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E/ Education

Socio-economic segregation ?

‘Eton boys’,

Independent / public schools

Charterhouse in Surrey
A system which reflects and perpetuates Britain’s class system

1 – Independent / public schools

Fee system
strong emphasis on Christian values, competitive sport, involvement in politics
and business

2 - State-funded schools (= government, comprehensive or grammar

Generally competitive
Not the same prestige

The majority of British children attend state schools, 7% attend fee-paying

schools or are educated at home.
State-funded schools
community schools

 foundation schools and voluntary schools

 academies

 grammar schools

National curriculum tests

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)

GCE Advanced Level

Close to 50 % of all young people enter universities or
other institutions of higher education.
Problems and criticism…

- GB suffers from truancy (not going to school), lack of

discipline and violence.
- Education standards in GB are generally low in the
basic skills of literacy and numeracy, meaning that
some pupils leave school illiterate.
- The elitist nature of the education system is still very
much criticized.
- Higher education is generally very expensive: students
have to pay tuition fees + accommodation
F/ Religion
►an official “established” State Church

The Church of England and the Church of Scotland.

Christianity is the main religion in Britain

This Church was created in 1534 by Henry the VIIIth

after the Pope had refused him the divorce he was
wanting from his Queen, Catherine of Aragon, to
marry Anne Boleyn, his lady in waiting.

At the time, Henry the VIIIth proclaimed himself head

of Church, and today still, the monarch of England is
the head of the Church of England.

The Roman Catholic Church had dominated over Britain

until the sixteenth century and the Pope had exerted
considerable influence till then.

Presbyterianism is one Protestant denomination that

originated primarily in Scotland and was confirmed as
the established Church of Scotland in 1707.
The free churches
There are some other Christian Protestant denominations that
were founded by those who did not wish to conform to the traditional
forms of worship laid down by the established Church of England.

They include:
-the Methodist Church (the largest of the Free Churches: 3.4% of the
British pop.)
-the Baptist Union
-the United Reformed Church
-the Society of Friends (Quakers)
-the Salvation Army
-and the Pentecostalist (evangelical) churches.
Other Christian groups

-Jehovah's Witnesses
-Christian Scientists
-Seventh Day Adventists
-Church of Scientology etc.
Non Christian religious faiths
Now account for about 10% of the total population


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