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EQuIP Emotional Quality Individual Program

Newspaper In Education from The New Indian Express Group

Sponsoring newspaper About Us The New Indian Express Group, publishers of leading newspapers in English, Tamil and Kannada, magazines in Tamil and Malayalam from 19 printing centres across the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Orissa was founded by the Late Ramnath Goenka in 1932. The Publications include the newspapers The New Indian Express (English), The New Sunday Express (English) Dinamani (Tamil) and Kannada Prabha (Kannada) and the magazines Cinema Express, Tamilan Express and Samakalika Malayalam Vaarika. Youth readership is very important for us, and we have special supplements with The New Indian Express for them: School Magazine for School students, Youth Express and Education Express for college students.

Contact Address Mr. K.C. Venugopal, General Manager (Sales), Phone: - 91 44 23457518 The New Indian Express Express Buildings, No. 83, Second Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai 600 058 Phone: - 91 44 23457601


The New Indian Express - 2,55,167 (English Daily) Dinamani - 1,30,859 (Tamil Language Daily) - 84,119 (Kannada Language Daily)

Kannada Prabha

Concept Development: -

The New Indian Express group formulated the EQUIP program in line with the concept of Newspaper in Education to enhance newspaper readership habits among the young audience in the age group of 10 to 17. Emotional Quality Individual Programme (EQuIP) is designed to the develop the outlook skills and the knowledge base of the students. Students were invited to join this program by becoming a subscriber of the newspaper. The newspaper was given to them at a special discounted price. All the participants in the program were also given free training program.

Goals of The program EquIP5 - to the power five is an innovative program designed by The Express Group to help the students to develop into better individuals, in association with schools, teachers and parents. The EQuIP Program is designed to i) Help teachers in classroom activities ii) Build readership and reading skills among children iii) Improve Skills iv) Build community goodwill v) Build circulation

Help teachers in classroom activities: The goal of the EQuIP program is to use the newspaper as a tool in teaching the subject matter. EQuIP is not intended to simply teach about the newspaper but as a program that will help teachers learn to develop their own activities using the newspaper to teach in the classroom. The positive benefits of EQuIP is to help improve local education. By placing newspaper in the classroom we are giving teachers the opportunity to use the most up-to date textbook available on the market.

Build readership and reading skills: Building readership through the NIE program is a natural fallout of sending newspapers to the school. The newspaper is supplied to the students at a discounted price and is delivered at the school. Children who have newspapers available in the classroom often go home and request that parents and other adults have newspapers in the home environment. Thus there is a continuing learning process among the students.

Improve Skills: Several studies have shown that children/adults who regularly read a newspaper demonstrate significant gains in all around skills. Students who regularly read newspaper are in better touch with the happenings of the world. This widens their outlook to the world and helps them to focus and improve upon their skills.

Build community goodwill: Newspaper is more than news. It features articles that tell students of interesting people and activities in the community. Advice columns may provide information of value. The community appreciates those who show an interest in the education, health and safety of their children. EQuIP helps children in all these areas. We frequently conduct seminars and meets for students to express themselves.

Build circulation: A quality NIE program can add significant numbers to circulation data, which has been well demonstrated by the success of our EQuIP program.

Measuring success of the program


The success of the program will be measured by the number of students who participate in the program.

ii) The Number of schools that participated in the program. iii) The growth in circulation of newspaper from this specific program. iv) Feedback obtained from community leaders. v) Feedback obtained from students, teachers and parents.

Target Audience

Students in the age group of 10 17 studying in the various schools of the states of Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh abd Orissa

Marketing 1. The concept of Newspaper in Education is promoted in partnership with various schools directly to the students. 2. A marketing executive is specifically appointed for this purpose whose role is to go and meet teachers, students and parents and educate them about the program and explain the benefits of the same. 3. Brochures are prepared explaining in detail about the project. 4. The students are given the newspaper at a subsidized price. 5. The newspaper is delivered directly to the schools.

