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Elements of Moral Action

Methods and Materials:
1. Case on a particular issue
2. Guide questions for content
a. How is the ethical problem or issue
b. Is the solution right or wrong?
c. What ethical reasons have been used to
support the claim?
Methods and Materials (cont)

3. Guide questions for analysis and evaluation

a. How is the particular issue understood?
b. What reasons or evidences are advanced to
support or reject the explanation in terms of
authorities, references, factual evidence, personal
Grade, Grade me Good?!
You know that you should.
So, Please, Please me Like I please you”
“Thank you for seeing me,” said the student as she sat down
in the chair next to the instructor’s desk. “I want to ask you
about the grade you gave me on my paper. You gave me a
C+. And I don’t understand. I did everything you said to
do- I followed the instructions to the letter. I got the
required number of references; followed the format
“ Yes, I looked at the comments you put on the draft and
responded to all of your comments. They were very
helpful too. And I think this is one of the best paper I ever
wrote for any Professor”
“I don’t mean to sound conceited, but I have a 3.85 GPA and
I always get A on all my papers.
“No, I just don’t understand how you could give me such a
bad grade. It’s so out of character for me. I’ve written tons
of papers for teachers ever since high school and for three
years in college. This is not a C paper!”
“You see, I really can’t get a C or even a B in this course. I’m
pre-med. I’m going to be a doctor. I have to have A’s.”
“Your course is only an elective for me. If you don’t evaluate
my paper, I think I’ll just drop the course. Or, maybe I’ll
talk to your department chair. You said in class that
grading is subjective on essays. I think you were being
arbitrary when you gave me that C.”
Questions for Ethical Analysis
1. Suppose you are an experienced faculty member and
quite confident in the grade you assigned. How do you
work with this student to effectively promote greater
learning and maturation?
2. Would your response differ if you were new to teaching
or if you otherwise did not have greater confidence in the
grade you assigned? If so, How and Why?
3. Is there a statement about grading and appealing grades
which should become part of your course syllabus? Is
there a reasonably clear way for faculty to communicate
to students that professional judgment, while “subjective”
is informed and not necessarily arbitrary, without
standards, or random?
To Cheat or Not To Cheat
Diana Delgado is a third year education student
majoring in chemistry. It is time for the final
exams. Diana had studied chemistry thoroughly.
That is what she thought before coming to school.
In class, Diana reads the test questions quickly.
She realizes that she does not know the answers to
many of the test questions. She fears that she will
fail this test. Her grades for the midterm were low.
She thinks that if she will not pass this test, she
will not pass this subject at all. What is worse is
that if she will not pass this subject, she may end
up on academic probation.
Diana thinks that she has to pass this test. It will be
embarrassing to be on probation. Besides, failing
this subject will mean repeating and paying
additional tuition, something she could hardly
afford to do. It will also mean delaying graduation
by a semester, an unwelcome possibility. Diana
wonders whether she should cheat or not. After
all, her seatmate is a bright student and appears to
be willing help her out. Finally, Diana decided
that the best way to solve her problem is to copy
some of her classmate’s answers. Has Diana done
what morally right?
Pregnant Rose
Rose and Henry are in their teens, 18 and 19 years old
respectively, and have been going steady for more
than two years. Recently Rose found out that she is
three months on the family way.
Rose and Henry would like to get married but there
are problems. For one, the parents of the man object
to a marriage. They reason that Henry is still
studying, still dependent financially on them and
therefore not ready to start a family. Besides, he is
still very young and it is not sure that Rose is really
the girl for him. Who knows, in a year’s time he
may not feel the same way for her as he does now.
The parents of the girl, on the other hand, think
that the two should get married. Rose is
pregnant. Her honor and reputation are at stake.
They think that it is the man’s obligation to do
the honorable thing and save rose from the
embarrassment and scandal. As for financial
obligations, the parents of the man should
shoulder those. They threaten that if the man
will not marry Rose, they will go to court.
What should be morally right decision?
The Farmer’s Flight
Science reports tell us that the ozone hole in the
earth’s atmosphere is getting bigger; the ocean’s, as
a result of the warming of the earth’s temperature is
rising; the forests, as a result of logging and
indiscriminate use, is rapidly disappearing. Save the
earth movements and concerned groups and
individuals point out that there is a pressing need to
protect the earth’s eco-system and unless these
alarming events are controlled, the whole human
race is on the road to disaster.
In the Philippines laws for the protection of the
environment have been passed. There are laws
against illegal logging, against the slash and burn
(kaingin) system of farming etc. But a conflict
exists between the plight of the farmers and the
protection of the environment. Farmers who are
poor need to eke out a living from the land They
do this by means of the “kaingin system”. The
farmers need to survive. Should their survival be
sacrificed for the sake of the environment?
How can the conflict between the need to protect the
environment and the farmer’s immediate need for
survival be morally resolved?

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