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How we make decisions?
Consciously vs Unconsciously

New coke failure was explained in 2004 in Emory University.

The neural response in form of activation in regions associated with emotion, memory and thinking
leading to unconscious processing.
Proves how marketing influences our emotions and decisions without our awareness
Amazon- 1/10 Second faster website
Why reviews matter?

Social Influence
Emerging field in marketing which benefits from knowledge of working of human brain.
Using neuromarketing we can determine whether a product activates regions associated with pleasure, reward, familiarity
Measurement of physiological or neural signals to gain insights into customer motivations, preferences of decision-making
Why Neuromarketing is so important?
95% decision made unconsciously
We cannot take decisions without emotions- Limbic system- Emotional brain
95% new products fail
Customers don’t know what they want

How does it work?

It uses brain imaging techniques like fMRI to examine brains response to various marketing cues in form of products, advertisements. Tracks blood
flow in the brain and identify regions with high activity.
EEG (Electroencephalography) which measures electrical fields generated by neurons on the scalp’s surface by placing specialized electrodes on the
brain. Measure engagement or recall to improve branding
EOG- Electrooculography to track eye movements
EMG- Electromyography to track muscle movements
Facial Coding
Voice Analysis
Skin Conductance Test (Heart rate; BP; Electricity flow between fingers) (Till here)
Understanding Neuromarketing
Customers don’t know how to express what they want
How consumers respond to a stimulus?
Physiological changes

Neocortex or New Brain- Rational Self
Middle Brain- Emotional self
Reptilian Brain- Instinctual Self

Reptilian brain maintains the body and

provide basic survival motivations.
Reptilian Brain has a greater influence on our
decision-making in 95% of the cases.
What is your name?
Reptilian Brain

Math calculation?
New Brain


Easy to fool the reptilian brain

Who wins?
What stimulates reptilian brain?

Anthropomorphism targets the reptilian brain
What stimulates reptilian brain?

(Mumbai Local)

Tangibility (Difficult to understand words)

What stimulates reptilian brain?

Beginning and End


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