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com/ wenku1


Unit 1

Unit 1
Planning your future career

Starting out
Reading Focus
Reading More
Practical Translation
Focused Writing
Final Project
Starting out—Task 1

Task 1
Step One
Work together with your partner and fill in the
table with the attributes that you think make a
good employer and a good employee on page 2.
Starting out—Task 1

A good employee Common to both A good employer

a strong sense of good health good verbal skills

loyalty to and being intelligent decisiveness
respect for and
employers creative
being diligent a sense of humor assertiveness
being obedient great good ability of financial
communication management
cooperativeness good ability in dealing with
Starting out—Task 1
Step Two
Choose the most important three attributes for people in each role,
and give your reasons.

employee: good health, cooperativeness
employer: good health, great communicative skills,

***Good health is the foundation for career development, whatever

role one plays. For an employee, cooperativeness ensures the
smooth progress of a work project, since many projects involve
the cooperation of many workers. As an employer, he must be
good at Communicating with different people, which is the
guarantee of a pleasant interpersonal relationship in his
business, along with the successful building up of the social
Starting out—Task 1

Step Three

Based on your work done in the previous two steps, tell

each other what you would like to be after graduation,
an employer or an employee? Give reasons for your

Words or phrases for your reference:

run a business, in possession of business, be tolerant of
be considerate of , ambitious, a sense of achievement
manage, endure, confident, good-tempered, cooperative
open-minded, punctual, positive, flexible, generous
Starting out—Task 2

Task 2
Read the four cases of job hopping on page 2 and
judge whether they are beneficial or
disadvantageous to the persons concerned.
Starting out

Task 3
Read the following two pieces of parental advice on page
3 and discuss with your partner which one you would
Starting out—Task 3

1. Whatever you decide to do with your life, make

sure it’s something practical. You will want to be
able to make a good living for yourself and your

2. We don’t care what you set

out to study; just make sure
it’s something you enjoy.
Starting out

Job market in US
This year’s college graduates in US are faced with a hard
test of job market . Listen carefully to a report on the high
unemployment rate for American youth this summer and do
the following exercise:
Starting out
Directions: Based on the report you’ve just heard, tell whether the
following statements are True or False, make corrections if they are
1. The unemployment rate of people at 20 to 42 age bracket in
May was 14.7%, five tenths percentage points lower than the
national rate .
2. According to NACE, employment situation in 2007 was more
optimistic, with more college graduates finding jobs and with a
higher starting pay than in this year.
3. Taking an internship program is an effective way to catch
public attention.
4. Job market predictions tells that in the next 8 years graduates
with a degree in biomedical engineering are promising to secure
a good job.
5. Sarah Kramer found a job with a major IT company in
Washington, after applying to about a hundred and fifteen jobs
and going on fifty interviews.
Starting out

Directions: Based on the report you’ve just heard, tell whether the
following statements are True or False, make corrections if they are
1. The unemployment rate of people at 20 to 42 age bracket in
May was 14.7%, five tenths percentage points lower than
the national rate . F

Correction: The unemployment rate of people at 20 to 24 age

bracket in May was 14.7%, five percentage points higher
than the national rate.
2. According to NACE, employment situation in 2007 was more
optimistic, with more college graduates finding
T jobs and
with a higher starting pay than in this year.
Starting out

3. Taking an internship program is an effective way to catch

public attention. F
Correction: Taking an internship program is an effective
way to get noticed , and then a job.
4. Job market predictions tells that in the next 8 years
graduates with a degree in biomedical engineering are
promising to secure a good job. T

5. Sarah Kramer found a job with a major IT company in

Washington, after applying to about a hundred and fifteen
jobs and going on fifty interviews. F
Correction: Sarah Kramer found a job with a major
consulting company in Washington, after applying to about
a hundred and fifty jobs and going on fifteen interviews.
Starting out

Audio script
Job Market—an Extra Hard Test for New College Graduates
10 June 2010

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

June means one more big test for many students finishing college --
a test of the job market. Wish them luck. Americans age twenty to
twenty-four faced an unemployment rate in May of fourteen and
seven-tenths percent. That was five percentage points higher than
the national rate.
This week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said his "best
guess" is for a continued economic recovery. But the central bank
chief expects unemployment to remain high for some time because
of slow job creation. So where does that leave this year's graduates?
Starting out

Audio script
The National Association of Colleges and Employers says about one-
fourth of those who applied for a job have found one. NACE says that
is up a little from last year. But the number is down sharply from two
thousand seven, the year before the financial crash. Starting pay is also
Josh Safran graduated from American University in Washington with a
business degree. He is still looking for a job.
(JOSH SAFRAN) "Once you get noticed by a company, it gets a lot
easier, but it’s so hard to get noticed because there’s so many people
looking for so few jobs."
One way to get noticed is through an internship program, says Reuben
Smith-Vaughn, another graduate of American University.
Starting out

Audio script
(REUBEN SMITH-VAUGHN) "I know I personally got my job
that way. And the people that worked there before me got their jobs
that way. So I think it’s a key when getting a job."
Internships may offer little or no money. Some students even pay
for them. But NACE says ninety-two percent of the employers it
asked had plans to hire interns this year.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Labor
Department offers job market predictions through twenty eighteen.
The highest growth is expected in biomedical engineering.
Twenty-two year old Sarah Kramer just got her degree in
biomedical engineering from Columbia University in New York.
She found a job with a major consulting company in Washington.
But her search was not easy.
Starting out

Audio script

(SARAH KRAMER) "I started in August before my senior year.

