Types of Counseling

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Types of Counseling


Features of Counseling

 Counseling is interviewing the person being counselled and helping to solve his problems
through human approach of sharing and guidance.
 Counseling is sitting down in private setting for an open discussion with an employee.
Sometimes it is to pay a sincere compliment, sometimes it is to solve a problem that is
hurting productivity/effectiveness, sometimes it is because an employee violated your
discipline line and you need to talk about improvement in his behavior.
 It is communicating one to one, in private. It is interviewing- it's a two way dialogue and
not one way sermonizing or advising.
Features of Counseling

 It is encouraging the other person to to talk about

himself so that the problem and it's reasons emerge
clearly and solutions can be worked out.
 In an organization, counseling can be done by the
team leader, supervisor or manager or one can seek
the expertise and assistance of an in-house or
external professional counselor
Elements of Counseling 

 1. Counselling involves two individuals—one seeking help and the other,

a professionally trained person who can help the first.
 2. There should be a relationship of mutual respect between the two
individuals. The counsellor should be friendly and cooperative and the
counsellee should have trust and confidence in the counsellor.
 3. The aim of counselling is to help a student to form a decision, make a
choice or find a direction at some important fork in the road such as that
of planning a life career, a programme in college or university, or a
campaign to obtain employment.
Elements of Counseling 

 4. It helps the counselee acquire independence and develop

a sense of responsibility. It helps him explore and fully utilise
his potentialities and actualise himself.
 5. It is more than advice-giving. Progress comes through the
thinking that a person with a problem does for himself rather
than through solutions suggested by the counsellors.
 6. It involves something more than the solution to an
immediate problem. Its function is to produce changes in the
individual that will enable him to extricate himself from his
immediate difficulties
Elements of Counseling 

 8. Emotional rather than purely intellectual attitudes

are the raw material of the counselling process.
Information and intellectual understanding have their
place in the counselling process. But it is the
emotionalised feelings which are most important.
Essentials of the Counseling Process

 1. Encourage the client to talk about the feeling

 2. Validate the feeling with reflective listening
 3. Let the client have the chance to speak
 4. Provide missing information where needed
Essentials of the Counseling Process

 5. Talk about the client’s views and goals

 6. Communicate what it takes to get to the point needed
 7.Observe signs of trouble and prepare for possible
violence and threats
 8.Encourage client to develop positive energy towards
devising a solution
Essentials of the Counseling Process

 9.Establish a regular schedule for follow-up discussions

and give feedback
 10. Agree on what steps are needed to be taken by the
client to change the current situation
Principle of counseling

 is the principle that addresses respect for independence, and self-

 The essence of this principle is allowing an individual the freedom
of choice and action.
 It addresses the responsibility of the counselor to encourage clients,
when appropriate, to make their own decisions and to act on their
own values.

 acting in the best interests of the client based on

professional assessment. It directs attention to
working strictly within one's limits of competence
and providing services on the basis of adequate
training or experience.

 is the concept of not causing harm to others.

 Often explained as “above all, do no harm,” this principle
is considered by some to be the most critical of all the
principles, even though theoretically they are all of equal

involves the notions of loyalty,

faithfulness, and honoring
Marriage and Family Counselling

 helpindividuals, couples and families cope with

mental and emotional issues. For example, they
might help people work through marital troubles,
child-parent conflicts or death within a family.
Educational Counselling

 the counseling specialty concerned with providing advice

and assistance to students in the development of their
educational plans, choice of appropriate courses, and
choice of college or technical school.
Rehabilitation Counselling

Thistype of counselling refers to a practice

where the counsellor helps people with their
emotional and physical disabilities.
Mental Health Counselling

 helps people deal with issues that impact their mental health and
well-being. This counselling focuses on these issues and helps in
resolving them for a healthier life.

Some of the mental illnesses are

depression, PTSD, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, and more.
Substance Abuse Counselling

Substance abuse counselling is a form of

counselling which helps people in treating
them and supporting them from breaking
free from their drug and alcohol addiction.
Directive counseling

 Theapproach is also known as counsellor

 Thistype of counselling is a concept where
educational and vocational guidance relate to
personal dynamics and interpersonal relationship.
Nondirective counseling

It is also called client-centred or person

centered Rodgerian approach.
is to listen, support, and advise, without
directing a clients course of action. It
 Eclectic counseling

isdefined as the  combination of the

two extremes that is directive and
non-directive counseling..
Group counseling

isa form of counseling where a small group

of people meet regularly to discuss, interact,
and explore problems with each other and
the group leader.
 http://www.whatishumanresource.com/counseling
 https://
 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325844365_INTRODUCTION_TO_COUNSEL
 https://
 https://kaamchalao.wordpress.com/2016/11/13/eclectic-counselling/
 https://www.coursehero.com/file/23727478/DIRECTIVE-COUNSELLING-APPROACH/

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