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THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF ORPHAN CHILDREN Mejido, Lord Jossenel Q. Group Leader: Members: Aguilar, Irish G.

Sacanay, Jarrah C. Barte, Angela Mae L. Ong, Kristy P. Brigole, Norlie A. Vinus, Pepito A. Camenforte, Camille Uyanib, Michelle I. Mrs. Ma. Liza V. Dionaldo, RN, MAN Adviser March 2011


This research entitled THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF ORPHAN CHILDREN in prepared and submitted by Lord Jossenel Q. Mejido, Irish G. Aguilar, Angela Mae L. Barte, Norlie A. Brigole, CamilleAntonieteO. Camenforte, Jarrah C. Sacanay, Kristy P. Ong, Vinus A. Pepito, Michele I. Uyanib in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.


PANEL EXAMINERS Approved by Committee of Oral Examination with the grade of ________ EVAL LOBELLE E. SAMPAYAN, R.N., MAN, Ed.D Chairman JILL MARIE C. HERMOGENES, R.N., MAN, Ed.D MA. LIZA V. DIONALDO, R.N. Member ANTHONY JOSEPH C. MERCADO, R.N., MAN Adviser

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Date of Oral Examination: March 28, 2011 LUCRIS A. TAN JR., R.N., MAN, MD Dean

The study determined the lived experiences of orphan children in the Department of Social welfare Development of Cebu City. The outcome of the study served as basis for a proposed holistic orphan guide. The study utilized the descriptivecorrelational method of research in assessing the lived experience of orphan children. Quantitative research employed the use of the survey questionnaire in the gathering of important data relevant to the study.

The following are the findings of the study: The profile revealed that majority of the orphan children belonged to 11 -15 years of age, boys and 1-3 years as to length of stay. The extent of the effects of lived experiences of orphan children: Physical Effects were Very Extensive; Social Effects were Extensive; Emotional Effects were Extensive; and Psychological Effects were Extensive. There is significant relationship on the profile of age and length of stay and the extent of the effects of lived experiences of orphan children. Measures are envisioned in the enhancement of the lived experiences of orphan children.

Rationale of the Study

Orphan children are underprivileged and their needs need to be dealt with in order to meet their physical, mental, social, emotio0nal and psychological need. It should never be taken for granted knowing that the children are considered the hope of the country (Soccoro, 2006).

It is sad to note that these children are deprived of the opportunities of a comfortable living, lack the parental attention and even to the point of being neglected. These children need the care and love of a significant person through attending to their needs and providing them the comfort that ensures healthy lifestyles and living. Based on the observation, there are number of cases of orphan children left in the care of a government entity. It is where there is a need to address the problem.

There are many orphans in the Department of Social Welfare and Development which are catered by the agency in promoting their welfare through meeting their needs physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and psychologically since these children are the hope of the country.

The researchers have the needed competencies in making their research through their varied exposures in clinical and community areas dealing with children but this is an exceptional case wherein these researchers will make a qualitative phenomenological research on the lived experiences of orphan children through identifying their needs and coming up with solutions to address these problems.

Hence, the researchers came across the research in order to know the lived experience of orphan children with the end view of coming up with a program to address the needs of these orphan children.

Theoretical Background
The study is anchored on Bowlby Attachment Theory. Attachment is an emotional bond to another person. Psychologist John Bowlby was the first attachment theorists. It described that attachment a "lasting psychological connectedness between human beings. Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life. According to Bowlby, attachment also serves to keep the infant close to the mother, thus improving the child's chances of survival (Hurlock, 2003).

The central theme of attachment theory is that mothers who are available and responsive to their infant's needs establish a sense of security. The infant knows that the caregiver is dependable, which creates a secure base for the child to then explore the world (Hurlock, 2003).

Characteristics of Attachment include safe haven when the child feel threatened or afraid, he or she can return to the caregiver for comfort and soothing; secure base wherein the caregiver provides a secure dependable base for the child to explore the world; Proximity Maintenance wherein the child strives to stay near the caregiver, thus keeping the child safe and Separation Distress: When separated from the caregiver, the child will become upset and distressed (Hunt, 2002).

