Earth and Life Science SHS 5.1 Parts of The Immune System

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Lesson 5.

Parts of the Immune

At the end describe the different
of the parts of the immune
lesson, you
system and their
should be functions.
able to:
Learn about it!

The Immune System

● Is a collection of cells, organs, and
processes that protect the body
against foreign substances

● Example of foreign substance:

○ bacteria
○ virus
○ fungi Bacteria as seen under a
○ parasites microscope
Learn about it!

● Is the body’s ability to fight
certain illnesses, damages,
and diseases caused by
disease-causing agents

Disease-causing microbe
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Recognition by immune

● The body distinguishes

objects that are “self” and

● antigen is a substance that

can trigger an immune
Balding due to alopecia, an
response autoimmune disease
Learn about it!

Recognition by immune
● Autoimmune disease is a
disorder where the body
may recognize its own cells
as “non-self”

Balding due to alopecia, an

autoimmune disease
Learn about it!

● Can be part of a virus, a parasite, a
bacterium, or a fungus.

● Can elicit an immune response within

the host.

● Allergy is an immune response from

harmless substances (dust and cat
hairs). Skin allergy
Learn about it!

Cells of the Immune System

● Leukocytes (white blood cells) are
the soldiers of the immune system.

● Major types:
○ lymphocytes
○ basophils
○ eosinophils
Major types of white blood cells
○ neutrophils
○ monocytes
Learn about it!

Cells of the Immune System

● Lymphocytes carry the
major responsibility of
defending the body
against antigens.

Electron microscopic image of a

single human lymphocyte.
Learn about it!

Cells of the Immune System

● Three major types:
■ B cells secrete antibodies
■ T cells attack infected
body cells
■ natural killer cells
protect the body against
viruses, tumors, and
other invaders
White blood cells
Learn about it!

Cells of the Immune System

● Neutrophils travel where the
invaders are detected and
considered phagocytic cell

● Eosinophils are responsible

for fighting parasites, viruses,
and allergies

White blood cells

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Cells of the Immune System

● Basophils play a role in allergic

● Monocytes are responsible for

displaying pieces of invaders

White blood cells

Learn about it!

Organs of the Immune System

● Lymphatic vessels carry lymph which contains the white
blood cells

● Lymph nodes are bean-shaped clusters cells capable of

trapping antigens

● Afferent lymph vessels carry lymph to the nodes while

efferent lymph vessels carry them away from the nodes
Learn about it!

Organs of the Immune System

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Organs of the Immune System

● Tonsils are parts of the body found in the respiratory tract

● Types of tonsils:
○ Pharyngeal tonsils or adenoids produce mucus which
functions in moving substances
○ Palatine tonsils fights infections though contact from the
nose or mouth
○ Lingual tonsils produce antibodies
Learn about it!

Organs of the Immune System

● Thymus is where T cells mature

● Spleen is capable of destroying

and segregating malfunctioning
○ Red pulp removes old or
damaged blood cells and
○ White pulp produce antibodies Organs of the Immune System
Learn about it!

Organs of the Immune System

● Peyer’s patches are found in the
small intestine which monitor’s
microorganisms activity.

● Appendix is believed to act as an

area that houses beneficial bacteria.

The arrow is pointing to the

Peyer’s patch.
Learn about it!

Organs of the Immune System

● Bone marrow is
responsible for the
production of different
types of white blood

Red and yellow bone marrow

Key Points

Immunity is the body’s ability to fight certain illnesses,

1 damages, and diseases caused by disease-causing

Leukocytes are the main “soldiers” of the immune

2 system.

The organs of the immune system are tonsils,

3 thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer’s patches,
appendix and bone marrow.
Check Your Understanding

Write true if the statement is accurate, and false

if otherwise.
1. All leukocytes are manufactured by the thymus.
2. Neutrophils can be T-cells or B-cells.
3. Histamines play a role in allergic reactions.
4. Alopecia is an autoimmune condition.
5. The cells of the immune system travel in the bloodstream
and lymph.
Challenge Yourself

Why are there different

types of immune cells?
Photo Credits

● Slide 17: This file, Peyer's Patch, by Leonardo M. Lustosa is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via
Wikimedia Commons.

● Slide 18: This file, OpenStax College, by 619 Red and Yellow Bone Marrow is licensed under
CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Derkins, Susie. 2001. The Immune System. The Rosen Publishing Group.

Johnson, Dean. I Am A Pathogen! Adaptive Immunity. The University of Arizona PULSE.

Klosterman, Lorrie. 2009. Immune System. Marshall Cavendish.

Moritz, Andreas. 2007. Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation. Ener-Chi Wellness Center.

Parham, Peter. 2015. The Immune System, 4th ed. Garland Science.

Schindler, Lydia Woods. 1991. Understanding the Immune System. DIANE Publishing.

Tenney, Louise. 1984. The Immune System: A Nutritional Approach. Woodland Publishing.

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