And I set up appointments with career services. I applied to about a
hundred and fifty jobs. I went on maybe fifteen interviews."

Ms. Kramer says many of her friends have not found jobs. Many
have chosen to go to graduate school instead. But she has
suggestions for students entering their final year of college who want
a job when they graduate.

(SARAH KRAMER) "Well, advice for a rising senior is to start

early. Take advantage of your career services at your school as much
as you can. And don’t give up, and just keep applying to as many
jobs as you can.”
Starting out

Audio script

Josh Safran says he may have to do what a growing number of recent

college graduates are doing.

(JOSH SAFRAN) “Worst-case scenario, if I

don’t find a job by the end of August, I move
back with my parents."
Reading Focus

Traits of the Key Players

Reading Focus

1 Viewing

2 Global Understanding

3 Detailed Information

4 Critical Thinking

5 Language Points

6 Vocabulary in Action

Watch a movie clip from a movie The Pursuit of Happiness,

then work on the following questions:
1.What do you think about Chris Gardner?
2.Would you hire Chris Gardner if you were the boss?

Click the picture

Reading More—Global Understanding

Introduction Paras. 1-3

Traits of key players Paras. 4-12

Reading Focus – Global Understanding


What does the term “key players” refer to

Question A: _________________________________________?
Answer: “Key player” refers to ___________________________
a handful of staff you can count
on in a given area of expertise to get the job done

How do companies recruit “key players”

Question B: __________________________________________?
Answer: Companies recruit their staff either by
hiring “key players” from another company
__________________________________________, or
from “newbies” who seem to have the same traits as
those top people.
Reading Focus – Global Understanding

Trait 1: The selfless collaborator

A. Importance of the trait:

one can’t succeed in an industry
According to John Fetzer, _____________________________
environment without the mindset of being collaborative and selfless
B. Ways of developing the trait:
a. ___________________________________________________
Working together with scientists from other labs and disciplines
in pursuit of a common goal
b. ___________________________________________________
A liberal use of the pronoun “we” and not just “I”, when
describing your accomplishments
c. __________________________________________________
To develop a reputation inside your lab and with people
lab collaborates with as a person who fosters and initiates
this quality gets mentioned by
collaborations—and make sure __________________________
those who will take those reference phone calls
Reading Focus – Global Understanding

Trait 2: A sense of urgency

Importance of the trait:

one way that companies win the
According to Don Haut, __________________________________
competition that happens 24/7/365 is to get “there” faster. This
trait is a requirement not only for people who can act quickly,
but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their
own conviction
Reading Focus – Global Understanding

Trait 3: Risk tolerance

Importance of the trait:
A. __________________________________________________.
Being OK with risk is something that industry demands
Supporting evidence:
a. _________________________________________________.
Quotation from one of the clients in a job description
b. _________________________________________________.
What Don Haut says
B. __________________________________________________
Companies consistently look for candidates who can be
wrong and admit it
Supporting evidence:
a. ________________________________________________
Failure is important because it shows you were not afraid
to take chances
b. What Don Haut says.
Reading Focus – Global Understanding

Trait 4: Strength in interpersonal relationships

Importance of the trait:
For people in business roles, interpersonal abilities make
A. __________________________________________________
the difference between success and failure
Supporting evidence:
working for a business requires
According to Rick Leach, _____________________________
B. It people
would beskills.
a mistake to assume that _____________________
strong people skills are
required only for business people
Supporting evidence: _________________________________
The key players who succeed in their work
at the bench in industry environment in great measure depends
on their ability to work with a broad variety of personalities
Reading Focus – Detailed Information

Task 2
Choose the sentence that best expresses the
meaning of the sentence from the text. (P12)
1 2 3 4 5
6 B 7 8 A 9 D
10 B D
Reading Focus

Critical Thinking
Reading Focus—Critical Thinking

Step One
The following short paragraphs are taken from the text.
Read each of them carefully and give your comments.
1. “It’s teamwork,” says Fetzer. “The business environment is
less lone-wolf and competitive, so signs of being collaborative
and selfless stand out. You just can’t succeed in industry
without this mindset.”
2. “For my organization, a candidate needs to be comfortable
discussing his or her failures, and he or she needs to have real
failures, not something made up for interview day. If not, that
person has not taken enough risk. ” says Haut.
Reading Focus—Critical Thinking

Step Two
Discuss in groups the following questions.
1. Suppose you were a recruiting manager, whom would you like
to hire, “key players” from other companies or “newbies” who
have just graduated from universities? Give your reasons.

2. According to the four traits of a “key player” that the author

writes about, where would you like to work after graduation, in
academia or industry? Tell each other both the advantages and
disadvantages of working in these two different environments.
Reading Focus – Language Point

1. Every company has a handful of staff in a given

area of expertise that you can count on to get the
job done. (Para. 1)

 staff: (n.) the group of people who work for an organization

There is a good relationship between staff and pupils at
the school.

 以 staff 做主语的句子,谓语动词可以是单数,也可以用复

The staff has been cut by a quarter over the past year.
The staff are not very happy about the latest pay
Reading Focus – Language Point

 be on the staff of: be a member of

He is on the editorial staff of the New York Times.

 staff (v.)
1. provide with staff
How may employees will it take to staff this resort?
We have not enough money to staff all our schools.