Based upon the responses the researchers observed, Ainsworth described three major styles of attachment: secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment, and avoidant-insecure attachment. Later, researchers Main and Solomon added a fourth attachment style called disorganized-insecure attachment based upon their own research. A number of studies since that time have supported Ainsworth's attachment styles and have indicated that attachment styles also have an impact on behaviors later in life. Securely attached children exhibit distress when separated from caregivers and are happy when their caregiver returns. Remember, these children feel secure and able to depend on their adult caregivers. When the adult leaves, the child may be upset but he or she feels assured that the parent or caregiver will return (Surensen, 2002).

When frightened, securely attached children will seek comfort from caregivers. These children know their parent or caregiver will provide comfort and reassurance, so they are comfortable seeking them out in times of need. Ambivalently attached children usually become very distressed when a parent leaves. This attachment style is considered relatively uncommon, affecting an estimated 715% of U.S. children. Research suggests that ambivalent attachment is a result of poor maternal availability. These children cannot depend on their mother to be there when the child is in need. Children with an avoidant attachment tend to avoid parents or caregivers. When offered a choice, these children will show no preference between a caregiver and a complete stranger. Research has suggested that this attachment style might be a result of abusive or neglectful caregivers. Children who are punished for relying on a caregiver will learn to avoid seeking help in the future (Hill, 2006).


Statement of the Problem

The study determined the lived experiences of orphan children in the Department of Social welfare Development of Cebu City. The outcome of the study served as bases for a proposed holistic orphan guide.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following inquiries: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 age; 1.2 gender; and 1.3 length of stay? 2. What is the extent of the lived experiences of the orphan children in terms of: 2.1 physical; 2.2 social; 2.3 emotional; and 2.4 psychological?



Is there a significant relationship between profile and the extent of lived experiences of the respondents in terms of: 3.1 physical; 3.2 social; 3.3 emotional; and 3.4 psychological? From the findings of the study, what proposed holistic orphan guide can be formulated?

Statement of Null Hypothesis There is no significant relationship between profile and the extent of the lived experiences. Significance of the Study Promoting the welfare of these orphan children is important through meeting their needs either physical, mental, social, emotional and psychological. The study is beneficial to the following:

Orphan Children. They will be benefited from the undertaking through implementing programs in order that their needs will be meet such as physical, mental, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual. DSWD officials. They are presented with the real challenge in promoting the welfare of these orphan children through programs and activities that promote their welfare and meet their needs.

Health Care Providers. It paves the way for them to be committed and dedicated to the performance of their duties and responsibilities in promoting health of these orphan children through meeting physical, mental, social and psychological needs. Local Government Unit. The government plays an important role in supporting the undertaking of these orphan children through giving them privileges and opportunities such as proper allocation of funds in order that these orphan children would be helped.

Researchers. It will serve as an enlightenment and enrichment for the students to know more about the lived experience of orphan children. Future Researchers. The study will be the basis in coming up with research that is more comprehensive and substantial.

This section gives the research methods and procedures.

Research Design
The researchers made of the descriptive-correlational method of research in assessing the lived experience of orphan children. Quantitative research employed the use of the survey questionnaire in the gathering of important data relevant to the study (Polit and Beck, 2008).

Research Environment
The research environment of the study is DSWD. DSWD is strategically located along Corner M.J. Cuenco and Gen. Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City. This is a government agency that promotes the welfare of orphan or abandoned children. The vision of DSWD is where poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals, families and communities are empowered for an improved quality of life. The mission is to provide social protection and promote the rights and welfare of the poor, vulnerable and the disadvantaged individuals, families and communities that will contribute to poverty alleviation and empowerment through social welfare development policies, programs, projects and services implemented with or through local government units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), peoples organizations (POs), other government organizations (GOs) and other members of civil society (, 2011).

Research Respondents
The respondents of the study were the orphan children. There were ten (10) orphan children taken as subjects in the study. They were through the use of nonrandom sampling particularly purposive sampling in the gathering of important data relevant to the study. The inclusion criteria was that they are orphan children who can read and write, should be less than 10 years old and confined at Department of Social Welfare and Development Center.

