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Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty because with His mercy,
grace, and taufik and guidance we were able to complete a paper on "Improve English Skills".
And we also thank Emi S.pd as the English teacher.
We really hope this paper can be useful in order to increase our insight and knowledge
about "Improve English Skills". We are also fully aware that in this paper there are
shortcomings and it is far from perfect. Therefore, we hope for criticism, suggestions and
suggestions for the improvement of the papers that we have made in the future, considering that
nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions.
Hopefully this simple paper can be understood by anyone who reads it. If this paper that
has been compiled can be useful for us and for those who read it. Previously, we apologize if
there are mistakes in words that are less pleasing and we ask for constructive criticism and
suggestions for future improvements.
The purpose of this research is to find out how to improve your English skills. To find out how to develop students'
potential in learning. Menwhile, to find out how to improve English language skills and to know a good method so that English
is easy to understand
Human life cannot be separated from language activities. Language is a means of communication between humans.
Language is a character that animates a nation. Language is a unifying tool used by people to communicate and interact with
each other.
Language skills are needed in today's modern life. Communication will take place more orally in a foreign language.
Skill is a characteristic of an educated person or an educated nation. Speaking is the ability to use language to communicate
using spoken language. Ability is a learning process that is diligent in practicing as well as in learning English. The more
diligent you practice English, the more you will improve. For this reason, English language skills need to be developed. In the
development of English, the creation of an interesting atmosphere so that students can develop their potential. One of the
lessons that can develop students' potential is to speak English and master all aspects of skills in mastering the language. But
the skills taught so far are still using conventional methods that are less interesting and boring. For this reason, a new learning
strategy is needed that empowers students more and utilizes technology that is increasingly developing today.
The objective of the research is to find out the effect of improve English skills for classroom in improving student’s
English skills. The subject of this research are student of Class XII RPL2 Vocational School Mutiara Ilmu . In this methodology,
we do the first step, interview, conduct an interview by asking the following questions

The first step, learning video, by taking the time to learn through easy to understand English learning videos and using a
special channel for learning English.

The second step, with the option of studying with friends who are good at English, with that English language skills are
increasingly increasing, because of the help of friends who have English skills.

The last step is to choose the best English course, which gives better feedback because it is taught directly with people
with better English skills.
Of the 35 students interviewed, only 13% of 100% chose to study by choosing an English course and studying with
And from most of the 74% students prefer to improve English by watching learning videos.

Improve english skills

Friend Tutorial video
13% Through Friend

From the discussion above, the conclusion is hopefully by improving our English language skills we can get a wider
connection in the future, in the work environment, in the daily environment and in the wider community, improving English
language skills is very important for the future, skills Language is obtained by always practicing how to speak, and practicing to
understand how to compose sentences because communication occurs through sentences to display differences in behavior that
vary from different people. A good speaker should be able to give the impression that he mastered the issue being discussed.
Good mastery of the topic will foster courage and fluency. In addition to mastering the topic, a speaker must speak (pronounce
the sounds of the language) clearly and precisely. Because the pronunciation of language sounds that are less precise can
distract listeners.

From the discussion in this paper, the author's suggestions are as follows:
1. Learn to start small and be serious about learning in English.

2. In starting to speak (speaking) English, take the time to improve English language skills, pay attention to some of the existing
theories to make it easier to learn

According to the recommendations in the text of this report, you should do the following ways so that people, especially
teenagers, are more familiar with English and get a broad reach

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