2. serve on the staff of

Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.
Reading Focus – Language Point

 expertise
(n.) special skill or knowledge
A foreign coach has special knowledge and expertise.
We are amazed at his expertise on the ski slope.

 辨析 expertise (n.) 和 expert (n.; adj.)

expert at dress-making.
• My mother is an ______
• I thought your handling of the situation was ________.
expertise in French history.
• Mary has considerable _________
Reading Focus – Language Point
2. We hold them up to the standards we see in our top
people. (Para. 2)

 Paraphrase:
We evaluate them by the standard traits our key players
show to us.

 hold sb./sth. up to: subject sb/sth. to sth. unpleasant, such as

test, mockery etc.
A critic often holds up a book to ridicule or contempt.
Reading Focus – Language Point

3. It deserves repeating because it is the single most

public difference between academia and industry.
(Para. 4)

 deserve: (v.) be worthy of

You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you
have done.
I think they deserve to be congratulated.
 single
 Used before the superlative “most”
emphasizes that this is the most public
difference between academia and
 e.g.: The Middle East is the world’s
single most important source of oil.
Cigarette smoking is the single most
likely cause of lung cancer.
Reading Focus – Language Point

4.“The business environment is less lone-wolf and

competitive, so signs of being collaborative and
selfless stand out. (Para. 4)

The sentence means:

Compared with academia, the business environment
requires less capability in doing individual research and
there are less competitions among individual workers, so
people or behaviors showing the traits of being
collaborative and selfless are easily recognized.
Reading Focus – Language Point

 lone wolf: someone who prefers to be alone

He is a lone wolf, apparently wanting no friends and
seeking no man.
此处是名词 lone wolf 当形容词用。

 stand out: to be very noticeable

We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood
out from the rest.
Reading Focus – Language Point

5. Many postdocs and grad students have a tough

time showing that they can make this transition
because so much of their life has involved playing
the independent researcher role and outshining
other young stars. (Para. 5)
 Paraphrase:
Many postdoctors and graduate students find it very hard to
adapt themselves to this transition since they have devoted
much of their life to doing independent research work and
trying to do better than their peers.
 Translate
许多博士后和研究生 在进行这种过渡的过程中表现相
Reading Focus – Language Point

 involve
1) imply, make necessary
The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart.
2) implicate person in charge, crime etc.
The four men were all involved in organizing and carrying
out the murders.

3) include sb. or sth. in sth. or to make them take part in or feel

part of it
Do we need to involve someone from the computer
department at this stage in our discussion?
Reading Focus – Language Point

 outshine:
(v.) to be better or more impressive than sb. or sth. else
Several new players outshone the veterans.

动词前缀 “ out–” 主要有三种意思 :

1) doing better than
e.g. She outran him.
2) being or becoming bigger, further, greater than someone or
something else
e.g. She’s outgrown her clothes.
She outlived her brother.
3) outside or beyond something
e.g. an outbuilding outlying areas
Reading Focus – Language Point

6. You can make yourself more attractive to companies

by working together with scientists from other
laboratories and disciplines in pursuit of a common
goal—and documenting the results on your résumé.
(Para. 5)
 介词词组“ in pursuit of a common goal” 当状语,相当于
during the process of pursuing a common goal.

 “and documenting the results on your résumé. ” 意为“并且


 result (n.) : the achievement of something

e.g. She certainly knows how to get results.
For best results, always use fresh ingredients when you
are cooking.
Reading Focus – Language Point

(n.) a paper or set of papers with written or printed information,
esp. of an official type.
A document certifying ownership. 
I stamp the document. 

(v.) prove by or support with documents such as references,

certificates and credentials.
His interest in cricket has been well-documented by
the media.
Reading Focus – Language Point

7. In a business, you need to understand the process, but

you end up falling in love with the answer and then
take a risk based on what you think that answer
means to your business. (Para. 9)

 “falling in love with the answer” means “being much

interested in the answer”

Reading Focus – Language Point

 end up
1) to be finally in a particular situation, state, or place , after a
series of events
Most slimmers end up putting weight back on.
Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty
stomach upset.
2) arrive
If you drive your car like that, you’ll end up in hospital.
3) finish
The politician finally ended up his speech.
Reading Focus – Language Point

8. The scientist who is transitioning into the business

world must prioritize his or her relationship assets
above their technical assets. (Para. 11)

 prioritize (v.) :to put things in order of

importance so that the most important ones are
done first
When you have twenty tasks for the day, all of them
urgent, it’s not easy to prioritize them.
Reading Focus – Language Point

asset: (n.)
1) the things a company owns,that can be sold to pay debts
( 通常用作复数 )
a corporation with $9 billion in assets
the value of a company’s assets

2) something or someone that is useful because they help you

secceed or deal with problems
A sense of humor is a great asset in this business.
I think Rachel would be an asset to the department.
Reading Focus – Language Point

 辨析 prior; priority; prioritize

prior to
1) He had showed no signs of being in pain ______
suffering a heart attack.

priority to large businesses when

2) Banks usually give _______
deciding on loans.