Research Instruments
The instrument in the study was the researcher-made questionnaire in assessing the lived experiences of orphan children. The questionnaire contains two parts. The first part deals with the profile of the respondents as to age, gender and length of stay. The second part deals with the extent of the lived experience of orphan children in which there are statements on whether the respondents Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree with the aforementioned statements.

Research Procedures
Gathering of Data. In the gathering of the data, the researchers followed a step-by-step process. The first step w s making letters of transmittal addressed to the Dean of the College of Nursing and the Head of DSWD that allowed the researchers to conduct the study among the orphan children and to facilitate the interview. Then, the questionnaire was pre-tested to ensure the validity and reliability of the study. Next, is the administration of the questionnaire was personally administered at DSWD. The orphan children were given 10 15 minutes to answer the questionnaire and it was facilitated with the help of the researchers through assisting them in answering the questionnaires and explained to them everything including the nature and purpose of the said undertaking in order that these orphan children would understand the purpose of this undertaking. After such time, the questionnaire was collected and subjected to further presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. Then, a final draft was submitted for finalization and corrections.

Statistical Treatment. In the gathering of data, the researchers made use of the statistical tools to ensure the validity of the results. There were three statistical treatment that were used in the study. Simple Percentage The simple percentage was used to determine the profile of the orphan children as to age, gender and length of stay. Weighted Mean The weighted mean was used to determine the extent of the lived experiences of orphan children.

Chi-square The chi-square was used to determine whether there is significant relationship between profile and the extent of the effects of lived experiences of orphan children.

Terms are defined as how it is used in the study:

Emotional The term refers to the feelings and attitude of the orphan children with their experiences at DSWD. Lived Experiences It refers to the impact of their being orphan children at DSWD as to the physical, social, emotional and psychological aspect. Measures It refers to the steps or ways undertaken in order to promote the welfare of these orphan children at DSWD. Orphan Children This refers to the abandon and neglected children confined at DSWD.

Physical It refers to the aspect of meeting the needs of these orphan children. Profile It refers to the demographic status of the orphan children as to age, gender and length of stay.

Proposed Holistic Orphan Guide This refers to the steps or measures envisioned in order that these orphan children would be guided in how to promote healthy lifestyles. Psychological It refers to the lived experiences of orphan children as to their views about being orphan children. Social It refers to the interaction of orphan children with others at DSWD.



Chapter II gives the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. This is divided into four parts. The first part of the chapter deals with the profile of the respondents as to age, gender and length of stay. The second part of the chapter deals with the extent of the lived experiences of the orphan children in terms of physical, social, emotional and psychological. The third part of the chapter deals whether there is significant relationship between profile and the extent of lived experiences of the respondents in terms of physical, social, emotional and psychological. The fourth part of the study includes the proposed holistic orphan guide that can be formulated.

I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents. As shown in the table, majority of the respondents belonged to the age bracket of 11 15 years of age (76.66%). According to Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Growth and Development, it is the period of Early Adolescence. It is the period wherein the individual is dependent on the significant figure when it comes to decision-making because of its immaturity. In terms of gender, majority of the respondents are boys (53.33%). Boys are the adventurous and aggressive even to be away from at home and would like to stay most of the time in the streets. In terms of stay, majority of the respondents claimed that their length of stay are 1 3 years (40%). They have been staying for three years and their stay have influence their lives through being familiar with the place and adjusting with others.

Table1 Profile of the Respondents N = 30

Variables Age 6 10 11 15 Gender Boy Girl Length of Stay Less than a year 1 3 years 4 6 years 7 and above 8 12 8 2 26.66% 40% 26.66% 6.66% 16 14 53.33% 46.67% 7 13 23.33% 76.66% Frequency Percentage

EXTENT OF THE EFFECTS OF LIVED EXPERIENCES OF ORPHAN CHILDREN The discussion is in terms of the extent of the effects of lived experiences of orphan children in terms of physical, social, emotional and psychological.

