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Computers and You

Responsible Use of Technology pg. 6-7

ethics When you use a computer, use ethics to guide

The principles and your behavior.
standards we use to
decide how to act.
(pg. 6) How Can I Use Computers Ethically?
Be sure to follow these guidelines for ethical computer use:
 Do not open or damage other people’s files
or messages.
 Do not use the Internet to cheat.
 Do not use Web sites, e-mail, or chat rooms to say
negative things about others.
 Pay for commercial software, music, and movies.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Computers and You
Responsible Use of Technology pg. 6-7

virus What Are the Risks of Using Computers?

A computer program When you use a computer, you must be aware of the risks
intentionally designed
and take proper precautions:
to cause annoyance or
to damage hardware or  Firewalls and antivirus software can help protect
software. (pg. 7)
your computer against a virus or a hacker.
hacker  Good common sense can help protect you from
A person who uses his dishonest people who give false or illegal information
or her expertise to gain
access to people’s on the Internet.
computers for unethical
purposes. (pg. 7)

Technology in Your Life Unit

Computers and You
Tech Talk Assessment pg. 8

Draw Conclusions What should you do if you think you are

the victim of someone else’s unethical behavior?
Self-Check Assess your
understanding of what you Notify an adult, such as your teacher or a parent
read. Go to the Online
Learning Center at
or guardian.
Choose After You Read
Quizzes and take the Unit
1 Tech Talk Quiz.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Computers and You
Tech Talk Assessment pg. 8

Analyze Pick an appliance, system, or device in your home.

How does it help to solve a practical problem?

Possible answers include:

 A refrigerator keeps perishable foods from spoiling.
 A microwave oven makes it possible to enjoy a hot
meal when you do not have a lot of time.
 A security system protects you and your belongings
from potential harm.
 The TV remote control lets you change the channel
without having to get up!

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

Explore Do you think the benefits of using computers

Assessment Test your outweigh the risks? Explain your answer.
knowledge of technology.
Go to the Online
Learning Center at Your answer may be “yes,” “no,” or even “I do not know.” In arriving at your answer, you should have considered how
Choose e-Review
Quizzes and take the Unit computers help us at school, at home, and at work—as well
1 > Tech Assess Quiz. as how they make us and our personal information vulnerable
to unethical people.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

Synthesize You have probably heard that “we are living in

the information age.” Indeed, modern technology has made
huge quantities of information readily available. Name three
things computers can help you do with all that information.

Computers can help you do the following with information:

 Collect information using the power of the Internet.
 Organize information on your computer, where it is
easy to access.
 Communicate information through e-mail, instant
messaging, Web sites, and other technologies.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

Cause and Effect Why is it important to learn

computer skills?

Technology is everywhere in the workplace. Having a solid

knowledge of technology is one key to a great career. Most
jobs today require at least basic computer experience. The
more you learn now, the better off you will be later. Also, your
computer skills can help you complete school assignments,
search for a job, and even apply for a job online.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

Evaluate For your own protection, you should understand

and follow all the rules in your school’s Acceptable Use Policy
(AUP). Listed below are some rules you might see in an AUP.
Of these, which rule seems the most important to you? In
other words, which one has the most severe consequences if
you do not follow it? Why?

A. “I will not damage the computer in any way.”

B. “I will not attempt to use another person’s username
or password.”
C. “I will not install new software on the computer.”
D. “I will not visit inappropriate Web sites.”

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

Your answer might be A, B, C, or D. In arriving at your

answer, you should have considered the consequences of
not following each rule:

A. “I will not damage the computer in any way.”

Consequence of not following the rule:

Expensive equipment must be replaced.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

B. “I will not attempt to use another person’s username

or password.”

Consequence of not following the rule: Attempting to use

another person’s access information is a serious violation of
privacy. It can also be considered a cybercrime, which may
be punishable.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

C. “I will not install new software on the computer.”

Consequence of not following the rule: If new software is

installed, viruses or other damaging programs may be
introduced into the computer or the network.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Assessment

D. “I will not visit inappropriate Web sites.”

Consequence of not following the rule: Inappropriate Web

content may offend others around you. When you visit an
inappropriate Web site, viruses or spyware may be introduced
into the computer or the network.

Technology in Your Life Unit

Unit Technology in Your Life
Unit Resources

For more resources on this unit, go to the Online Learning

Center at

Technology in Your Life Unit

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