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Adoption Progress

• Task and Requests (SLA adherence) :: Average SLA further reduced from 7 to 5 days

• Raise Requisition (Action from Business) :: Almost all JRs are flowing from the business

• Requisition approval flow :: Most of the approvals at the level of HOD and CEO Office are slow

• Job creations and activations :: Entire team is following correct steps for creating and activating jobs

• Mid-year PMS on DB :: Adoption is great with 315 already completed as on date

• Candidate tagging and selection :: Largely the transactions are smooth but adoption on sourcing is very low

• Approval flows on tasks :: Largely all approvals are being done by the assigned users

• Vibe :: Adoption is very low. Hoping to see a spike after Xoxoday and RnR module implementation.

• Notice Period corrections :: This was a major impact area, which was completed, and all NPs were rectified.
Issues Identified

• Reports not coming in the desired standard format – Call due with DB product team; Desirables are to get all our
formats created on the system.

• Vacant role codes and departments are active –This will be taken up as a part of cleanup exercise as and when the
organization re-structuring will happen on DB; Vipin to confirm if Abhinav has already approved the Org chart changes

• Offer notifications going to all – some changes had been done on 13th October 2021; Need to check if the issue got

• Mobile transactions are taking time to load for users above 15 pending tasks – Jira already raised, tech team has given
timeline as 23rd October to resolve this.

• Inactive employees are still tagged to assignments and user framework – Jira for this built requirement has already been
raised with DB product team; This may be incorporated sometime by December end, this year.
Tasks pending

• Off-role employees to be uploaded/created in DB – This activity is pending with Vipin for providing the data of all off-
role employees so that the same can be uploaded/created in the system.

• JDs to be added to the job codes – Since we require unique role codes for each JD, majority from Corporate span we
found out to be similar. Bijoy and Nidhi were to work on this so that first we create unique role codes in the system,
map them to existing employees. Post which the JDs will be uploaded for each unique role.

• Xoxoday integration – This is to be initiated by Pratik. Approval on payment was received from CHRO. To be taken up
post Diwali after freezing the delivery timeline from DB integrations team.

1. Adoption on Recruitment module: Still many challenges are being noted in terms of the process we laid
a) We decided on the process that recruitment will start post approval of the requisition, but the recruitment is happening before the
requisition raised date. When the candidate is finalized, requisition is raised, and after instant approvals the required steps are carried
out for the candidate who is to be offered. This way we will never achieve the objective of having the candidate repository in the

b) Job application link / QR code is not being displayed while posting the job on job-boards. Currently the candidate who is apt and is
finalized, is sent that link to apply and complete the job application. So, we are not tapping the pool of candidates on DB. It is only the
shortlisted ones who are getting recorded in DB.

c) Screening was supposed to be done by the hiring managers, but still the recruiters are continuing with both Shortlisting and
Screening both.

d) While adding the new employee, base location is not being selected. Both Office location as well as Base office location should be
selected so that post on Vibe for all new joinees, should have the office location as well.

2. Adoption on Vibe:

a) Despite creating a dummy user "HR HO", nothing is being posted from that ID. We are paying an extra cost of 1 employee for
this dummy user on DB. Either we start using this ID more for posting or else, we should disable the ID to save the cost of 1
employee for a dummy user.

b) Diligently everyday the postings are not being done. This may hamper the adoption as employees are not getting reason to look
forward to Vibe.

c) Some survey forms are being circulated via Google Forms; We can easily do that through Vibe. Every time HRBPs question the
credibility of Darwinbox for running these types of surveys. Unless you give a chance and see how the system runs these surveys, it
would not be wise to comment on the credibility of this tool for which we are paying a huge amount. If things won't work, we will
get the DB team to make it work. So, we need to start using surveys via Vibe.

Separation final approval happened post LWD

Average SLA breached by 16 Days

No. of cases:
1st April to 30th September – 72
1st October till date – 15

Reason: DB functional knowledge lacking

Separation requests pending for approval as on date:

Plan Ahead

Onboarding module: 

We need to now plan and execute the Onboarding module so that complete recruitment and onboarding journey can be system driven
without any gaps and challenges. For this we would require meetings/calls to discuss below points:

i) Types of information we need at the time of job application, pre-offer and then in the onboarding form
ii) Process for onboarding which is to be followed along with SLAs
iii) Workflows which are required for intimation to IT Team, Admin Team, Reporting Manager and HRBP (Information on new joining)
iv) New Joinee Welcome mail
v) Activation of the new joinee (Should it be done by the new joinees themselves or Vipin should do it)
vi) System filled compliance forms
vii) System generated appointment letter (This needs to be discussed with Monica ma'am)

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