Physical Table 2.1 shows the extent of the physical effects of lived experiences of orphan children. Basic needs are given promptly (3.56) interpreted as Highly Extensive it is for the reason that basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter are important since these are physiologic needs according to Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs in which these orphan children are deprived of. Performing hygienic measures (3.36) interpreted as Highly Extensive. It promotes health and if neglected could lead to susceptible of these orphan children to disease process. Performing hygienic measures ensure proper protection and promoting health. Engage in physical activities (3.5) promote well-being among the orphan children interpreted as Highly Extensive. It promotes physical fitness among the children for the reason that these children need others in order to interact with and thus contributing to the promotion of health.

Maintains cleanliness (3.20) interpreted as Moderate Extensive for the reason that they are learning to become independent not privileged compared to that with their parents to maintain cleanliness for them. Cleanliness are important in the promotion of health. Eat foods regularly (3.43) interpreted as Highly Extensive. Orphan children need to eat foods regularly to give them nourishment to promote health and wellness. Not eating foods regularly could affect their health and make them susceptible to disease process. Summing all of the mean ratings, it obtained an average weighted mean of 3.41 interpreted as Highly Extensive. It is a very good showing that the Department of Social Welfare and Development Services were able to meet the physical needs of these orphan children for the reason that it is properly supported by the government and allocated with proper funding.

Table 2.1 Extent of the Lived Experiences of the Orphan Children (Physical)
Statements 1.Basic needs are given promptly 2. Performs hygienic measures 3. Engage in physical activities 4. Maintains cleanliness 5. Eat foots regularly Average Weighted Mean 3.20 3.43 3.41 Moderately Extensive Highly Extensive Highly Extensive 3.50 Highly Extensive 3.36 Highly Extensive Frequency 3.56 Percentage Highly Extensive

Legend: 1.00 1.75 - Not Extensive 1.76 2.50 - Less Extensive 2.51 3.25 Extensive 3.26 4.00 Very Extensive

Social Table 2.2 shows the extent of the social effects of lived experiences of orphan children. Social withdrawal from others (2.70) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes one of the social effects of being orphan children. They feel less privileged and unfortunate deprived of the love of parents making them socially withdrawn from people. Wants to be alone (2.70) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes experienced by the orphan children for the reason of the feeling of discouragement and a failure because their parents neglected them and resulted to them being landed in the DSWD. Shy to face strange people (2.73) as another social effect interpreted as Moderately Extensive. These orphan children experienced shyness because of the feeling of being isolated and neglected from parents as a result they felt the trauma.

Unresponsiveness with visitors (2.53) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. These orphan children sometimes experienced unresponsiveness with visitors for the reason that they are ashamed and felt shy as a result of being abandoned and neglected by their parents. Interaction with others (2.90) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This means that they sometimes experienced interaction with others for the reason of feeling shy and ashamed with the present situation. Summing all of the mean ratings, it obtained an average weighted mean of 2.71 interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This means that the social effects sometimes affect these orphan children and there is a need to deal with the problem in order to promote social development through making these orphan children interact with others to widen their horizon.

Table 2.2 Extent of Lived Experiences of the Orphan Children (Social)

Statements 1. Social withdrawal from others 2. Wants to be alone 3. Shy to face strange people 4. Unresponsive with visitors 5. Interact with others Average Weighted Mean 2.53 2.90 2.71 Extensive Extensive Extensive 2,70 2.73 Extensive Extensive Frequency 2.70 Percentage Extensive

Legend: 1.00 1.75 - Not Extensive 1.76 2.50 - Less Extensive 2.51 3.25 Extensive 3.26 4.00 Very Extensive

Emotional Table 2.3 shows the emotional effects of the lived experiences of orphan children. Getting the support from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (3.46) interpreted as Highly Extensive. This means that these orphan children always get the needed support from the DSWD. Sharing emotions and feelings with other orphan children (2.73) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes experienced by the orphan children for the reason that they are feeling rejected and insecure being neglected by their parents or abandoned. Appreciate sacrifices and sufferings in life (2.40) interpreted as fairly Extensive. This is seldom experienced by the orphan for the reason that their needs are supported by the DSWD giving them the comfort and security even if they are neglected by their parents.