3) The public wants to see the fight against crime ________.
Reading Focus – Language Point

9. To suddenly be valued and measured by your mastery of

human relationships can be a very scary proposition for a
person who has been valued and measured only by his
mastery of things,” says Rick. (Para. 11 )

 不定式短语 “ To suddenly be valued and measured by your

mastery of human relationships” 当主语,全句的意思是:
For a person who has been estimated and evaluated only by his
skillfulness in dealing with the physical world, it is a very
frightening prospect to be suddenly estimated and evaluated by the
skillfulness in building up human relationships.
 proposition (n.): problem, opponent, prospect
e.g. Finding a buyer for this old car is not an easy proposition.
The proposition of working all night was quite depressing.
Reading Focus – Language Point

10. Indeed, the key players I’ve met who work at the bench
in industry have succeeded in great measure because
they’ve been able to work with a broad variety of
personalities, up and down the organization. (Para. 12)

 bench: a long heavy table used for working on with tools or

a carpenter’s bench 木工工作台

 翻译:事实上,我所遇见的在企业工作的核心员工们之所以
取得成功,很大程度上是因为他们 能够与公司上下各种各样
Reading Focus – Language Point

 in (a) great /some measure

The children were given a great measure of independence.
He is in some measure rather careless.

 辨析 measure , degree, extent, scope, domain

① Most writers, to a greater or less _________,

degree incline to the
second view.
② To what________
extent are you willing to help me?
③ Many words are outside the ________of
scope this dictionary.
④ The doctor works in the _________of
domain public domain.
Reading Focus – Language Point

 personality (n.):
1. someone’s character, especially the way they behave towards
other people
He was an ambitious man with strong personality.

2. someone who is famous often appears in newspapers , on

television etc, especially an entertainer or sports person
One of the most well-liked TV personalities

3. someone who has a very strong character and is very different

from other people
He was a dynamic personality in the business world.
Reading Focus – Language Point

 辨析 personality person people human

personality in the district.

① He is quite a___________

person make another

② It is a horrible thing to see one ________
③ Ireland was inhabited by two ________.
people people
④ He lived for the ________ and died for the _______.
⑤ That was the beginning of the life of us _________.
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action

Task 1
Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the
underlined word in the sentence. (P.15)

• Key
1- A 2- C 3- B 4- C 5-D
6- D 7- D 8- C 9- A 10-D
11- A 12- B
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action

Task 2
Read the words and their explanations in the box in page 16. Choose a
word to complete each of the sentences below and explain its meaning.
Change the form if necessary.

1. Details of the highly sensitive information have not been made

2. Working at home requires a good deal of ____________.
3. He never ceased to be amazed by her physical ___________.
reference—a to previous research on the
4. The article made no _____________
5. The great ____________
strength—d of our plan lies in its simplicity.
6. The palace and its grounds are open to the __________
public—a during the
summer months.
demonstrated—b outside the courtroom during the
7. Supporters _______________
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action

8. I didn’t enjoy studying Philosophy—I found it too much of a theoretical

9. Ask your teacher to act as one of your _____________.
10. He said he left the company because of a ______________ clash with the
11. Different cultures have different ways of _______________ their
children. disciplining—d
12. The study _______________ the link between poverty and malnutrition.
13. The disclosuredemonstrates —a will not be a criminal offence if it can
of the information
be shown that it was in the __________ interest.
14. The book will become a standard work of ______________.
15. It’s partly the architecture which gives thepublic—d
town its _________________.

Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action

Task 3
Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the
box. Change the form if necessary. (P17)

prioritize cite pay teamwork credit

demonstrate setting adjust rule
discourage pursuit employment

The independence-versus-interdependence issue has been

written about regularly and is often introduced as the major
employment :
issue separating the two worlds of scientific 1)___________
academic and industrial. For decades, academia has 2)
_______lip service to the idea of collaboration, but the
incentive-and-reward system has been slow to 3)_________ .
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action

prioritize cite pay teamwork credit

demonstrate setting adjust rule
discourage pursuit employment

Despite the widespread interest in collaboration and its obvious

value in an academic 4)_______
setting , collaboration remains informal
discouraged by the tenure process, in which
and is actually 5)____________
credit for their work
scholars are penalized for sharing 6)________
with others.
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action

prioritize cite pay teamwork credit

demonstrate setting adjust rule
discourage pursuit employment

Large-scale academic collaboration has taken place successfully

in the past; the Manhattan Project and contemporaneous radar
research, and numerous experimental particle physics projects, to 7)
cite just a few examples, are not perhaps academic in the purest
demonstrate that academic scientists can play
sense, but they 8)___________
well with others.
More recently, new systems biology studies are bringing a sense
of 9)____________ into academic life science labs, but there have
been some growing pains.
Still, in most of academic science—including the life science—
the lone wolf still 10)___________.
Reading More

Why Do We Work?
Reading More

Global Understanding
Critical Thinking
Language Points

Vocabulary in Action
Reading More—Global understanding

Text Exploration
Complete the following extract with information from the text.
We work for money, but also for sanity. Lawyers expect to be well
nonmonetary ways. The key
compensated in dollars, also in 1)____________
elements of noneconomic compensation include:
1. Professional identity
recognizing professional
Law firms pay psychic compensation by 2)___________
prerogatives, providing lawyers with autonomy in matters of
professional judgment, and affirming the special respect 3)____due to
adhere to ethical standards in all of their professional
lawyers who 4)______
dealings. What’s more, they need to take care not to impinge on
considered professional judgment. This is
lawyers’ exercise of 5)__________
equally important to professional autonomy.
2. Personal pride
Lawyers compensate themselves with the powerful 6)____________
impede the
of a job well done. For an elite firm, it’s unwise to 7)_______
drive to excellence, even when it’s not cost effective in the short term.
Reading More—Global understanding

