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02 Peace or Power
By: Aubrey Hovan
Montgomery bus boycott
On December 1st, 1955, the arrest of Rosa Parks marked the beginning of a 13 month long mass
protest. Parks was arrested because she refused to abide by the law that states that colored people
must sit in the back of segregated busses. This caught the attention of many people, and more and
more started to fight back.

Circumstances surrounding the event:

Colored protestors did not bring violence into
the situation. However, some white citizens did
become aggressive and attacked in retaliation.

Effects of the event:

The boycott was a success as it ended with
the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that
segregation on public buses is
unconstitutional. This got rid of the
Montgomery bus law.
Freedom Rides
The Freedom Rides, like the Montgomery bus boycott, was another segregated bus terminal
protest. Colored protestors intentionally sat in seats that were marked for white passengers as well
as using “whites only” restrooms, lunch counters at bus stations, etc.
Circumstances surrounding the event:
Again, the protesters did no harm to anyone themselves,
but were attacked in retaliation. One big event was when
the greyhound bus was the first to arrive in anniston,
alabama. A mod of about 200 white people attempted to
surround the bus, and so the driver kept going, causing
them to follow in cars. Eventually the busses tires blew
out, and they threw a bomb into the bus.

Effects of the event:

The Freedom Rides were a success as president
kennedy eventually had all public transportation remove
any and all segregation signs.
March on Washington
The March on Washington was a huge civil rights protest. Over
200,000 protestors gathered at the nation's capital with the goal
of ending racism. This is where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood in
front of the lincoln memorial and gave his famous “I have a
dream” speech.
Circumstances surrounding the event:
Given that there were massive amounts of people gathering
around the city, there were some concerns about violence. The
washington PD sent out 5,900 police officers in addition to 6,000 Insert image here
soldiers and National Guardsmen to ensure security and
protection. It was soon found unnecessary as the protestors were
calm and no incidents were reported by the officers.
Effects of the event:
Yes. This is arguably one of the most successful protests ever. Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech touched the hearts of thousands,
and continued on to millions. The goal was accomplished as this
marked the end of racism.
Which Strategies Were the Most Effective?

Based on the outcomes of these three protests, I think that remaining

peaceful is the best strategy. Bringing violence into any situation will only
cause more hatred. While, like in any other protest, there is always a chance
of violence in retaliation, in the end it is the best option and provides the best
Peace is Power.

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