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Organizational Strategy,
Competitive Advantage,
and Information Systems
1. Discuss ways in which information systems enable cross-functional
business processes and business processes for a single functional area.
2. Become familiar with business process defi nition, measurement, and
3. Compare and contrast business process improvement, business process
reengineering, and business process management to identify the
advantages and disadvantages of each one.
4. Identify effective IT responses to different kinds of business pressures.
5. Describe the strategies that organizations typically adopt to counter
Porter’s five competitive forces.
6. Describe the characteristics of effective business–information
technology alignment.
1. Business Processes
2. Business Process Reengineering, Business Process
Improvement, and Business Process Management
3. Business Pressures, Organizational Responses,
and Information Technology Support
4. Competitive Advantage and Strategic Information
5. Business–Information Technology Alignment
[ Opening Case A Tool to Combat
Terrorism and Fight Crime ]

• The Problem
• A Potential IT Solution
• The Results
• What We Learned from This Case
2.1 Business Processes

• Cross-Functional Processes
• Information Systems and Business
Business Processes

• A business process is:

– an ongoing collection of related activities that create a
product or service of value to the organization, its
business partners, and/or its customers.
• Comprised of three elements:
– Inputs
– Resources
– Outputs
• Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
Cross-Functional Processes

• No single functional area is responsible

• steps executed in a coordinated, collaborative
• Procurement & Fulfillment Cross-functional
Example: Purchasing Airline
Tickets Online
Receive Ticket Order
Traveler Airline Web Site
Seats NO
Notify Traveler
Plan Trip Available

Check Flights Reserve Seats


NO Frequent
Use Credit
NO Flyer Mileage
Seats Card?
YES Charge Credit Card
Subtract Mileage
Submit Ticket Order
Charge NO
Notify Traveler
Receive e-Ticket YES
Confirm Flight(s)

Issue e-Ticket
Information Systems & Business
• IS’s vital role in three areas of business
– Executing the process
– Capturing and storing process data
– Monitoring process performance
Executing the Process

• IS’s help Execute the Process by:

– Informing employees when it is time to complete
a task
– Providing required data
– Providing a means to complete the task
Capturing & Storing Process
• Processes generate data
– Dates, times, product numbers, quantities, prices,
addresses, names, employee actions
• IS’s capture & store process data (aka,
transaction data)
• Capturing & storing data provides immediate,
‘real time’ feedback
Monitoring Process Performance

• IS evaluates information to determine how

well a process is being executed
• Evaluations occur at two levels
– Process level
– Instance level
• Monitoring identifies problems for process
2.2 Business Process Improvement,
Business Process Reengineering,
and Business Process
• Reengineering
• Improvement
• Management
Measures of Excellence in
Executing Business Processes
• Customer Satisfaction
• Cost Reduction
• Cycle and fulfillment time reduction
• Quality
• Differentiation
• Productivity
Business Process Reengineering
• Michael Hammer & James Champy, 1993,
Reengineering the Corporation
– A radical redesign of an organization’s business
processes to increase productivity and profitability
– Examines business processes with a “clean slate”
Business Process Improvement
– An incremental approach to move an organization
toward business process centered operations
– Focuses on reducing variation in process outputs
by identifying the underlying cause of the
• Six Sigma is a popular methodology for BPI
Business Process Improvement
• Five basic phases of successful BPI
– Define
– Measure
– Analyze
– Improve
– Control
BPR versus BPI
• Low risk / low cost • High risk / high cost
• Incremental change • Radical redesign
• Bottom-up approach • Top-down approach
• Takes less time • Time consuming
• Quantifiable results • Impacts can be
• All employees overwhelming
trained in BPI • High failure rate
Business Process Management
• A management system used to support
continuous BPI initiatives for core business
processes over time
• Important components of BPM:
– Process modeling
– Web-enabled technologies
– Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)
Business Process Management
• Business Process Management Suite (BPMS)
– An integrated set of applications used for BPM
• Emerging Trend of Social BPM
– Technologies enabling employees to collaborate
across functions internally and externally using
social media tools
[about business]
BPR, BPI, and BPM at
2.3 Business Pressures, Organizational
Responses, and Information
Technology Support
• Business Pressures
• Organizational Responses
Business Pressures

• Market Pressures
• Technology
• Societal/
Market Pressures

• Globalization
• Changing Nature of the Workforce
• Powerful Customers

• The integration and interdependence of

economic, social, cultural, and ecological
facets of life, made possible by rapid advances
in IT.

