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GSTS 8:31 AM

social media
Social Media has become a platform for the individual in various convenient ways. It lets the
users stay connected by collaborating and sharing information making everyone rely on it. With
the convenience it gives, social media may furnish a negative impact on its users, harming their
privacy and affecting their mental health as well, with irresponsible and improper usage.

T- Is it True?
What we have to say may have good or bad consequences H- Is it Helpful?
that may affect other users or us making it imperative to be I- Is it Inspiring?
responsible for using our freedom of speech especially N- Is it Necessary?
online. K- Is it Kind?
Having empathy and practicing perspective-taking skills these questions will help us decide
is essential to practice good decision-making which allows before sharing our thoughts and
us to consider whether to express our freedom of speech on foresee the consequences of what we
our social media platforms. When considering, a good put online.
strategy is to THINK:

D A T A P R I VA C Y A C T O F 2 0 1 2
The Philippines' Data Privacy Act of 2012 provides rights for individuals to
protect their privacy and integrity of information and serves as security from
unauthorized processing of personal data.

Privacy threats are prevalent online, which dangers the users. With this, it is
essential, as online users, to be vigilant and smart in giving out information and
ensure that the privacy settings of your social media accounts are utilized

L O U I S I A N ’ S C O R E VA L U E S
As responsible social media users, integrating Saint Louis University's core values
such as Academic Excellence, Social Involvement, and Respect would guide
us in using these online platforms. These core values help us evade problems online
with the knowledge we have learned. We would be mindful of what we share and
help us be accountable for our actions on these various platforms.

I am an advocate for responsible usage of social media in
which I believe that we should be accountable and responsible for
what we put in these online platforms; thus, thinking before clicking
and being righteous in every action is a must to create a safe and
protected online environment.


GSTS 8:31 AM

social media
Social Media has become a platform for the individual in various convenient ways. It lets the
users stay connected by collaborating and sharing information making everyone rely on it. With
the convenience it gives, social media may furnish a negative impact on its users, harming their
privacy and affecting their mental health as well, with irresponsible and improper usage.

T- Is it True?
What we have to say may have good or bad consequences H- Is it Helpful?
that may affect other users or us making it imperative to be I- Is it Inspiring?
responsible for using our freedom of speech especially N- Is it Necessary?
online. K- Is it Kind?
Having empathy and practicing perspective-taking skills these questions will help us decide
is essential to practice good decision-making which allows before sharing our thoughts and
us to consider whether to express our freedom of speech on foresee the consequences of what we
our social media platforms. When considering, a good put online.
strategy is to THINK:

D A T A P R I VA C Y A C T O F 2 0 1 2
The Philippines' Data Privacy Act of 2012 provides rights for individuals to
protect their privacy and integrity of information and serves as security from
unauthorized processing of personal data.

Privacy threats are prevalent online, which dangers the users. With this, it is
essential, as online users, to be vigilant and smart in giving out information and
ensure that the privacy settings of your social media accounts are utilized

L O U I S I A N ’ S C O R E VA L U E S
As responsible social media users, integrating Saint Louis University's core values
such as Academic Excellence, Social Involvement, and Respect would guide
us in using these online platforms. These core values help us evade problems online
with the knowledge we have learned. We would be mindful of what we share and
help us be accountable for our actions on these various platforms.


I am an advocate for responsible usage of social media in which I

believe that we should be accountable and responsible for what we
put in these online platforms; thus, thinking before clicking and being
righteous in every action is a must to create a safe and protected
online environment.


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