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• Information Communication Technology ( ICT ) deals with the
use of different communication technologies such as mobile
phones, telephones, internet to locate, send, save and edit
information. There are several international companies dub the
Philippines as the “ ICT HUB of ASIA “.

• It is no secret that there is a huge growth of ICT related jobs around

the country, one of which is the call center or the BPO ( Business
Process Outsourcing ) center.

• The Internet has been vital tool to our modern lives that is why it is
also important to make the best of the Internet. It was invented by
Tim Berners-Lee.
Static Web Page
• When WWW was invented , most web pages were

• -STATIC is also known as flat page or stationary

• (It cannot be manipulated by the users)

• URL – Uniform Resource Locators

• http//: hypertext transfer protocol
WEB 2.0 : Dynamic Web Page
• This are the websites that contains dynamic

• -The user is able to see websites differently than others

• It also allows the users to use web browser instead of using operating system.
WEB 3.0 and Semantic Web
WEB 3.0 - A concept of the WWW that is designed to
cater to the individual user.

SEMANTIC WEB – provides a common framework that allows the data to

be share and reused to across application,enterprise and community

Several problems encounter by WEB 3.0

a. Compatibility
b. Security
c. Vastness
d. Vagueness
e. Logic
Activity 1: (VIDEO ANALYSIS)
Direction: Analyze the video and answer the question. “How does the information
Communication Technology evolves.

Activity 1: (VIDEO ANALYSIS)

Direction: Analyze the video and
answer the question. “How does
the information Communication
Technology evolves.
The Evolution of Modern Technology.m4v
Activity 2: Differentiate static web pages and dynamic web pages.

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