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Strategic Planning

& Models
Learning Objectives
To understand:
 The basics of strategic planning
 How to develop good vision and mission statements for
your organization
 The basics of logic model planning
 Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats (barriers) of your organization
Strategic Planning –
What is this?

 The “big picture” of what your agency is doing and where it is

 Helps determine where your organization is going over the next
year or more
 Why is this important?
Takes you outside the day-to-day activities of your organization or project and helps give
you clarity about what you actually want to achieve and how to go about achieving
it rather than a plan of action for day-to-day operations.
Strategic Planning Models
 Basic Strategic Planning Model
 Effective for new organizations that do not have much prior experience on strategic

1. Identify your purpose (mission)

2. Select the goals your organization must reach if its to accomplish your mission
3. Identify specific approaches or strategies that must e implemented to reach each
4. Identify specific action plans to implement each strategy
5. Monitor and update the plan
Strategic Planning Models

 Issue Based or Goal Based

 Often used by organizations that are more established and want to go deeper Into
strategic planning process
2. Strategic Analysis
3. Design major strategies
4. Update mission, vision and values
5. Establish action plans
6. Record issues, goals, strategies/ programs etc.
7. Develop yearly operating plan document
8. Develop & authorize budget for yr one
9. Conduct the organization’s year one opns
Strategic Planning Models
 Alignment Model
 Ensures the alignment between the organization’s mission and its resources to be
able to effectively implement the mission

1. Outline the organization’s mission, programs, resources, and needed support

2. Identify what’s working well & what needs adjustment
3. Identify how these adjustments should be made
4. Include the adjustments as strategies in the strategic plan
Strategic Planning Models
 Scenario Planning
 Can be used in a conjunction with other models to ensure that strategic thinking is
incorporated into the process
1. Select several external forces & imagine related changes w/c might influence the
2. For each change in a force, discuss three different organizational scenarios
3. Suggest what the organization must do, or potential strategies, in each of the three
scenarios to respond each chang
4. Planners soon detect common considerations or strategies that must be addressed
to respond to possible external changes
5. Select the most likely external changes to effect the organization
Strategic Planning Models
 Organic Planning or Self Organizing
 It uses process that unfolds naturally through continual focus on common values
and consistent communication and dialogue among stakeholders

1. Clarify & articulate the organization's cultural values

2. Articulate the group’s vision for the organization
3. On an ongoing basis, once every quarter, dialogue about what process are needed
to arrive at the vision & what the group is going to do now about those processes
4. Continually remind yourself and others that this type of naturalistic planning is
never really “ over with” and that rather, the group needs to learn to conduct its
own values clarification
Strategic Planning Models
 Organic Planning or Self Organizing

5. Be very very patient

6. Focus on learning and not on method
7. Ask the group to reflect on how the organization will portray its strategic plans to
Components of a Strategic Plan
 Vision – Developing a clear understanding of what is your preferred future
 Mission – Developing a sound statement about why you exist
 Core Values and Beliefs – Describes behaviors and ideas that are
important to your organization

 Strategic Issues – The issues that create a gap between the ideal and
reality(expectation vs reality)

 Operational Plans – How are you going to achieve your vision?

Steps of a Strategic Plan
 Where is your agency in its development
RIGHT now?
 Assess the Internal and External
Other Steps in Strategic Plan
 Create a Vision “ If you don’t know where
 Define core beliefs and values you’re going, any path will
of your agency get you there.”
 Identify your agency’s
Steps in Strategic Plan cont.
 Identify critical strategic issues
 Sometimes referred to as barriers
 Develop goals and detailed
action plans for each strategic
 How can you maximize the forces in favor and
minimize forces against?
Steps in Strategic Plan cont.
 Monitor Action Plans your agency has developed in
response to the critical issues
 Evaluate progress of
achieving the outcomes
 Revise the plan as necessary

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