Lecture 1

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Linear Algebra
for Computer Science
What Is Algebra?
Algebra is a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols
and the rules for manipulating those symbols.

In elementary algebra, those symbols (today written as Latin

and Greek letters) represent quantities without fixed values,
known as variables.
What Is Algebra?
Just as sentences describe relationships between specific
words, in algebra, equations describe relationships between
What is Linear Algebra?
Linear algebra is about linear combinations. That is, using
arithmetic on columns of numbers called vectors and arrays
of numbers called matrices, to create new columns and
arrays of numbers. Linear algebra is the study of lines and
planes, vector spaces and mappings that are required
for linear transforms

It is a study of system of linear equation

Chapter 1: Matrix and Properties
 What is matrix?
 Types of matrix
 Operations on matrix
 Properties of matrix
 Determinants and Co-factors
 Echelon and Reduced Echelon form
 Inverse of matrix
Chapter 2: Linear Equation
 What is linear equation?
 What is system of linear equation?
 How many types of solution of linear equation
 Methods to find solution of linear equation
Chapter 3: Vector Space
 What is vector space?
 What is Sub-space?
 Linear Combination
 Spanning Set
 Linearly Dependent and Independent
 Basis and Dimension
 Null Space
 Nullity and Rank
Chapter 4: Matrix Transformation
 What is Transformation?
 What is Linear Transformation
 What is Kernel of Transformation
 One-to-One Transformation
 Onto Transformation
 Range of Transformation
Chapter 5: Eigen values and Eigen Vectors
 What is Eigen value
 What is Eigen vector
 What is Diagonalization
 Power of Matrix
 Singular Value Decomposition
 Principle Component Analysis
Chapter 6: Inner Product Space
 What is Inner Product
 Norm
 Angle between vectors
 Orthogonal Vectors
 Orthonormal Vectors
 Gram Schmidt process
Chapter 7: Applications of Linear Algebra
 Cryptography
 Computer Graphics
 Circuit Analysis
 Traffic Flow
 Mat lab coding
Chapter 7: Applications of Linear Algebra
 Cryptography
 Computer Graphics
 Circuit Analysis
 Traffic Flow
 Mat lab coding
of Linear Algebra in
Computer Science and Information Technology
Applications of Linear Algebra
Applications of Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics
Applications of Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics
Applications of Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics
Contraction, Extraction
Applications of Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics
Applications of Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics
Applications of Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics
Applications of Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics
Conversion of dimension
Applications of Linear Algebra
Applications in Circuit Analysis
Applications of Linear Algebra
Traffic Flow
Applications of Linear Algebra
Image Processing
Applications of Linear Algebra
Machine Learning

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