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Writing the Research Paper

Essential Information and Tips

Step 1: Choose your topic.
• If at all possible, choose a subject or
an aspect of a subject that interests
• Narrow down the topic. Notice the
difference between:
– “The effects of digital technology on
– “Online courses: an improvement over
in-class learning?”
Step 2: Gather materials.
• Have a focus for your paper: a
question that you want to answer --
e.g., “What are the advantages and
disadvantages of online learning?”
– Note: this is not yet a thesis. A thesis
would be a tentative answer to this
• Put together a bibliography
– Professors will often require this
Step 3: Take notes on your sources.
• Organize your notes according to topic
– Use 3x5 file cards
– or create a computer file to keep notes
• Give each note card or page a title and
make sure you have all referencing
information (it’s easier to do this sooner
than later!)
• Use your own words when possible;
avoid excessive use of long quotations
Step 4: Decide on a thesis.
• A thesis is a statement that states an
argument or makes an assertion.
– It is a statement that someone could disagree
– This thesis is tentative; you will probably need
to revise it between the first and the final draft
• You don’t have a thesis if you say
– “This paper is about . . .” or
– “This paper will discuss the question . . .”
Step 5: make an outline.
• Thesis statement
• Development of thesis
– supporting research
– contrary research (naysayer)
• Conclusions/summary/
reaction -- or a combination of
these, depending on what your
professor assigns
Step 6: write the first drafts.
materials that do not relate to it.
• Pay attention to the flow of ideas.
• Reference properly all quotes, paraphrases, and
uses of ideas from your sources.
• Run a spell and grammar check
• Print out paper or review on screen
– PROOFREAD!! Correct mechanical and stylistic
• Re-print paper
• The rough draft should not be the same as “first
draft” that your professor sees
Step 7: revise and rewrite.
• Take seriously all comments made by
professors and peers on your drafts!
• If not “officially” a multi-draft project,
write at least two to three drafts anyway.
• Be sure to spell check, proofread, and
check references for the final product.
– DO NOT turn in a paper with handwritten
– Final draft should be a refined piece of work:
clear, clean, coherent.

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