• The World is Flat, by Thomas Friedman

– Technology is leveling global competition making
the world “Flat”
• Friedman’s Three Eras of Globalization
– Globalization 1.0
– Globalization 2.0
– Globalization 3.0
Globalization 1.0 (1st Era)
1492 - 1800
• Focus:
– Countries
• Drivers:
– Muscle
– Horse power
– Wind power
– Steam power
Globalization 2.0 (2 Era) 1800 - nd

• Focus:
– Companies
• Main Driver:
– Multinational Companies
• First Half of 2.0
– Driver: Falling transport costs
• Second Half of 2.0
– Driver: Falling telecom costs
Globalization 3.0 (3rd Era)
2000 - Present
• Focus:
– Groups & Individuals
• Drivers:
– Convergence of 10 forces or “Flatteners”
The Ten “Flatteners”
1. 11/9/1989: Berlin 5. Outsourcing
Wall Falls 6. Offshoring
2. 8/9/1995: Netscape 7. Supply Chaining
Goes Public
8. Insourcing
3. Development of
9. Informing
Software 10.The Steroids
4. Uploading
Changing Nature of the
• Workforce is Becoming More Diversified
– Women
– Single Parents
– Minorities
– Persons with Disabilities
• IT is Enabling Telecommuting Employees
Powerful Customers

• Increasing consumer sophistication &

• Consumer more knowledgeable about
– Products and services
– Price comparisons
– Electronic auctions
• Customer Relationship Management
Technology Pressures

• Technological Innovation & Obsolescence

– Rapid development of both New and Substitute
Products & Services
• Information Overload
– Vast stores of data, information, & knowledge
– Difficulties in managing data for decision making
Societal / Political / Legal
• Social Responsibility
• Compliance with Government Regulations
• Protection against Terrorist Attacks
• Ethical Issues
Social Responsibility

• Green IT
– Facilities design and management
– Carbon management
– International and U.S. state environmental laws
– Energy management
• Digital Divide
– One Laptop per Child (OLPC)
Social Responsibility &
Philanthropy in Business
Compliance with Government
• Sarbanes-Oxley Act
• Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
• Health Insurance Portability & Accountability
Protection against Terrorist
• Employees in military reserves called to
active duty
• Information Technology used to identify and
protect against terrorists and cyberattacks
• Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS)
US-VISIT program
– Network of biometric-screening systems
Ethical Issues

• General standards of right and wrong

– Information-processing activities
– Monitoring employee email
– Monitoring employee Internet activity at work
– Privacy of customer data
[about business]
The Surui Tribe of the
Organizational Responses

• Strategic Systems
• Customer Focus
• Make-to-Order and Mass Customization
– Bodymetrics (
• E-Business & E-Commerce
2.4 Competitive Advantage and
Strategic Information Systems

• Porter’s Competitive Forces Model

• Porter’s Value Chain Model
• Strategies for Competitive Advantage
2.4 Competitive Advantage and
Strategic Information Systems

• Competitive Strategy
– A statement identifying a business’s
approach to compete, it’s goals, and the
plans and policies required to attain those
2.4 Competitive Advantage and
Strategic Information Systems

• Strategic Information Systems (SIS)

– An information system that helps an
organization achieve and maintain a
competitive advantages
Porter’s Competitive Forces Model
Porter’s Competitive Forces Model

1. Threat of Entry of New Competitors

2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
3. Bargaining Power of Customers/Buyers
4. Threat of Substitute Products or Services
5. Rivalry Among Existing Firms within the
Porter’s Value Chain Model
Porter’s Value Chain Model

• Value Chain
– A sequence of activities through which the organization’s
inputs are transformed into valuable outputs.
• Primary Activities
– Relate to Production & Distribution of Products & Services
• Support Activities
– Support Primary Activities Contributing to Competitive
Primary Activities

• Five Primary Activities for Manufacturing

1. Inbound Logistics (inputs)
2. Operations (manufacturing & testing)
3. Outbound Logistics (storage & distribution)
4. Marketing & Sales
5. After Sales Services
Support Activities

• Four Support Activities

1. Firm’s Infrastructure (accounting, finance,
2. Human Resources Management
3. Product & Technology Development (R&D)
4. Procurement
Strategies for Competitive
2.5 Business – Information
Technology Alignment
• The tight integration of the IT
function with the organization’s
strategy, mission, and goals.
Six Characteristics of Excellent
Business-IT Alignment
1. IT viewed as an engine of innovation continually
transforming the business and often creating new
revenue streams.
2. Organizations view their internal & external
customers and their customer service function as
supremely important.
3. Organizations rotate business and IT professionals
across departments and job functions.
Six Characteristics of Excellent
Business-IT Alignment
4. Organizations provide overarching goals that
are completely clear to each IT and business
5. Organizations ensure that IT employees
understand how the company makes (or
loses) money.
6. Organizations create a vibrant and inclusive
company culture.
Major Reasons Business-IT
Alignment Does Not Occur
• Business managers and IT managers have
different objectives.
• The business and IT departments are ignorant
of the other group’s expertise.
• A lack of communication.
[ Closing Case Two Financial Giants

• The Problem
• The Solution
• The Results

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