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Kelompok 3





Definition of advertisement

Advertisement is a text, picture, audio, or video that promotes

a product. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, iklan adalah sebuah teks,
gambar, audio, atau video yang mempromosikan suatu
produk. Produk yang diiklankan dapat berupa barang
ataupun jasa service
Types of advertisement

1.Text and Picture

This one advertisement is usually found in
newspapers,brochures, or billboards
2. Audio
This type of advertising is in the form of sound,usually used
on radio or poadcast
3. Video
Ads can also be videos, as usual on youtube
Example of Advertisement
Aspects of

1. Name of the product

Product names usually have the largest writing size, readers
can immediately recognize what the advirtised product is.
Aspects of

2. Description of the product

This section contains more detailed information about the
goods and services offered. Readers also know why they
should buy the advertised product
Aspects of

3. Contact details
This sections contains informations about people who can be
contacted so that they can be in the form of phone numbers,
emails, and social media accounts. It can also be in the form
of buying advertised product such as web addresses and
shop addresses
Aspects of

4. Catchy language
Is to use interesting language is to use interesting language,
that is by using language that attracts people’s attentions
people will come and ask questions about the products

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