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Business Communication Today

Thirteenth Edition

Chapter 12

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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
12.1 Apply the three-step writing process to persuasive
12.2 Describe an effective strategy for developing
persuasive business messages and identify the most
common categories of persuasive business messages.

Copyright © 2016, 2014, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
12.3 Describe an effective strategy for developing marketing
and sales messages and explain how to modify your
approach when writing promotional messages for social
12.4 Identify steps you can take to avoid ethical lapses in
marketing and sales messages.

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Using the Three-Step Writing Process
for Persuasive Messages
LO 12.1 Apply the three-step writing process to persuasive

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Step 1: Planning Persuasive Messages
• Analyze the Situation
• Select the Medium
• Gather the Information
• Organize the Message

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Analyzing the Situation
Gauging Audience Desires and Interests
• Demographic Information
• Psychographic Information
• Motivational Levels of the Audience

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Gathering Information
Persuasive and Compelling
• Business Messages
• Marketing Messages
• Sales Messages

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Selecting the Right Combination of
Media and Channel
• Variety of Communication Media
• Nature of Persuasive Messages
• Range of Consumer Attitudes

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Organizing Your Information
• Message
– Audience
– Scope
– Approach
– Authority

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Step 2: Writing Persuasive Messages
• Use Positive and Polite Language
• Respect Cultural Differences
• Understand Culture in Organizations
• Establish Your Credibility

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Building Your Credibility (1 of 2)
• Using Simple Language
• Providing Objective Evidence
• Identifying Your Source Materials
• Establishing Common Ground

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Building Your Credibility (2 of 2)
• Being Objective, Fair, and Logical
• Focusing on the Audience’s Interests
• Using Logic, Evidence, and Narratives
• Building Credibility Before Presenting

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Step 3: Completing Persuasive
• Evaluate Your Content
• Produce Your Message
• Proofread Your Message
• Distribute Your Message

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Summary of Discussion (1 of 6)
• In this section, we discussed the following:
– Step 1: Planning Persuasive Messages
– Analyzing the Situation
– Gathering Information
– Selecting the Right Combination of Media and Channel

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Summary of Discussion (2 of 6)
– Organizing Your Information
– Step 2: Writing Persuasive Messages
– Building Your Credibility
– Step 3: Completing Persuasive Messages
• The next section will cover Developing Persuasive
Business Messages.

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Developing Persuasive Business
LO 12.2 Describe an effective strategy for developing
persuasive business messages and identify the three most
common categories of persuasive business messages.

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Framing Your Arguments(the AIDA

Attention Catch the Audience’s Attention

Interest Provide Additional Details or Benefits

Desire Explain Benefits, Address Objections

Action Suggest Specific Audience Action

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Balancing Emotional and Logical

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Selecting Types of Appeals
• Emotional Appeals
– Feelings Emotions Sympathies
• Logical Appeals
– Analogy Induction Deduction

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Avoiding Faulty Logic
• Avoid These Mistakes in Logic
– Hasty Generalizations
– Circular Reasoning
– Attacking an Opponent
– Oversimplification
– False Cause-Effect
– Faulty Analogies
– Illogical Support

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Reinforcing Your Position
• Believable Evidence
• Powerful Words
• Metaphors and Stories
• Audience Benefits

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Anaticipating Objections
• Anticipate Potential Objections
• Develop Solutions to the Objections
• Present All Sides of the Situation

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Avoiding Common Mistakes in
Persuasive Communication
• Common Mistakes
– Using a Hard Sell Approach
– Being Resistant to Compromise
– Relying Solely on Great Arguments
– Using a “One-Shot” Approach

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Common Examples of Persuasive
Business Messages
• Requests for Action
• Presentations of Ideas
• Claims and Requests for Adjustments

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Persuasive Requests for Action
Anticipated Request Unanticipated Request
• Direct Approach to • Indirect Approach to
Persuasion Persuasion

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Persuasive Presentation of Ideas
• Changing Attitudes or Beliefs About a Topic
– Consider a New Idea
– Reexamine Opinions
– Reconsider Ways of Thinking

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Persuasive Claims and Requests
for Adjustments
• Review the Facts in a Positive Tone
– Outline the Problem and Its Status
– Give Reasons for Granting the Claim
– Close on a Respectful Note

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Summary of Discussion (3 of 6)
• In this section, we discussed the following:
– Framing Your Arguments
– Balancing Emotional and Logical Appeals
– Selecting Types of Appeals
– Avoiding Faulty Logic
– Reinforcing Your Position
– Anticipating Objections

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Summary of Discussion (4 of 6)
– Avoiding Common Mistakes in Persuasive
– Common Examples of Persuasive Messages
– Persuasive Requests for Action
– Persuasive Presentation of Ideas
– Persuasive Claims and Requests for Adjustments
• The next section will cover Developing Marketing and
Sales Messages.

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Developing Marketing and Sales
LO 12.3 Describe an effective strategy for developing
marketing and sales messages and explain how to modify
your approach when writing promotional messages for social

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Planning Marketing and Sales
• Audience Needs
• Competition
• Selling Points and Benefits
• Purchase Objections

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Writing Conventional Marketing and
Sales Messages
• Using the AIDA Model
– Getting Attention
– Building Interest
– Increasing Desire
– Motivating Action

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Writing Promotional Messages for
Social Media (1 of 2)
• Get Involved in Online Conversations
• Facilitate Community Building
• Listen as Much as You Talk
• Initiate and Respond to Conversations

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Writing Promotional Messages for
Social Media (2 of 2)
• Provide Information People Want
• Identify and Support Your Champions
• Be Real, Open, and Conversational
• Integrate Conventional Strategies

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Creating Promotional Messages for
Mobile Devices
• Promotional Messages
– Keep Promotional Messages Short and Simple
• The Mobile Experience
– Keep the Mobile Experience Fast and Straightforward

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Summary of Discussion (5 of 6)
• In this section, we discussed the following:
– Planning Marketing and Sales Messages
– Writing Conventional Marketing and Sales Messages
– Writing Promotional Messages for Social Media
– Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices
• The next section will cover Maintaining High Standards
of Ethics, Legal Compliance, and Etiquette.

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Maintaining High Standards of Ethics,
Legal Compliance, and Etiquette
LO 12.4 Identify steps you can take to avoid ethical lapses in
marketing and sales messages.

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Promotional Messages
• Federal Laws and Regulations
• State Laws and Regulations
• International Laws and Regulations

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Legal Considerations for Marketing
and Sales Efforts
• Be truthful and non-deceptive.
• Back up claims with evidence.
• Don’t use “bait and switch” tactics.
• Obey rules when marketing to children.
• Respect contractual obligations.
• Respect the rights of individuals.

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Avoiding Etiquette Missteps
• Audience-Centered Approach
• Sensitivity to User Needs

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Summary of Discussion (6 of 6)
• In this section, we discussed the following:
– Promotional Messages
– Legal Considerations for Marketing and Sales Efforts
– Avoiding Etiquette Missteps
• This concludes our discussion of Chapter 12: Writing
Persuasive Messages.

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