EQuIP Program for the year 2005 to 2006

EQuIP Program divides students in to two groups, one is for addressed to students in class V to class VIII and another for students in class IX to class XII.
The following aspects are covered for the students i) ii) Attitudinal training Personality training

iii) Goal setting iv) Communication skills v) Memory Development

vi) Leadership skill For students in class IX to XII in addition to the above the following modules are also handled i) ii) Career Guidance Group discussion

iii) How to face an interview

EQuIP Program for the year 2006 to 2007

The Program aims to develop the following five quotients


Intelligence Quotient

ii) Behavior Quotient iii) Communication Quotient iv) Desire Quotient v) Knowledge Quotient

EQuIP5 EQuIP5 is a unique program designed keeping in mind some of the traits that a child will have to develop to achieve his/her dreams. After a considerable study of the various successful people we have identified five must have traits to be successful in life. The program aims to develop these five most important quotients of, Behavior, Communication, Desire, Knowledge and Intelligence. The program has been designed at two levels to suit the requirements of different age groups. Group A is for students in Class V to VIII and Group B for Class IX to XII. Students in Class V to VIII will have 9 sessions while students in Class IX to XII will have twelve sessions.

Intelligence quotient

Intelligence is an entity's conscious perceptual awareness of itself and its surrounding and the depth of capacity to personally use that information. Intelligence is the conceptual creation of memory, sensorial perception and logic functioning in harmony. The intelligence quotient is measured as the ratio of mental age to chronological age. People with higher IQ tend to be more successful. We offer a module, which enhances IQ, of the child. The module contains Reasoning Skills Memory Development

Behavior Quotient Behaviors are actions or reactions of a person in response to external or internal stimuli. It also includes posture, etiquette, decorum and the mix of interpersonal skills. The ability to control emotions or behavior in a social situation, to participate and relate with his or her family is an important skill. Intra-personal Strengths and the ability to express feelings toward others, to give and accept affection from others help in developing the future of a child. The module contains Personality development Leadership Skills

Communication Quotient

Effective communication is essential for success. In a typical life you may communicate with different kinds of people who may be your friends, parents, teachers, co-workers, customers or unknown people. Each form of communication draws on different skills, each requires different approaches and sometimes even a different lexicon. The module contains

Oral communication

Body language

Desire quotient Desire is the key to motivation, and contributes to the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence that will enable the child to attain the success he/she seeks. The Desire Quotient (DQ) includes passion, commitment, and self-discipline. Our module will help the child to improve their strengths and make weakness irrelevant by building an effective Desire Quotient. The module contains

Attitudinal training

Goal setting

Career guidance

Knowledge Quotient Knowledge can be developed by ones ability to learn fast, pay attention, recognize, imagine, and keep up-to-date about happenings in the environment. Intelligence is what is borne out of a good and healthy mix of knowledge, common sense, logic, inference and empathy. The module contains Vedic Maths/Speed Mathematics and interview techniques Group Discussion


One of the highlights of the program is that the student will have to undergo a project in each of the modules that will be taught. We believe learning is a process of active engagement with experience. The projects at the end of each module will provide the student with practical application of knowledge, deeper learning of subject matter; increased self-direction and motivation; improved research and problem-solving skills. Students will also be given an opportunity to contribute their articles in our supplement Student Express.

Project on Behavior Quotient

Look through THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS and cut out words that describe you. Paste them on a silhouette of yourself. How are the words you chose like those of other students in the class? How are they different?

Method: 1.The student will have to read through the newspaper and identify words that describe him. 2.He will have to cut those words and stick them on a silhouette of himself, refer page 2.

BENEFITS : 1. This activity will help a child to make analysis of self. 2. Helps to identify positive and negative characteristics he/she has. 3. Motivates to develop more positive characters. 4. Helps to understand about qualities/characteristics of friends.

Project on Communication Quotient

The student will have to pick up 25 words from the news paper and find the synonyms and antonyms for the same.

METHOD:1.The student will have to take up a word from the newspaper and find meaning of it. 2.He/she should find the synonyms for the same. 3.He/she should find the antonyms for the same.

BENEFITS:1.This exercise will increase the vocabulary of the student. 2.Helps to identify other words which have similar meaning, which can be used in different scenario. 3.Helps to know words that have opposite meaning to the word chosen.

Sample project

Reiterate: - To say or do again repeatedly


Come again, ditto, double-check, echo, ingeminate, iterate, play back, recap, recapitulate, recheck, rehash, renew, repeat, reprise, restate, retell, say again, mirror, recall, reproduce, resemble, resound, respond, affirm, assert, copy, imitate, mime, quote, persist, do again Antonym abjure, abnegate, ban, begrudge, call on, contradict, contravene, controvert, curb, decline, disallow, disavow, disbelieve, discard, disclaim, discredit, disown, disprove, doubt, enjoin from, eschew, exclude, forbid, forgo, forsake, gainsay, hold back, keep back, negate.

