively?
• Speak with confidence.

2. Maintain eye contact with you audience

3. Avoid saying fillers such as :...ahhh, hmmm.. well you know....

Fillers may drag your performance.

4. Maintain good posture.

5. Speak loud enough to be heard easily..

6. Gesture effectively.

7. Appear to enjoy speaking.

8. Speak with enthusiasm.

9. Hide your blunders

10. Properly sit down when you are done.
Advantages of an impromptu speech?

• You can present your ideas, make appeals, or disseminate information at a

time most appropriate or most needed by your listeners. What you can say
may have great value ad impact.

2. It can improve your image.

Disadvantages of an impromptu speech?

• It is easy for you to perform poorly. Since you have no time to prepare, this
often results to rambling, wandering and wasting your time and your audience
time as well.
Disadvantages of an impromptu speech?

It makes anyone nervous.

Remember, time management is
important in impromptu speechers.
1. When you are called, keep composed. Walk slowly to the
lectern or the center stage.
2. Shake hands with the one who introduced you.
3. As you stand to deliver, establish eye contact, and begin
right away with your opening statements. Part of your opening
is greeting your
4. From your initial idea to the next, use appropriate
transitional devices.
5. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
6. Observe time limit. Remember, you barely have five minutes
1. When you are called, keep composed. Walk slowly to the
lectern or the center stage.
2. Shake hands with the one who introduced you.
3. As you stand to deliver, establish eye contact, and begin
right away with your opening statements. Part of your opening
is greeting your
4. From your initial idea to the next, use appropriate
transitional devices.
5. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
6. Observe time limit. Remember, you barely have five minutes
1. Say thank you.
2. Return to your place comfortably.
PREP stands for Point, Reason, Example,
Identifying whether the statement is True or False.
1. If you find the topic uninteresting, you say, “I don’t think the topic is
stimulating enough. I don’t like to say
something about it.”
2. Impromptu speaking challenges the speaker’s ability to organize ideas and
deliver effectively in a very short period.
3. In an impromptu speech, there is no need for nonverbal cues.
4. There are strategies that can help in verbalizing thoughts.
5. In impromptu speaking, your audiences don’t care about your transitions

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