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Kelsy Alpiao​

Can Hobbies make you a better

Presentation title 2
How much time do you spend on your hobbies? Do you have a
hobby? When life gets busy, our hobbies are one of the first things to
go out the window. But research shows that taking part in leisure
activities can actually have a positive impact on our overall happiness
and health.
In today’s lesson we will talk about how hobbies plays a big role and
can give a huge impact in our daily lives that will end a positive life.

Presentation title 3
What is your hobby?

Is your hobby common in your country?

Is your hobby the same as when you were a child?

When did you start practicing that hobby?

Presentation title 4
Areas of focus
Hobbies. They’re often one of the first things to go out the
window when life gets busy, but they shouldn’t be. We need to
prioritize our hobbies just as much as we prioritize work,
because hobbies — they make us better people.

One study from the Society of Behavioral Medicine suggests

that people who take part in leisure activities have fewer
negative emotions and are less stressed. The study even found
that our heart rates are literally lower when we engage in our

Go out the window – to disregarded , to stop being used or

thought about
Presentation title 5
     ______ operated a store, which became a refuge for the sick and wounded revolutionaries providing them with medical support, a safe refuge, and motherly care.

“ Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and enriches our lives. It gives
us something fun to do during our leisure time and affords us the opportunity to

learn new skills. We are very fortunate to have so many different options out
there today

Why hobby is important in our life?

How hobbies can improve your life?
Having hobbies can lower anxiety, lower your stress level, and
help cope with depression. Hobbies help you form a life outside
of work. You are just relaxing and doing something you enjoy
without any of the pressures of the outside world. You don't have to
do something as structured as you would at work or school.

Presentation title 7
What are the advantages and disadvantages of hobbies?

Is there anybody in your family who share your hobby with?

How much time do you spend your hobby?

Have you ever heard of someone having a very unusual hobby? What was

What do you think about some having a weird hobby?

Presentation title 8
Always see the good things in every circumstance that happened in life.
Whether it's bad or not, still, look at the positive aspects of it. Nothing
happens if you choose to stay stuck with whatever you are today. Instead,
humble down and accept it. It'll teach you to grow, learned, and be strong.
There is always good even in bad, you just need to see it.
Life is precious and
beautiful. Enjoy and live it

Thank you
to the fullest. This is a
Kingdom Life,

To live with peace, joy, and


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