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How important is citizen participation in democracy?


Defining Democracy

Rights of people to exercise the protection of

their individual liberties and equal rights to participate in the decision-
making. As a system of government, democracy adheres to the rule of the
people. It provides people the
right to exercise “some of genuine control over the government” (Lawson
1989, 547).

Four Democratic Interventions in Politics

1Political Corruption 2 Basic


3 Association 4 Participation

Democracy Models
Participatory Democracy

It is the empowerment of people to effectively involve themselves in creating structures, designing policies and
programs that serves that interest of all.

Direct Democracy
Direct democracy has an element of proximity because people assemble in a particular venue. It also has an element
of directness because people decide for their community together and directly without the use of formal mediation
(Saward 2003, 54-55)

Representative Democracy

Representative democracy requires the election of a few members who are responsible for making the necessary decisions
for the people. These people are chosen by the electorate as their representatives in government and thus they are answerable
to the people for making such decisions.

Elements of Representative Democracy

a. Popular Support of Government

b. Political Competition
c. Alternation of Power
d. Popular Representation
e. Majority Rule
f. Recognition of Rights to Dissent and Disobedience
g. Political Equality
h. Popular Consultation
i. Free press

Democracy and the Exercise of Civil

and Political Rights

Democracy values the people’s civil and political rights. These rights serve as the
cornerstone of democratic institutions. In a democracy, people enjoy the freedom of
religion, movement, assembly, association, expression, and information.

Referendum in the Philippines

• When did the referendum take place?

• How was the referendum held?

• Where did the referendum take place?

• Who are the people involved in the referendum?

• Why is the referendum held?

• Can we consider the said referendum as a clear manifestation or example of a

direct democracy in the Philippines?

Thank you!

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