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Social Aspect of Landscape

Architecture Studio Work

Final Presantation
Kaan Uçarcı
Kedili Park/Harbiye
Parkı/Maçka Sanat Parkı

Maçka Sanat Parkı located in the center of

Şişli. In the park there are statues of important
goverment officials from the past. Also the park
is home to many cats and is often visited by
animal-lovers. The park also has two
playgrounds one fitness area with machines
and one cafe.
1982 2006 2020

Park Through Out the History

Features of The
•Two squares in the map shows two
main squares. Also it has a elevation.
Highest point is upper left corner and
lowest point is lower right corner. But
the places with squares are flat and
roads have stairs instead of slopes.
Behiviour of People Problems

• Playing with cats

• No benches near the first square
• Having picnics in the grass
• Jogging • Emptiness of the second square
• Looking at the statues • Rarity of flat green spaces
• Sitting at the cafe eating • Emptiness of playgrounds
and drinking
Bench Problem in
The First Square
Normally you would not need
to sit in first square because at
first there were only statues. But
after cats one of their living
spaces got put near the first
square. After that most people
especially children started hang
out near the cats. This means that
while children plays with the cats
parents have to wait standing and
doing nothing.
It seems like the easiest solution is
putting benches in the first square. But if
there benches in square the statues gets hard
to see and also first square is the enterence
so it should not be too crowded. My solution
is creating playgrounds for cats near the
playgrounds for children. This way cats spend
more time near the playgrounds for children
which means children spend more time there
too. If children spend their time there the
parents can either sit at the cafe or the
benches near the playgrouns.
Lack of Usage of the
Second Square
Second square is after every
activity place and there is nothing
after it until the exit. Also there are
benches in it too. But people only
use it as passageway to the exit.
Because there is nothing do in it.
My solution is to prepare weekly
activity program that being managed
by professionals. My suggestion is
making fitness activities two days a
week and one day a week at nights
there can be open theaters and/or
concerts. Also maybe not weekly but
that place can be also used for
outdoors exhibitions. This way at least
half of week the square is being used
and the space is not wasted.

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