Confer with DSWD employees (2.70) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This means that it is sometimes experienced by the orphan children for the reason that they are now under the custody of the DSWD which promotes their welfare. Developing positive attitude with what is happening (2.70) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes experienced by the orphan children for the reason that it paves the way for promoting health and well-being. Summing all of the mean ratings, it obtained an average weighted mean of 2.82 interpreted as Moderately extensive. This means that these emotional effects seldom affect these orphan children for the reason that there are also people who give them the love and care that they need with the support from the government particularly the Department of Social Welfare and Development. The agency is responsible in helping these orphan children cope with the present situation and feeling that they belong to the group.

Table 2.3 Extent of the Lived Experiences of the Orphan Children (Emotional)
Statements Frequency Percentage

1. Get support from DSWD 2. Share emotions and feelings with other orphan children 3. Appreciates sacrifices and sufferings in life 4. Confer with DSWD employees 5. Develop positive attitude with what is happening Average Weighted Mean


Very Extensive

2.73 2.40

Extensive Less Extensive







Legend: 1.00 1.75 - Not Extensive 1.76 2.50 - Less Extensive 2.51 3.25 Extensive 3.26 4.00 Very Extensive

Psychological Table 2.4 shows the extent of the psychological effects of the lived experiences of orphan children. Understanding the things that are happening (2.63) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This means that they sometimes experienced for the reason that they are already properly explained and informed about their nature of their present situation in coping with it and accepting the condition. Engaging in activities that are productive and worthwhile (2.90) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes experienced by the orphan children for the reason that they like to be left alone and do not want the company of others being shy and ashamed. Open for interaction with other orphan children (2.93) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes carried out by the orphan children for the reason that these orphan children have low self-esteem as a result of being neglected and ignored.

Accepting everything as challenges and opportunities for growth (2.80) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes experienced by the orphan children for the reason that they still do not accept what is happening to them and blamed their parents for abandoning and neglecting them. Allows advices and criticisms (2.80) interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This is sometimes experienced by the orphan children for the reason that they are still young and they are not capable of taking these advices and criticisms seriously. Summing all of the mean ratings, it obtained an average weighted mean of 2.81 interpreted as Moderately Extensive. This means that this sometimes affect the orphan children. Psychological wellness should be promoted in order to ensure sound mental health and thus live healthy lifestyles which should not be taken for granted but given emphasis as to its importance. It paves the way for these orphan children to be given the assistance and letting them understand the situation in order to ensure acceptance. Childrens mental health is an important though neglected problem. The role of the people in the DSWD needs to promote psychological wellness of the children.

Table 2.4 Extent of the Lived Experiences of Orphan Children (Psychological)

Statements 1. Understand the things that are happening 2. Engage in activities that are productive and worthwhile 3. Open for interaction with other orphan children 4. Accepting everything as challenges and opportunities for growth 5. Allows advices and criticisms Average Weighted Mean Frequency 2.63 2.90 Percentage Moderately Extensive Moderately Extensive

2.93 2.80

Moderately Extensive Moderately Extensive

2.80 2.81

Moderately Extensive Moderately Extensive

Legend: 1.00 1.75 - Not Extensive 1.76 2.50 - Less Extensive 2.51 3.25 Extensive 3.26 4.00 Very Extensive

Table 4 shows whether there is significant relationship between profile and the extent of the psychological effects of the lived experiences of orphan children. As shown in table whether there is significant relationship between age and gender, it obtained chisquare of 12.46 which is greater than the critical value of 7.81 which means the rejection of the hypothesis. The findings implied that there is significant relationship. According to Erik Erikson psychosocial growth and development, the individual has its own distinguishing characteristics. The period of school age and young adolescents are still immature and not capable of making decisions. The younger the individual means the less mature and capable in making decisions (Surensen, 2005).

In terms of gender and the extent of the effects, it obtained chisquare value of 4.56 which is lesser than the critical value of 7.81 which means the acceptance of the hypothesis. There is no significant relationship between gender and the extent of the effects of the lived experiences of orphan children. Gender is not a factor that affects the experiences of the orphan children for their being boy and girl does not have a significant impact since they are still incapable of making decisions and are dependent on the family and significant others (Hurlock, 2006). In terms of length of stay and extent of the effects, it obtained chi-square value of 23.46 which is greater than the critical value of 16.92 which means the rejection of the hypothesis. The findings implied that there is relationship between the length of stay and the extent of the effects. The longer of stay, the more the individual is accustomed with the environment. The findings revealed that it is on the profile of age and length of stay does have a significant relationship on the extent of the effects of the lived experiences of orphan children.

