Kelompok 1 Simple Present Tense & Present Continuous Tense

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Simple Present Tense (sekarang) + Simple Present Continuous Tense (sedang)

kelompok 1
 Amara Cindy Claudea
 Aminatul Ikrimah
 Andi Nayla Zhalza M.
 Julia Mianti
 Nur Fathillah Maulia
 The meaning of simple present tense

What is present tense ? So, the simple meaning “there is an event” well, if the
present, it means “now” the point is, the simple present tense is the sentence
with a pattern of ver that states the incident that takes place in the present.
If its named, the formula for this one here is not too complicated. the reason is,
we often using this tense in everyday life to declare facts and events that are
commonly carried out.
Before diving it deeper, its better if we remember the structure of a 'sentence'
so, we can say a sentence if it consists of the following 3 things :

+) I, You, We, They + V1
+) He, She, It + V1 + s/es
--) Subjects + Do/Does + Not + V1
?) Do/Does + Subjects + V1

+ ) He goes to school
- ) He does not go to school
? ) Does he go to school?
Place Your Pictu
re Here
DO :
+ ) They go to school
- ) They do not go to school
? ) Do they go to school?

 We sing every monday

 I write with laptop every night
 They try to use by cycle every evening
 We go to school by bus
 My friend lives in bandung
Adverb of time simple present tense
The most serious adverb of time used in the simple present tense is every which means every, now the
adverb of time that begins with every is usually placed at the end of the sentence, for example

 He goes to church every sunday

 I drink milk every morning
 My mother cooks every day

The difference is that the adverb of time shows how often an event occurs, and it is placed after the
subject of the sentence, for example

 He usually comes to class early

 I always brush my teeth every day.
 Tedy never plays basketball.
 He doesn't like it
Present Continuous Tense
 Definition of present continuous tense EXAMPLE :
 The present continuous tense is a form
of tense that you can use to describe
something or state an action that is +) He is walking to school
taking place for a certain time in the -) He is not walking to school
present (present). ?) Is He Walking to school?

+) They are playing football

+) Subjects + To be + V1-ing -) They are not playing football
-) Subjects + Am, Is, Are + NOT + V1-ing ?) Are They playing football?
?) Am, Is, Are + Subjects + V1-ing

• I am listening radio right now

• Ami and Ama are eating soto ayam now
• I am reading an English book now
• He is not going brenada's birthday party
• Lia is not going to school today
Verbs that cannot be used in the present continuous tense

Perception and sensation (verbs that

show human senses): hear, taste,
smell, see, sound
Cognition, emotion, attitude (a verb
that shows cognition, emotion, and
attitude): love, hate, adore, doubt, like,
forget, agree, disagree
Having and being (verbs showing
ownership): be, have, have to, cost,
require, belong, include
Stance (verb showing stance): sit,
stand, lie, live, face
Other static verbs: weigh, contain,
involve, contain, consist

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