3. Idealism
thirst for justice is an important element of
Slaking lawyers’ 8)_______
psychic compensation. An elite firm supports pubic service efforts,
thereby compensating its professionals, and 9)___________
discharging its
institutional obligations to society at the same time.
4. Recognition
Both formal and informal recognition is called for in psychic
rendering of which requires a little extra
compensation, the 10)__________
effort on the part of management.
To 11)________ the purpose, different forms of acknowledging
achievement such as elaborate dinners, parties, casual events, formal
award programs, 12) ____________ of public recognition, even a
congratulatory e-mail or phone call are among the choices.
Reading More—Global understanding

5. Institutional pride
belonging of
Giving lawyers cause to be proud to be 13) ___________
the firm is the final element of psychic compensation. This
commit itself to
requires the management to 14)________
building the firm as an integrated and thriving institution.
In sum, to attract top legal talent, law firm managers must
attend to both the physical and psychic needs of their
Reading More

Critical Thinking
Reading More—Critical Thinking

Discuss in groups the following questions.

1. Do you agree with the quotation from Theodor Reik “Work
and love—these are the basics. Without them there is neurosis”?
Why or why not?
2. Suppose you were a lawyer, among the four points mentioned
in the text that are related to the concept of “professional
identity”, which is the most important to you? And which is the
least important? Give your reasons.
3. What is the relationship between the institutional pride of a
company and the personal pride of its employees? How can any
conflict be resolved?
Reading More – Language Point

1. Why do we work? For money, but also for sanity.

(Para. 2)

 sanity(n.) :
1) the condition of being mentally healthy
She wondered if she was losing her sanity.

2) the condition of being reasonable and sensible

Sanity appears to be returning to the stock market.
I took a vacation to try to recover my sanity.
 翻译:我们为什么工作?为钱,也为有明智的头脑。
Reading More – Language Point

2. Many lawyers define themselves with reference to

the privileges and attributes of their profession. (Para.3)

Many lawyers interpret themselves in terms of the
privileges and attributes the profession provides.
Reading More – Language Point

 define: (v.)
1) to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say what
standards, limits, qualities etc it has that make it different from
other things
the ability to define clients’ needs
The duties of the post are difficult to define.
2) to explain exactly the meaning of a particular word or idea
I’ll now try to define the term “popular culture”.
 with/in reference to: in connection with, about
I am writing to you with reference to your letter of 15 March.
Reading More – Language Point

3. In this regard, firms should encourage a diversity of

approaches, letting each lawyer develop his or her own
style of practice. (Para. 5)

 in this regard: relating to something you have just mentioned

1)The company’s problems, in this regard, are certainly not
2)The union is the largest in the country and in this regard is
best placed to serve its members.
Reading More – Language Point

4. Empowering lawyers in this way inculcates a heightened

sense of personal responsibility, which in turn reinforces
the drive for individual excellence. (Para. 5)

 “Empowering lawyers in this way” 是动名词短语当主语。
 名词 加上前缀 em-, en- 成为动词,这种例子还有:
embed (fix in surrounding mass); embody (give concrete form
to); encamp (settle in camp); encircle( surround); encode (put
into code)
 如动词 heighten, 名词 加上后缀 -en 成为动词:
hearten (make or become more cheerful); lengthen (make or
become longer); strengthen (make or become stronger)
Reading More – Language Point

inculcate: to fix ideas, principles etc in someone’s mind

e.g. 1) I try to inculcate a sense of responsibility in my children.
2) Not all schools manage to successfully inculcate a love of

reinforce v.
1. to give support to an opinion, idea, or feeling, and make it
e.g. 1) The film reinforces the idea that women should be pretty
and dumb.
2) His behavior merely reinforced my dislike of him.
2. to make part of a building, structure, piece of clothing etc stronger
The pockets on my jeans are reinforced with double stitching.
Reading More – Language Point

5. A lawyer is well-paid with the confidence that the firm

will stand behind him or her in such circumstances. (Para. 6)

 从句 “ that the firm will stand behind him or her in such

circumstances.” 是名词“ confidence” 的同位语从句。

 in/under… circumstances: 在 ······ 的情况下

 circumstances 前面可加上 such, appropriate, all, present 等修
1) He was found dead in suspicious circumstances.
2) The rules can only be waived in exceptional circumstances.
3) Is he dangerous? He might be-under some circumstances.
 如果加上否定词 no, 表示“在任何情况下都不”,以 in/under
no circumstances 开头的句子要用倒装语序:
1) In no circumstances must a soldier leave his post.
2) I made my mind up that under no circumstances could
I agree to such a principle.
Reading More – Language Point

6. Most lawyers find self-worth in setting an example—both

within the profession and within the larger society—as
ethical actors. (Para. 7)

 Paraphrase:
Most lawyers find self-worth in setting an example as
ethical actors, both within the profession and within the
larger society .

 “ethical actors” means “people who demonstrate moral

standards to the public”.
Reading More – Language Point

 make ( it to):
1. to arrive at or reach successfully
1) She made (it to) the airport just in time to catch her plane.
2) He made it to the bed and then collapsed.

2. to be very successful
She is very ambitious, but I don’t think she’ll
ever really make it.
Reading More – Language Point

for the sake of someone /for someone’s sake:

1. in order to help or bring advantage to someone
1)John and Mary stayed together only for the sake of the
2)It’s entirely for your own sake that I am speaking.