Table 4 Relationship Between Profile and the Extent of the Effects of the Lived Experiences of Orphan Children Variables df Chisquare 12.46 Critical Decision Interpre value tation 7.81 Reject Ho Significa nt Relations hip Accept Not Ho Significa nt Reject Ho Significa nt Relations hip

Age and Extent of Effects Gender and extent of effects Length of Stay and extent of effects






The proposed holistic orphan guide aims to promote wellness among the orphan children. Orphan children are deprived of the opportunities for a good living and considered unfortunate and underprivileged. It is important to promote their wellness through attending to their needs physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. It should not be taken for granted but given emphasis as to its importance Department of Social welfare and Development is the agency of the government responsible in meeting the needs of these orphan children. It should not be taken for granted but given emphasis as to its importance.

Objectives The following are the objectives: To assess the needs of the orphan children; To address the needs of these orphan children; and To develop positive attitude of the orphan children

Key Areas Physical Needs



Personnel Involved DSWD

Time Frame Throughout the Period

Success Indicators Well taken

To meet the Assessment physical needs Provision Physical Needs

of Orphan Children

cared physical needs

Social needs

To social

promote Assessment Interaction

DSWD Orphan Children DSWD Orphan Children

Throughout the Period

Gaining friends


interaction Emotional Needs To enhance Assessment with Comforting Measures Group Activities Psychological Needs To promote Assessment Counseling Interaction

Throughout the Period

Gaining friends



the students

DSWD Orphan Children

Throughout the Period

Gaining friends


mental health



Chapter III deals with the summary of findings, draws the conclusions and offers the recommendations.

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The study determined the lived experiences of orphan children in the Department of Social welfare Development of Cebu City. The outcome of the study served as basis for a proposed holistic orphan guide. The study is limited to the discussion on the profile of the respondents as to age, gender and length of stay; the extent of the lived experiences of the orphan children in terms of physical, social, emotional and psychological; determine whether there is significant relationship between profile and the extent of lived experiences of the respondents in terms of physical, social, emotional and psychological; and the proposed holistic orphan guide can be formulated. The researchers made of the descriptive-correlational method of research in assessing the lived experience of orphan children. Quantitative research employed the use of the survey questionnaire in the gathering of important data relevant to the study.

FINDINGS The following are the findings of the study: The profile revealed that majority of the orphan children belonged to 11 -15 years of age, boys and stay for 1-3 years. The extent of the effects of lived experiences of orphan children: Physical Effects were Very Extensive; Social Effects were Extensive; Emotional Effects were Extensive and Psychological Effects were Extensive. There is significant relationship on the profile of age and length of stay and the extent of the effects of lived experiences of orphan children. Measures are envisioned in the enhancement of the lived experiences of orphan children.

CONCLUSION From the facts presented in the study, a conclusion is drawn that the social, emotional and psychological effects are Extensive while Physical effects are Very Extensive. There is significant relationship on the profile of age and length of stay and the extent of the effects of the lived experiences of orphan children. It is anchored on the theory of Attachment of John Bolwby. It describes attachment a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings. Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life.

RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are offered: Implementation of the proposed holistic care guide. Resource person invited to speak more about the needs of the orphan children. Reference materials should be available within the reach of the students about the importance of holistic care given to the orphan children.


A. Books Brandz, Vince (2008). Psychology. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Co. Buencansejo, Efreen (2006). Social Issues. Makati: R.P. Garcia Publishing Co. Hill, Klarine (2006). Psychology for Modern Living. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co. Hunt, Oclaris (2002). Basics in Psychology. New York: Harper and Row Publishing Co.

