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Spore formation
• Define what is fragmentation
• Explain the different characteristics of fragmentation
• Understand where fragmentation is found
• Understand advantages and disadvantages of fragmentation
Definition of fragmentation
• Fragmentation is one of the most essential mechanisms that occurs most
frequently in multicellular organisms (i.e. the organism that is made up of
more than a single cell).
• Fragmentation is the process by which a living organism splits into portions
that develop to be identical to the original organism in Reproductive Biology.
• The various bodies or parts that are formed due to such a process are referred
to as fragments and exemplifies asexual reproduction.
• Fragmentation is the splitting of diverse live creatures into smaller pieces.
After passing through the growth cycle, each of the generated fragments
matures into a fully grown individual that is identical to its parent in terms of
shape, size, and other dimensions.
characteristics of fragmentation and
where it is found
• The primary feature of the fragmentation process is that it can
occur both intentionally and inadvertently.
• For instance, man-made causes or environmental changes may
cause the organism to fragment and eventually develop into
complete and mature organisms that are similar to the parent.
• Fragmentation is found in both animals and plants. Fungi, lichens,
molds, worms, sea stars, acoel flatworms, and sponges are some of
the common examples where the mode of reproduction occurs via
Advantage of fragmentation
• The main advantages of fragmentation is that it can be accomplished with just one
parent because mating between male and female is not required.
• The entire cycle of reproduction can be readily accomplished by forming fragments
from the parent organism's bodies, then growing and transforming them into new
identical organisms for their dynasties.
• The process of fragmentation also has the advantage of being able to complete its
reproductive cycle in a shorter length of time. The time and conditions that are wasted
during the mating season and during sexual reproduction are avoided in the
reproduction of asexual systems.
• As a type of asexual reproduction, fragmentation is a very fast process. Furthermore,
because fragmentation is a quick way of producing offspring, it is thought that when the
chain of reproduction progresses from one individual to two, and then from two to four,
a slightly larger number of organisms can be generated in a shorter amount of time.
• Finally, the ability of the fragmentation process to develop and progress in every
environment and under various climatic conditions makes it extremely important in

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