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by Lee W. Waldrep, Ph.D.
Presented by grup six (class d)
Andi hidayati Muhammad
# d.
220211502069 # fauzan

Andi muhammad alif Rm. Dimas dhava

# r.
220211502083 # deniro nw.
definition of
an architect
What is architecture?
Architecture is the design and manipulation of the built
environment to create a sense of place. It is a confluence of
science and art that addresses programmatic and aesthetic
requirements within the constraints of budget, schedule, life
safety, and social responsibility. Robert D. Roubik. AIA, LEED
AP, Project Architect. Antunovich Associates Architects and
Profile of the
According to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, US Department of Labor,
132,000 architects practiced in the
United States, and 29,133 students were
studying architecture in professional
degree programs in the United States
during the academic year.
Architect salary, according us departemet of

$147,452 $98,800 $71,600 $45,000

Principal of Senior Project Architect Apprentice
association Management Staff
Diversity is a set of human traits that have
an impact on individuals' values,
opportunities, and perceptions of self and
others at work, that includes six core
dimensions: age, ethnicity, gender, mental or
physical abilities, race, and sexual
Education of
an architect
Architect must be complemented by knowledge
of many branches of study and different types of
learning. To become an Architect, there are three main
steps, namely Education, Experience And Exams.

Where did their desire to become Architects

come from? Some they enjoy drawing making them
happy to build with blocks, legos, erector sets, and
similar toys.
The many variations of the block all give children a sense of
design, invention, and creation. For example like a lego toys.
Academic course
Being an architect requires a
college education High school
academic curriculum, you
should focus on college
preparatory courses, including
four years of English and math.
Education of architect
Apart from academic, you can do the following to start preparing for a career in architecture:

1. Exploration of the built environment

2. Visits to architecture firms and schools
3. Participating in summer programs sponsored by architecture programs
4. Participating in after-school programs
Architects must have the ability to build abstract relationships and understand
the impact of ideas based on research and analysis of various theoretical, social,
political, economic, cultural and environmental contexts. These capabilities include
facilities with a wider scope of media used to think about architecture including
writing, investigative skills, speaking, drawing, and modeling.

Students' learning aspirations include:

• Widely educated
• Appreciate a lifetime of curiosity
• Communicate graphically in a variety of media
• Recognize evidence assessments
• Understand people, places, and contexts
• Recognize the different needs of clients, communities, and communities
- In addition they must appreciate their role in the
implementation of design decisions, and the impact of such
decisions on the environment.

Student learning aspirations include:

• Create building designs with a well-integrated system.

• Understand constructability

• Incorporating a life safety system

• Integrate accessibility

• Applying the principles of sustainable design

What is experience?
The accumulation of knowledge or skills resulting from
direct participation in an event or activity as well as the
content of direct observation or participation in an event.
Therefore, to become an architect, it is important that you
participate directly in the profession in order to observe or
participate in your architecture, architectural firm, or
is a common way
experience. You can ask
to gain
for the
opportunity to volunteer in such a
company for a short time. A number of
nonprofits have formal programs that can
help you find a firm to volunteer with.
The purpose of an internship is to
provide students with work experience for a
long time, usually one semester. Internship
programs help students gain experience,
improve practical skills, and engage with real
projects and practices during their Independent
Activity Period.
By applying your talents as an
architecture student to gain experience, you
will be able to design your own career instead
of just letting it happen. Be creative in
organizing your search for potential employers.
Building a career is as difficult problem as
building a house, yet few have ever sat down in
pencil and paper with expert information and
advice to plan a work career and deal with life
problems scientifically, as they would like.

Career Isn't Something You Create Or Plan

For, It Just Happens. However, Like Architectural
Projects, A Career Must Be Carefully Planned. In
Many Ways, Designing A Career Is Parallel To
Designing A Building. Programming, Schematic
Design, Design Development, Working Drawings,
And Construction Were Replaced In The
Development Process.
- Values Are The Feelings, Attitudes, And Beliefs That You
Hold Tight In Your Heart. They Reflect What Is Important To You
And They Tell You What You Should Or Should Not Do. Work
Values Are Lasting Dimensions Or Aspects Of Our Work That
You Consider An Important Source Of Satisfaction. The Values
Traditionally Upheld By Architects Include Creativity,
Recognition, Diversity, Independence, And Responsibility.
There Are Three Types Of Skills
Self- Special
Functional skill
management knowledge
Means That You Can Are Responses To Your Includes a range of
Perform Certain Types Of Specific Behaviors Or Traits factual, theoritical, and
Activities. Such As Passion, Initiative, Or practical knowledge in a
Dependence. particular discipline.
- In Career Development, Exploration Is Parallel To The
Design Of Schemes. Career Exploration Is The Process Of
Collecting Information About The World Of Work. The Goal Is To
Get Career Information About Most Careers Or Specializations In
A Particular Career. Even If You've Chosen Architecture As A
Career It's Still Necessary Instead Of Exploring A Career You Can
Explore The Company's Possible Career Paths In Architecture
And Other Areas That Influence Your Architectural Path.
- Planning Is Bringing The Future To The Present So That We
Can Do Something About It Now. Planning Is Key To Meeting
Your Career Goals. Once The Owner/Client And Architect Have
Decided On The Design For A Potential Building, The Next Step
Is The Development Of A Plan.

In A Traditional Architecture Firm, You Can Obtain A Starting

Position As An Internship And Progression For Junior Designers,
Project Architects, And Eventually Colleagues Or Principals. This
Not Happening Overnight Can Take A Lifetime.

The future of
“The future is not the result of the choice of
alternative paths but rather the place that
creates it first in the mind. The future is not
where we will go, but the place where we will
create it. A path cannot be made, but when we
try there is a way. The activity of making it, the
creator and purpose of changing it.”


- In about 20 years ago green architecture went beyond
the use of natural systems by changing the design process of
a building, to eliminate the use of fossil fuels, realizing that
the building materials we use, are the impact of architecture
on the surrounding environment.

Architects need to put themselves at the forefront

of major political, environmental and social issues and
be integral in solving problems (through design and

Architects must learn that collaboration with a

diverse population will drive us into the next bun dred
years. To create the diversity we all hope for , the
profession must continue to strongly reach out to
children and young adults and express its own
importance. Once the youngest generation begins to
understand the role of architects , the more so ciety
will appreciate the breadth of our work responsibility.
- In the last 30 years, the role of the architect has shifted
further from that of an artist and craftsman to that of a
project delivery process manager. This new identity will
continue to solidify, Clients are rarely individuals anymore
but rather committees that must be led through a complex
process. In addition, jurisdictional approvals and public
hearings expose our designs to individuals without formal
architectural training or financial investment in project
success. The traditional phases of schematic design, design
development, and contract documents are blurred into one
design/documentation phase.

Keep an open mind. Pursue the architectural

aspects you like the most with reckless
neglect, Surround yourself with intelligent
and creative people. Enjoy the ride and learn
from all your experiences. Architecture can
be a painstaking job, but if you apply an
open mind, passion, inspiration, and wisdom
to the process, it can become more

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