DV1 - 3.2 Unit Assignment

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3.2. Unit assignment

Writing a summary and a response paragraph

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Writing a summary and a response paragraph
In this assignment, you are going to write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you
will write a summary of Reading 2: Living Outside the Box
In the second paragraph, you will write your personal response about the author's
decision and experience of living without TV. As you prepare your paragraphs, think
about the Unit Question, "How has technology affected our lives?" Use information
from Reading 2, the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your paragraphs.
Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist.

When you write a summary paragraph, use synonyms

and similar language to restate sentences from the

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Writing a summary and a response paragraph
A summary paragraph tells the reader the main ideas of a reading in your own words. 

A summary is often followed by a personal response paragraph, which gives your

personal reaction to the reading.  

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Write a ‘how to’ paragraph: Writing process

? Plan
? Write

? Rewrite
Writing process: Brainstorming
Follows these guidelines to help you gather your ideas.

Your own answers

For your summary paragraph, write the main idea of

Reading 2 in your own words.

For your personal response paragraph, write your thoughts about the decisions the author made and her experiences

Are there decisions she made that you agree or disagree


Do you think her experience was positive or negative?

Did anything in the reading surprise you?

Writing process: Plan
Summary Paragraph

Main Idea

Writing process: Plan
Personal Response Paragraph

Main Idea

Writing process: Plan

Writing process: Plan
Summary Paragraph: Why Aren’t Teens Reading Like They Used To?

Main Idea Teenagers are reading fewer books for pleasure than
they were in the past.

1. Teens have access to books online.

2. More teens are using e-readers, phones and tablets.

3. They watch movies and shows for pleasure.


4. They read mainly for school assignments

5. It is difficult to study what teens do on electronic


6. There are many distractions on the Internet.

7. Teens read more when parents are involved.

Writing process: Write
Summary Paragraph: Why Aren’t Teens Reading Like They Used To?

“Why Aren’t Teens Reading Like They Used To?” is an article by Jennifer Ludden which highlights a
study that shows teenagers are reading fewer books for pleasure than they did in the past. Researchers
are curious why teenagers are reading less when they now have access to millions of books online. They
can easily find books using their e-readers, phones, and tablet computers; however, some teenagers
suggest that now they read only for school assignments. In their free time, they prefer to watch movies
and television shows online instead. Researchers say it is difficult to study what teenagers are doing on
electronic devices. They cannot tell when they are reading or doing something else. They think that
some teens can get distracted when they try to read e-books because they are on the Internet. Some
ways parents can make sure their teenagers read for pleasure more are by giving them a specific time to
read each day, bringing them to the library, and reading at home.
Writing process: Plan
Personal Response Paragraph: Why Aren’t Teens Reading Like They Used To?

Main Idea I am not surprised by the research.

I assume they are texting or watching videos.

It is difficult for parents to
know what teens are doing.

Supporting They could be reading blogs or social media.


They need to talk more about books at home.

Parental involvement is the
best way to encourage
pleasure reading.
They can help their teenagers make positive
Writing process: Write
Personal Response Paragraph: Why Aren’t Teens Reading Like They Used To?

I am not surprised that teenagers today are reading fewer books, but I also agree that it is difficult to
know exactly what they are doing. When I see teenagers on their phones, I assume that they are texting
or watching a video, but that might not be true. Maybe they are reading blogs or social media instead of
books, but that is still reading for pleasure. I agree that one way to encourage more pleasure reading is
by getting parents more actively involved. I believe this is best for two reasons.  First, parents can make
their teens more excited about reading when they read too. They can share ideas about
books, recommend new books, and ask about what their children are reading. This will make their
teenagers believe that reading is important, and they might be more motivated to read for
pleasure. Also, parents can help their teenagers make positive choices. For example, they can spend time
reading in the library instead of wasting hours on their electronic devices. If they go to the library
together, parents can model good reading habits, and teenagers can see that pleasure reading does not
just mean reading a good book, but knowing where they can enjoy it in a quiet yet
Write a ‘how to’ paragraph: Edit

  Does the summary paragraph give the main idea of Reading 2 and include supporting
  Does the personal response paragraph include reasons for the writer's opinion?

  Are parallel structures used correctly?

  Is there a variety of synonyms used?

  Are all words used in their correct form?

  Does the paragraph include vocabulary from the unit?

  Did you check the paragraph for punctuation, spelling and grammar?
Writing a summary and a response paragraph
In this assignment, you are going to write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you
will write a summary of Reading 2: Living outside the Box
In the second paragraph, you will write your personal response about the author's
decision and experience of living without TV. As you prepare your paragraphs, think
about the Unit Question, "How has technology affected our lives?" Use information
from Reading 2, the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your paragraphs.
Refer to the Self-Assessment checklist.

When you write a summary paragraph, use synonyms

and similar language to restate sentences from the

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Submit your work to ELO LMS

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