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Lenard Peregil

BSIT 201

0 4 Task
Perform a nce
1Frameworks and Principles
Behind Our Moral Disposition
M e t a - Ethics
– Under Meta-Ethics, I think human rights is an ethical issue that can be relate to cognitivism. Because basic
human rights are still denied in a lot of nations. Freedom of speech, freedom from political repression,
movement, association, assembly and many more are still not universally accepted. In cognitivism, they
say that they are “truth bearers” and it is a learning theory that focuses on the process involved in
learning rather than observe behavior.
– Global justice and injustice is I think under the framework of moral realism. Moral realism talks about the
existence of moral facts and the truth (or falsity) of moral judgments are independent of people’s
thoughts and perceptions. Because we all know that our justice system is not that good as other nations.
There are people who get to jail because of fail accusation. Not all the time we get the truth that we have.
N o r m a t i v e Ethics
– My experiences from real-world situations about the framework under the normative ethics,
which is the virtue ethics to be exact. Instead of letting my classmates copy an answer to me, I
will teach them how so that they can do it alone and on their own next time without copying
and without the help of others. That simple act shows a concern, kindness and I am helping
them develop a good habits of character and also in that way I become generous by sharing
my knowledge to my classmates.
– Corruption is I think under the deontology framework. Because deontology talks about the
morality on independent moral rules or duties. The government must really know that they
have rules to promote and duties to fulfill rather than have an interest to the money that
our government has.
A pp l i e d E t h i cs

– Patient privacy and confidentiality is one of the ethical issues in healthcare and I think it falls on
applied ethics under the bioethics. Bioethics concerns about ethical issues related to healthcare
and this example is an accurate one. Protection of private patient’s information is one of
the most important ethical and legal issues in the field of healthcare. Conversations between a
physician and a patient should be strictly confidential, because it is an information about an
individual’s medical condition.
– An ethical issue of sexual harassment is under the sexual ethics in the applied ethics. Simply because
sexual ethics studies moral issues about sexuality and human sexual behavior.
– In social ethics, racism or racial discrimination is one of the examples. Because social ethics focuses
on what may be deemed as proper behavior for people as a whole. And the proper behavior is to
treat everyone as equal.

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