Tutorial 2 On Culture

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Question- 1

• Discuss Hofstede’s national culture dimensions. What are some of the

implications of these dimensions for international business?
• How can multinationals prepare their employees to understand cross-
cultural differences?
• Discuss some of the majore reasons why it is important to understand
national culture.
Question - 2
• Discuss why the culture of a country might influence the costs of
doing business in that country. Illustrate your answer with country
and company exampes.
• Do you think that the business practices in an Islamic country are
likely to differ from business practices in a Christian country? If so,
How? If not, Why?
Question - 3
• Choose two countries that appear to be culturally diverse. Compare
the cultures of those countries, and then indicate how cultural
differences influence –
A) the costs of doing business in each country.
B) the likely future economic development of that country, and
C) business practices.

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