Hurlock, Elizabeth (2003). Introduction to Psychology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co. Morgan, Cherry (2006). Psychological Perspective. Chicago: Milwaukee Publishing Co. Polit, Denise and Cherry Beck (2008). Nursing Research. U.S.A.: Addison Wesley Publishing Co. Surensen, Malm (2002). Psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Socorro, Manuel (2006). Social Problems. Manila: Phoenix Publishing Co. Whitney, Frederick (2003). Elements of Research. New York: McGraw-Hill Co.

B. Journals Ayieko, B (2007). Parental Neglect. Journal on Psychology. Vol. 5 No. 33. Chirambo, V and K. Caesar (2003). Vulnerability of Orphan Children. Journal on Psychology. Vol. 12 No. 15. Kelly, Claire (2003). Psychological Distress of Orphan Children. Journal on Psychology. Vol. 22 No. 10. Louw, Edwards and Orr, Beverly (2001), Losing a Parents. Nursing Journal. Volume 2 No. 11. Petralba, Katherine (2005). Positive Orphan Child. Social Issues. Vol. 13 No. 4.

C. Internet Sources Experience of Orphanage Children accessed through retrieved last March 20, 2011. Orphan Child accessed through www.suite2011. retrieved last March 22, 2011. Orphan Children, accessed through retrieved last January 25, 2011. Meaning of Orphan accessed through retrieved last March 20, 2011. Mission and Vision of DSWD accessed through retrieved last February 16, 2011.


Appendix A-1 Transmittal Letter Addressed to the Dean of the College of Nursing

Dr. Lucris A. Tan Dean, College of Nursing Southwestern University Cebu City Dear Sir: Good day! We, the Level III nursing students of Southwestern University are conducting a study entitled, LIVED EXPERIENCE OF ORPHAN CHILDREN. In lieu of this, we have the honor to ask permission from your good office that we would be allowed to conduct the study among the orphan children. Rest assured that the responses will be held with strict confidence and would only be used for study purposes. Thanking in advance for the anticipated favor.

Lord Jossenel Q. Mejido Group Leader

Noted by:

Mrs. Ma. Liza V. Dionaldo Adviser

Appendix A-2 Transmittal Letter Addressed to the Head of DSWD

The Head DSWD Cebu City Dear Madam: Good day! We, the Level III nursing students of Southwestern University are conducting a study entitled, LIVED EXPERIENCE OF ORPHAN CHILDREN. In lieu of this, we have the honor to ask permission from your good office that we would be allowed to conduct the study among the orphan children in your entity. Your giving of the permission could go a long way in the realization of this undertaking. Rest assured that the responses will be held with strict confidence and would only be used for study purposes. Thanking in advance for the anticipated favor.

Lord Jossenel Q. Mejido Group Leader

Noted by:

Mrs. Ma. Liza V. Dionaldo Adviser

Appendix B Questionnaire

Dear Respondents: Kindly answer the questionnaire with sincerity and honesty. Rest assured that the responses will be held with strict confidence and would only be used for study purposes. Thank you.

PROFILE: Age:________ Gender ( ) boy ( ) girl Length of Stay ( ) less than a year ( ) 1 3 years ( ) 4 6 years ( ) 7 and above

EXTENT OF THE EFFECTS OF LIVED EXPERIENCES OF ORPHAN CHILDREN On the right hand column, kindly check the extent of the effects of lived experiences of Orphan Children. 4 Strongly Agree - This means that they always experience.

3 Agree -- This means that they sometimes experience. 2 Disagree -- This means that they seldom experience. 1 Strongly Disagree -- This means that they never experience.

Effects of Lived Experience Physical 1) Attend to the needs promptly 2) Performs



hygienic measures 3) Engage in

physical activities 4) Maintain

cleanliness 5) Eat foods


Social 1) withdrawal others 2) alone 3) Shy to face Social from

Wants to be

strange people 4) Unresponsive

with visitors 5) others Interacts with

Emotional 1) Get support from

DSWD 2) and Share emotions feelings with

other orphan children 3) sacrifices sufferings in life 4) Confer with DSWD employees 5) Develop positive Appreciates and

attitude with what is happening

Psychological 1) Understand the things that are happening 2) Engage in activities that are productive and

worthwhile 3) Open for interaction with other orphan children 4) Accepting everything as challenges opportunities for growth 5) Allow advices and and



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