2. because of, for the purpose of

1)Let’s not disagree for the sake of a few pounds.
2)You are arguing just for sake of arguing.
Reading More – Language Point

7. Few of us make it through the rigors of a legal

education without having a deeply internalized sense
of excellence for its own sake. (Para. 8)

This sentence means:

Few people would manage to be like this: after enduring the
hardship of legal education in law school, they still don’t feel
a deep sense of excellence, which is so deep that it has been
part of their character, and it is a pure sense of excellence,
not affected by anything else.
Reading More – Language Point

8. As a matter of both compensation and reputation, an

elite firm cannot afford to impede the drive to
excellence, even when it’s not cost effective in the short
term. (Para. 9)
 cannot afford to do sth.: must not do sth. because it could cause
serious problems
1) We can’t afford to wait any longer or we will miss the
2) He can’t afford to offend his employer.

Reading More – Language Point

 cost effective, cost-effective (adj). bringing the best

possible profits or advantages for the lowest possible costs
1) The most cost-effective way of reducing carbon dioxide
2) The procedure is quick, easy to use and cost effective.

 in the… term: for a…period of time in the future

1) Taking this decision will cost us more in the short term, but
will beneficial in the long term.
2) While in the short term the outlook is very uncertain, the
Irish economy remains fundamentally healthy.
Reading More – Language Point

9. This means, for example, that firm management

should applaud the writing and rewriting of a brief
to the highest standard even when a cynical
perspective would suggest that the extra effort will
have no practical effect. (Para. 9)

 “a cynical perspective ” means “people who hold a

cynical point of view”.
Reading More – Language Point

 cynical: (adj.)
1. unwilling to believe that people have good, honest or sincere reasons for
doing something
e.g. 1) I’ve always been deeply cynical about politicians.
2) With that cynical outlook, he doesn’t trust anyone.
2. tending to use the weaknesses or feelings of others to one’s own advantage
e.g. She works in that most cynical of industries, the
advertising industry.
 cynic: (n.) someone who doesn’t trust or respect the goodness of other people
and their actions, believing hat people are interested only in themselves.
I’m too much of a cynic to believe that he’ll keep his promise.
Reading More – Language Point

10. Almost by definition, an elite law firm supports pro

bono and public service efforts, thereby accomplishing the
intertwined goal of compensating its professionals and
discharging its institutional obligations to society.

It is intrinsically characteristic of a top-flight law firm to
support volunteer social work and public service efforts,
which helps it to reach the interrelated goal of rewarding its
professionals and performing its duties to society as an
institution at the same time.
Reading More – Language Point

 discharge: (v.)
1) to do or pay what you have a duty to do or pay
e.g. The trustees failed to discharge their duties properly.

2) to fire a gun or shoot an arrow

e.g. A soldier accidently discharged his weapon.

3) to send out gas, liquid, smoke etc or to allow it to escape

e.g. Rainwater collects here and then discharges into the river

4) to officially allow someone to leave, or to tell them they must

e.g. Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the
Reading More – Language Point

 discharge: (n.)
1) When you officially allow someone to leave somewhere
Nurses visit the mother and baby for two weeks after their
discharge from the hospital.

2) When someone performs a duty or pays a debt

the discharge of the college’s legal responsibilities

3) When gas liquid smoke etc is sent out, or the substance that is
sent out
the discharge of toxic waste into the sea
Reading More – Language Point

11. Institute formal award programs. Stage ceremonies of

public recognition. (Para. 13)

 “Institute” and “stage” both are used as verbs here.

 institute: (v.) to introduce or start a system, rule, legal
process etc
e.g. We had no choice but to institute court proceedings
against the airline.

 stage: (v.) to organize a public event

Activists staged a protest outside the parliament.
Exhibitions staged in Paris.
Reading More – Language Point

12.When firm management commits itself to building the

firm as an integrated institution, with strong institutional
values, and when the firm thrives as an institution,
belonging to the firm becomes its own reward. (Para.14)
 commit sb. to/to doing: to say that somebody will definitely do
something or must do something
1) He has clearly committed his government to continuing
down the path of economic reform.
2) Nobody committed themselves to a definite answer.

Reading More – Language Point

an integrated institution or system etc refers to such an

institution or system that combines many different groups,
ideas, or parts in a way that works well
1) an integrated public transport system
2) a racially integrated community

thrive: (v.) to become very successful or very strong and

1) Plants that thrive in tropical rainforests
2) A business which managed to thrive during a recession
Reading More – Language Point

13. Of course, this requires management to foster a

corporate identity that subsumes individual egos—the
greater good of the group must take precedence.
subsume (v.)
to include someone or something as member of a group
or type, rather than considering it separately
A wide range of offences are usually subsumed under
the category of robbery.

