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Section 25. Authority to Issue Rules and
The Commission is hereby authorized to issue Rules of Procedure to govern
the conduct of Hearings before it on complaints or proceedings against
owners, developers, dealers, brokers and salesmen arising under these
Rules. Until the issuance of such Rules, the present Rules of Procedure to
govern the conduct of Hearings before the Human Settlements Regulatory
Commission shall apply.
Section 26. Mediation/Conciliation of
It shall be mandatory on the part of the Commission to conduct mediation or
conciliation on complaints or opposition filed with it before the same could be
subjected to a formal hearing.
Section 27. Suspension of License to
Sell/Cease and Desist Order.1awp++
The Commission may, in its discretion or upon notice and hearing immediately suspend the
owner’s license to sell and issue a Cease-and-Desist Order pending investigation and
hearing of the case for the following reasons:
• a. Upon verified complaint filed by a buyer of a subdivision statement lot/house or any
interested party;
• b. In its opinion, any information in the registration statement filed by the owner/dealer is or
has become misleading, incorrect, inadequate or incomplete or the sale or offering for sale
of the project may work or tend to work a fraud upon prospective buyers;
• c. When it appears to the Commission that the owner/dealer is engaged in any act or
practice which constitute or shall constitute a violation of the provisions of these Rules.
The suspension order/cease and desist order may be lifted if, after notice
and hearing, the Commission is convinced that any deficiency in the sworn
registration statement has been corrected or supplemented, or that the sale
to the public of the subdivision project shall neither be fraudulent nor result in
fraud. It shall also be lifted upon dismissal of the complaint.

Until the final entry of an order of suspension, the suspension of the right to
sell the project, through binding upon all persons notified thereof, shall be
deemed confidential unless it shall appear that the order of suspension has
in the meantime been violated.
Section 28. Revocation of the Registration
Certificate and License to Sell. ++
The Commission may, motu propio, or upon verified complaint filed by a buyer
revoke the registration and license to sell of any subdivision project or subdivision
lot/house in said project or condominium unit if upon examination of the affairs of
the owner or dealer, during a hearing conducted it shall appear there is prima facie
evidence that the said owner or dealer:
a. Is insolvent; or
b. Has violated any of the provisions of the law and its rules and regulations or any
undertaking of his/its performance bond; or
c. Has been or engaged in fraudulent transaction.
Section 29. Administrative Fines and
Violation of any of the provision of these Rules and Standards shall be
subject to the Fines and Penalties as provided for under PDs 957, 1216,
1096 and 1185.
Balita, Reinielle Lery C.
Bulauitan, Justine Joy A.
Dudas, Nazer Dave E.
Guinhawa, Heidi S.
ARC - 4102

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