3. Project on Knowledge Quotient

Create a bulletin board called Whos Who. Cut pictures and stories about people from your newspaper and create a bulletin board.

Method: 1.The student will have to chose 25 famous personalities on whom newspaper has carried an article within a week. 2.He/She will have to give a brief of the personality chosen, 4 per page.

Benefits: 1. Helps the child to keep updated about famous personalities and latest events. 2. Helps to identify role model whom the child will want to emulate in future.

4. Project on Intelligence quotient

Select a social problem to study for a period of time. Collect stories from the newspaper about the issue including news articles, advertisements, editorials,etc. How do you think the issue should be resolved? Write an editorial supporting your point of view.

Method: 1.The student will have to select a social problem for study. 2.He/She will have to collect to articles from the newspaper on the topic chosen. 3.He/She should suggest a solution for the problem chosen Benefits: 1. Better awareness about social happenings. 2. Creates a problem solving mentality in the child

Sample Project

The student has taken the topic of adulteration of food articles. He has collected the various editorial that have appeared in the newspaper and attempted to provide a solution for the same

Food article is termed as adulterated if its nature and quality are below the prescribed standard. These foods are harmful for our health. It is the right of every individual to have access to quality food. Each and every product sold has to meet the standard requirements as specified by the government. If we find any food product that does not meet standard requirements than we should report the same to the concerned authorities so that others will not suffer and the guilty will be punished.

According to law, consumer has every right to seize sample from any food trader after due information and the product can be tested in a public health laboratory for a fee. If the sample is sub standard he can approach the authorities to take suitable action against the defaulters. If food adulteration is to be prevented we should be more aware about the quality, standard of food and the measurement techniques. The government should also set up more public health laboratory at prominent places so that people can go and check as to if the products they buy conform to the standards as set by the government.]

Project on Career Guidance

Which of the jobs you find in the career supplement or main paper would you like to chose? What skills or education would you need to obtain each of those jobs? What are the skills you currently possess and how would you equip yourself.

The student wants to become entrepreneur or a manager in a leading organization. The student has listed below the various skills required for the same, skills he has and how he plans to develop other skills.

How do I plan to develop myself

I plan to develop my communication skills by reading the newspaper daily early in the morning. I will read autobiographies and books about successful people and try to emulate them.

I plan to take up a part time job during my summer holidays. This will give me a better understanding and first hand knowledge as to how the business world functions.

Method 1.The student will have to read the main newspaper and the career supplement and chose a career that he plans to take up in life. He can chose to be a Software Professional/Engineer/Sportsman/Musician etc... 2. He will have to identify the professional qualifications and skills required to excel in his choice of career. 3. He should analyze as to what skills he currently has and skills that he has to develop. 4. He should also state as to how he plans to further equip himself

Benefits Helps the student to plan his career objective at a young age and equip himself with the necessary skills for the same.

Personal Attributes Required

High IQ ; analytical mind ; imagination ; creativity ; ability to crisply grasp changing information ; foresight regarding the implications and consequences of considered action ; technical competence ; business acumen ; entrepreneurial flair; capacity for risk taking ; decision making ability ; high achievement orientation ; ambition ; physical and mental agility ; self confidence ; leadership qualities; interpersonal skills ; communication skills ; ability to articulate ideas ; spirit of team work ; sociability ; tact ; patience and perseverance ; flexibility ; courage ; moral integrity ; resilience ; emotional stability.

Modus Operandi An MOU will be signed between the school and Express Group for a period of one academic year. The Express group shall send training experts to these schools and they shall conduct training programs for the students on the various traits. Calendar of training shall chalked out in consultation with the school. The program shall be conducted in the school premises. At the end of the program students will be given a certificate of participation

Evaluation and results : The program was a huge success. The program received good acceptance among students, teachers and parents.

The EQuIP program successfully achieved the goals that it was set for.

No of students who participated in this program

2006 52,180 2005 25,250 2004 7,000

No Of schools who participated in this program

2006 1148 2005 532 2004 178

Growth In Circulation

Thru this program our circulation has grown by

52,180 copies in 2006 25,250 copies in 2005 7,000 copies in 2004

Sigarathai Velvom Sigarathai Velvom (Let is conquer the Peak), Akshara Prabha are programs that are conducted every year to build confidence measures among students who are about to finish their schooling. The Program has been well received by teachers and Parents. The various programs conducted periodically have built a good will for the newspaper among the general public.

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