Reading More – Language Point

 precedence: the condition of being dealt with before

other things or of being considered more important than
other things.
1) Precedence must be given to the injured in the evacuation
2) Business people often think that fluency and communication
take precedence over grammar when speaking.
Reading More – Language Point

14. And the firm as an institution must meet the highest standards
in every area: excellent corporate citizenship, superb client
service, selfless public service, outstanding reputation.

 corporate citizenship: also known as Corporate social

responsibility (CSR), corporate responsibility, responsible
business, sustainable responsible business (SRB), or corporate
social performance, is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated
into a business model.
Essentially, it is the deliberate inclusion of public interest into
corporate decision-making, and the honoring of a triple bottom line:
People, Planet, Profit.
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

Task 1
Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate form of the
word given and explain its meaning.
1. Observe
A. It was_________
observed that 40% of patients had high blood
pressure. v. to see and notice something
B. Keynes __________that human beings fall into two classes.
v. to say or write what you have noticed about a situation
C. Too many accidents are occurring at work because
observing safety regulations.
employers are not __________
v. to do what you are supposed to do according to a law
or agreement
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

2. label
A. ________
Labels on clothes should be removed for kids with sensitive
n. a piece of paper or other material that is attached to
something and gives information about it
B. She carefully ________
labeled each jar with its contents and the date.
v. to attach a label onto something or write information on
labeled “slow” usually get less attention from
C. Children who are _______
v. to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something,
but often unfairly or incorrectly
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

3. engage
engage in regular exercise.
A. Only 10% of American adults ________
v. to be doing or to become involved in an activity

was engaged as a junior clerk at a very low wage.

B. Paul ____________
v. to employ someone to do a particular job
C. Have you heard? Sally and Ray are getting _________.
v. (two people) having agreed to marry
engaging personality has helped make her
D. Her __________
television’s favorite talk-show hostess.
adj. pleasant and attracting your interest
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

4. attribute

A. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is

attributed to improvements in diet.
generally _________
v. to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something
attributes should a good manager possess?
B. What __________
n. a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be
good or useful

attributed to Giotto.
C. This, and the remaining frescoes, are not ________
v. to believe or say that someone was responsible for saying
or writing something, i.e. painting a famous picture, etc.
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

5. drive
Driving a Rolls Royce into a swimming pool was one of
A. ________
the most dangerous stunts Crawford had to perform.
v. to make a car, truck, bus etc move along

B. The government must continue this _______

drive to find new,
cleaner forms of energy.
n. an effort to achieve something, especially an effort by an
organization for a particular purpose
drive to become a good lawyer.
C. Greg certainly has the _______

n. determination and energy to succeed

Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

6. exercise
exercise into your daily routine.
A. Try to fit some regular________
n. a set of questions in a book that test a student’s knowledge or skill
B. The ________in
exercises Chapter 3 are helpful for students learning
the future tense.
n. physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy
and become stronger
C. People who can _______
exercise some control over their surroundings
feel less anxious.
v. to use a power, right, or quality that you have
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

7. term
term in office would
A. It was always clear that Schmidt’s third ______
prove a difficult one.
n. a fixed period of time during which someone does something
or something happens
B. The exams are at the end of the summer _______.
n. one of the periods of time that the school or university year
is divided into
termed a temporary employee, now he is a member
C. He had been ________
of permanent staff.
v. to give a name to or describe something with a particular
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

8. discharge
discharged from the Army due to
A. Several of the recruits were __________
medical problems.
v. to officially allow someone to leave somewhere, especially the
hospital or the army, navy, etc., or to tell them that they must leave

B. The president called upon the soldiers to discharge

________ their duty with
v. to do or pay what you have a duty to do or pay
discharges from Spring
C. All and dispositions of radioactive waste _________
fields were within relevant limits.
n. something coming out of a substance from inside somewhere
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

9. minor
minor changes to the program.
A. We have made some _______
adj. small and not very important or serious, especially
compared with other things

minored/minors in political science.

B. Sid ______________
v. to study a second main subject as part of university degree

C. This film contains material unsuitable for __________.
n. someone who is below the age at which they become legally
responsible for their actions
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

10. stage
stage in our two countries’
A. This treaty marks an important _______
n. a particular time or state that something reaches as it grows or

B. The orchestra was restricted to a semicircle in view of the needs of

Roman drama and, in front of this was a raised _______.
n. the raised area in a theatre which actors or singers stand on
when they perform
stage the concert, including
C. It cost thousands of pounds to _______
performers’ fees and the hire of equipment.
v. to organize a public event
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

11. foster
A. The couple wanted to adopt the black child they had been
v. to take someone else’s child into your family for a period of
time but without becoming their legal parent
B. Recent studies show that advertising usually ______
competition and therefore lowers prices.
v. to help a skill, feeling, idea, etc. develop over a period of time

C. Half a million American children are in foster

_____ care at any
given time.
adj. related by or concerned with fostering
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

12. firm
firm of accountants in London.
A. Edward got a job with a ______
n. a business or company, especially a small one
firm before you climb up.
B. Make sure the ladder feels ______
adj. strongly fixed in position, and not likely to move
firm with her or she’ll try to take advantage
C. You need to be ______
of you.
adj. (people) behaving in a way showing that they are not
going to change their mind, or that they are the person
taking control
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

Task 2
Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in
brackets into English. Try to use the expressions you have
learned from the text.
due to you as a bonus
1. The sum of $20 is _______________________________
( 是你应得的奖金 ).

in recognition of his
2. He had just received a doctorate ______________________
contributions to psychology ( 以表彰他为心理学作出
的贡献 ).
serves a purpose
3. Insurance is only valuable if it _____________________
( 达到一种目的 ).
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

attended to in due course

4. Don’t worry, everything will be ______________________
( 在适当的时候得到处理 ).

takes precedence
5. This problem should be discussed first, as it ______________
_____________________ ( 比其他问题都重要 ).
over all the others
6. You’ve been promoted? This calls for a celebration ( 需要庆
祝一下 ).

thirsted for a few new books ( 渴望一

7. The scholar’s mind _________________________
些新书 ).
Reading More – Vocabulary in Action

8. I am writing to you__________________________________
with reference to the job opening
in your department ( 有关你们部门的工作机会 ).

