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Digestive system Case


Presented by:
Ian Benedict P. Oriola
Angel Jely Ann C. Macalisang
Chloe Lorence Shane Casimiro
Pei, a twenty-six year old Asian graduate student in computer science, had been
experiencing occasional discomfort after meals. The discomfort reached a new peak
last Thursday evening about an hour after eating a cheeseburger and a large
chocolate milk shake. Pei spent much of that night in pain. She had abdominal
cramps and diarrhea and also felt sick to her stomach so Pei went to ER.
You ask Pei a number of questions and note that Pei's discomfort seemed to be
associated with dining out (her favorite fast food meal is a double cheese burger
and a chocolate shake.) Pei tells you that on most evenings she cooks for herself,
usually preparing traditional Asian cuisine, and that she seldom experiences any
discomfort after eating at home. You ask if she uses very much milk or cheese when
preparing meals at home, and she tells you that she rarely uses milk products while
cooking at home.
Diagnosis: Lactose
Question for Understanding
1. What is lactose intolerance?
• Lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder where the body lacks the ability to digest lactose, a
sugar found only in dairy products.

What is it caused by?

• Lactose intolerance is usually caused by your body not producing enough enzyme in the small
intestine called lactase.

How is it diagnosed?
• The usual symptoms of being lactose intolerant are nausea, cramps and diarrhea. Doctors usually
perform a Hydrogen Breath Test or Blood Sugar Test to confirm the diagnosis.
Question for Understanding
2. How is it treated?
• There is no cure for lactose intolerance however avoiding or limiting the
consumption of dairy products or any foods that has a high-lactose such as milk,
cheese, cream or ice cream could help the body.

Does the person have to avoid milk products for the rest of
their lives?
• A person with lactose intolerance could still eat or drink small number of dairy
products but it is not advisable to try this every day. When eating a small number
of dairy products, they still need to eat other foods that does not contain lactose.
Question for Understanding
3. Why is Pei’s ethnicity important with the
diagnosis of lactose intolerance?

• It is important to understand the ethnicity of a patient because

Lactose intolerance can vary by ethnicity. About 60% of African and
Asian stop producing lactase causing them to increase the risk of
lactose intolerance. Most of European can drink milk because their
ancestors lived where dairying flourished and passed on gene
mutations that maintain lactase into adulthood.
Extension Activity

•Choose a digestive system disease NOT

listed above and create your own case
study using the symptoms a person may
experience if they have the disease.
Zerio is a 17-year-old high school student who Usually Watch Basketball games,
lounge, drink less, sleep and eat late. On his first Week of school, he felt bowel
movements such as cramps and nausea.
And while watching a basketball match, he felt uncomfortable and felt bloated
until it continued for a week. He decided to go to a doctor for a check-up. The
doctor asked some common question and after a few minutes, he found out that
Zerio is experiencing Constipation. The doctor gave him some advice to ease his
pain and gave some medications.
The case-fatality rate of constipation is very low. Very long-term constipation
can cause death in elderly. Persistent and transient constipation can increase the
mortality rate up to 2.8% and 2%, respectively, rather than people without
Question for Understanding
1. What is Constipation?
• Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel
movements a week.

And what are its causes?

• The common cause of constipation is because of the sudden changes
in our diet or routine or due to inadequate intake of fiber.
Question for Understanding

2. What are the symptoms Zerio


•Sudden bowel movements such

as cramps and nausea.
Question for Understanding

3. Can Constipation get worse?

• Yes

• When you lack in fluids while experiencing it.
Question for Understanding
4. How do we treat or avoid Constipation?

• Stay hydrated, drink enough water everyday.

• Stay away from dairy products that can constipate you.

• Stay active as much as possible, regular exercise will do.

• High fiber foods is a must.

The thing we learned doing this Digestive System Case
study is to understand more about Digestive system. we
became more aware of What are the function of our digestive
organs and what are the complications of it. We found out
what are the things that may trigger it. Also in that lesson we
learned that ethnicity or your heredity can be a reason to have
digestive system disease. We learned to take care of our self
to avoid these complications. If you experience one of this
diseases, consult a doctor.

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