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Basic Of Networking

By Ashish

KELCA Systems
Network Network Topology OSI Reference Model Protocols Hub , Switch , Router Cabling

Whats Network Types Of Network
LAN (Local Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network) Peer To Peer Networking Server Base Networking

(Sender of Information) Guest (Receiver of Information)

Whats Network

Connecting one or more than one computer to each other in such a way that they can share their hardware and software resources called network.

Types Of Network
LAN (Local Area Network)

Network which is include in a single building or room can be defined as LAN or we can say Intranet.

Types Of Network
WAN (Wide Area Network)

Network expanding through cities , countries , continents limit called WAN . which can be connected through phone or modem . its also called internet.

Types Of Network
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
Sector 1 Sector 2

Network expand through a Single building in city limit is called MAN.

Types Of Network
Peer To Peer Network

In this network both computers have equal rights to share their resources. And both acts as server.

Types Of Network
Server Base Network

In this network all computers and other shared resources are controlled by centralized server.


topology refers to the Physical structure or layout of a network. Types of Topologies are.
Star Bus Ring Mesh Hybrid

/ Hierarchical

Star Topology

In this network all computers are connected to a centralized device through a single cable.

Hierarchical Star Topology

Multiple stars can be combined into a tree like structure known as a hierarchical star. And it allows for high levels of flexibility and expandability. Depending on networking equipment used.

Bus Topology

Its also known as linear bus because computers are connected to each other using a single cable called trunk or backbne.

Bus Topology


and connectivity through linear cable.

Ring Topology

All computers are connected in a closed loop or ring.

Mesh Topology

In this network each computer is connected individually to another system. And if one link failed the other path will be used to transmit data.

Hybrid Topology

mixture of two or more than two topologies are called hybrid.


OSI Reference Model


Systems Interconnection Reference Model


model for network communications Allows dissimilar networks to communicate Defines 7 protocol layers

OSI Layers Diagram

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Appl icati on P roto co

Transport Protoco

Network Protoco

Application Protocols = FTP , SMTP , TCP etc A p Transport Protocols = TCP , UDP p Network Protocols = IP , IPX

OSI Layers Detail

1. Physical Defines physical means of sending data over network devices Interfaces between network medium and devices Defines optical, electrical and mechanical characteristics 2. Data Link Defines procedures for operating the communication links Frames packets Detects and corrects packets transmit errors 3. Network Determines how data are transferred between network devices Routes packets according to unique network device addresses Provides flow and congestion control to prevent network resource depletion

4. Transport Manages end-to-end message delivery in network Provides reliable and sequential packet delivery through error recovery and flow control mechanisms 5. Session Manages user sessions and dialogues Controls establishment and termination of logic links between users Reports upper layer errors 6. Presentation Manages user sessions and dialogues Controls establishment and termination of logic links between users Reports upper layer errors 7. Application Defines interface-to-user processes for communication and data transfer in network

OSI Layers Detail

OSI Reference Model Data Flow

Data travels down the stack Then up the receiving stack
7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical

7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical

Through the network

As the data passes through each layer on the client information about that layer is added to the data.. This information is stripped off by the corresponding layer on the server.

Hub (Hybrid Unit Board)


works on layer one (Physical) It has One Collision domain or one way for sending data. It always broadcast. It communicates computers of one network. Its differentiated by its sticker and its port (hub link)


works on layer two (data link) It has many collision domain. Each port is one collision domain. It broadcasts at first time. It communicates all computers of same network. Its speed is better than Hub.


works on layer three (Network) It communicates different network. It has its own OS which can be configured by Computer. It has four Modes

Mode Privileged Mode Global Mode Sub Global Mode.


best than all.


are set of rules for computers use to communicate over a network. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).

default protocol which is used for computers to communicate with other computers in the network. It provides addresses which is 32bits. Divided into 4 octets and each octet contain 8 bits. E.g.

TCP/IP Addressing

address is a 32-bit number that identifies a host on a TCP/IP network. IP Address is divided into three Classes

A ( Class B ( Class C (


addresses have two Parts

Host Network

TCP/IP Addressing


Its called for the computer address. Its called for the Network Address in which the host located.


Every Classes of TCP/IP Identify their own number of Hosts and Network.

Network portion of IP specified by Mask (255).

TCP/IP Addressing

128 255 0 0 0 0 0 0


this Class we have 1 Network and 3 hosts portion.

Each octet is equal to 8 bits which is equal to 255 decimal number. 0 Stands for OFF bits

TCP/IP Addressing
Class B

170 255

100 255

0 0

0 0

In this Class we have 2 Network and 2 hosts portion.

TCP/IP Addressing
Class C

200 255

100 255

100 255

0 0

In this Class we have 3 Network and 1 Hosts portion.


are other protocols like

/ SPX Apple Talk Netbios NWlink etc


protocols were used with Workstations , Macintosh and Apple Talk computers.

Network Cabling

are lots of Cables which are used in Network to communicate computers and Network devices to each others. The main cables are .

through Cables Cross through Cables Rollover cables

Straight Through Cables


type of cables are used to join two different divices.


PC to Switch , Switch to Router , PC to Hub.

Cross Through Cable


connects same devices .


PC to PC , Switch to Switch etc.

Rollover Cables

connects switch or Router to computer through console port.

Coaxial Cable

of cables which are used for communication. Co axial


By Copper , Data move in the form of Electronic cheap but slow. The connector of this wire is BNC.

TV Cable


Covers about 500 m.


s the network media of choice Its well suited to the need of the modern network. Its used for both telephone and Network. Two Types T-P Cables

Twisted pair (STP) Untwisted Twisted Pair (UTP)

difference between STP and UTP is the extra shielding cover of it. The distance is longer than UTP.

Fiber Optic Cables


newcomer in the Networking scene. Uses Electric signals to send data transmission. Travels distances measured in Kilometers. Covers the distance of 10 Km plus. Its costly than other cables.

Devices Port

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