Mary has a great diversity of interests ( 玛丽有广泛的兴趣

9. _______________________________
爱好 ), she like sports, travel, photography and making
radio sets.

committed themselves to boosting profits

10. The banks have __________________________________
( 承诺增加利润 ) by slashing costs.
Practical Translation
定语从句的翻译( 1 )
引导定语从句的关联词可以是关系代词(如 who, which,
that )和关系副词(如 when, where, as )。定语从句可分为
定语从句的翻译 :
1. 前置法
把英语原文的定语从句翻译成带“的”的定语词组 , 放
2. 后置法
1. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by
the company he keeps.
定语从句“ he reads” ,“ he keeps” 分别被译成带“的”的

2. But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you
find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you
will almost certainly have a good time.
3. The Westerner who developed a farm, opened a shop, or set up in
business as a trader, could hope to prosper only as his own
community prospered—and his community ran from the Atlantic to
the Pacific and from Canada down to Mexico.
西部人经营农场, 开设店铺, 从事买卖,只有当他自己的
4. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for
outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine,
Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals.
他那著名的遗嘱是对他爱好和理想的纪念, 在遗嘱中他遗留
下了钱, 为在物理学,化学, 生理学,医学,文学与和平方
5. People are still talking about the historic events of several years ago,
when man took his first walk in space.
6. They are looking for a city where the standard of living is high and
the cost of living is low.
这里, where 引导的定语从句较长,放在中心词 “ city” 后
7. They act mostly on suggestions from present members, of whom
four are women.
他们大多听从现在成员的建议行事,这些成员中有 4 人是女性。
8. If you are looking for fun and adventure, you might want to try
the “Mystery Express”, which runs from New York to Montreal,
Canada. This trip interests people who have always wanted to
play a role in an Agatha Christie play or a Sherlock Holmes
detective novel.
如果你想找乐子和冒险,你也许想要乘一下“神秘特快” ,该车从
意思却不复杂,译成前置带的短语修饰“ people” ,符合汉
Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. Pay
particular attention to the adverbial clauses.

Paragraph One
“Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition
happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies
win is by getting ‘there’ faster, which means that you not only
have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to
move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where ‘there’
is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act
quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act
on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization
and is not exclusive to management.”
Translation for Reference:

“ 一年 365 天,一周 7 天,一天 24 小时,生意始终在

进行,那意味着一年 365 天,一周 7 天,一天 24 小
Paragraph Two

Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical

standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—
both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical
actors. When management affirms the special respect due to
lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their
professional dealings, it provides yet another form of
Paragraph Two
Focused Writing

Narrative Essays
Focused Writing — Writing Skill

When writing a narrative essay, bear in mind the following principles:

1) Point of view

 If it’s your story, use “I”;

 If it’s a story about what happened to a friend or group of friends
including yourself, use “we”.
 If it is about someone else or about something, use “he”, “she” or
 Be consistent. Retain the perspective throughout.
Focused Writing — Writing Skill

2) Sequence or order
 Use the conventions found in any story:
• a plot
• the characters
• a climax
• an ending
 Use flashback to make a narrative interesting.

3) Tense
 In most cases, use the past tense.
 Sometimes, the present and future are also used.
Focused Writing — Writing Skill

4) Dialogue
The advantages:
Bring the characters alive;
Make the story meaningful and realistic

Words of each character, enclosed in quotation mark, are
treated as a separate paragraph;
Sometimes, indirect speeches can also be used.
Focused Writing — Writing Skill

 Two extremes to be avoided:

– Telling the story event by event, without descriptive
details, explanation and dialogue.
– Telling the story with complex description but no plot.
Final Project
Final Project

Step One:
Marvin Blum manages his own law firm. He finds
that his firm encounters difficulty in retaining
lawyers. Two of the seven lawyers have recently
quit, and another employee is said to be hopping to a
prestigious firm. He’s complaining to his father-in-
law, a retired senior lawyer from Ben & Johnson,
one of the elite law firms in the local area. His
father-in-law points out sharply that the problem
stems from his ignorance of lawyers’ psychic needs.
Final Project

Role-play the conversation between Marvin Blum and his

father-in-law with your partner.

Marvin’s problem seems to focus on three aspects:

the declining business
increasing complaints from the clients
disloyal staff

The following sentence patterns are for your reference:

1) The firm pays them a salary higher than…
2) There are also other benefits such as…
3) Do you ever think of what they need besides…
4) When I was working as a lawyer in Ben & Johnson…
5) We had our own say in…
Final Project

Your conversation could go like this:

Father-in-law: So, how’s your firm doing, Marvin?

Marvin: Not so good, as a matter of fact, much worse than
I expected. I just don’t know why…
Father-in-law: Try not to worry, tell me what’s up?
Marvin: …
Final Project

Step Two
Enlightened on how to encourage his lawyers, Marvin decides to
adopt a new style of management. He calls a meeting with his board
members and tells them about the new measures he’s going to take.
The board members question his motivation for each measure.
Imagine you are Marvin Blum, deliver a speech on how to reform
the management style in the firm, and your partners will act the
role of the board members who ask you questions.

The following words and expressions are for your reference:

It’s high time that… What’s the point of working
prioritize cannot afford
interfere it is…that counts
environment reputation
Thank You!

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