E 12-Unit 2-Reading

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What did you learn last lesson?

What did you learn last lesson?

1. Is life in the city different from that in the
2. Why are more and more people from rural areas
moving to the city?
Unit 2: Urbanization
Lesson 3: Reading
Urbanization and its causes
• Urbanisation is the process by which urban areas grow bigger as
more and more people leave the countryside to live in towns and
Before the 1950s, urbanisation mainly occurred in more
economically developed countries (MEDCs). Rapid urbanisation
happened during the period of industrialisation in Europe and
North America in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A
lot of people left their home villages for urban areas hoping to find
jobs in the rapidly expanding industries in big towns and cities.
Since 1950s urbanisation has become slower in most MEDCs. Now,
some of the biggest cities are losing population because they go
back to live in rural areas. This is known as counter-urbanisation.
Since 1950, urbanisation has grown rapidly in LEDCs (Less
Economically Developed Countries) in Africa and South America.
Between 1950 and 1990 while the urban population in LEDCs
doubled, increase was less than half in developed countries.

There are various causes of urbanisation in LEDCs. Here are some

major ones. First, people migrate to urban areas on a massive scale
due to lack of resources in rural areas. Second, small farmers find it
harder to make a living not just because of bad conditions such as
drought, floods, or storms, but because they can't compete with
large agricultural companies. These are considered ‘push’ factors.
People living in rural areas are also ‘pulled’ to cities, which are
known to be places of financial services, wealth and opportunities.
Believing that standard of living in urban areas will be higher in
rural areas, many people come to the city seeking their fortune.
Today, about half of the world's population live in urban areas.
Urbanisation has provided opportunities, higher incomes and
better access to health facilities and education. The urban
population will continue to grow and it is expected that proportion
will increase to 70% by 2050.
Task 1. You are going to read a text about urbanisation.
Predict whether the following statements are true (T) or false
Task 2. Read the text happened
1. Urbanization and check youreconomically
first in more predictions in 1.
developed countries, then in less economically developed T
Urbanisation is the process by which urbancountries
areas grow bigger as more and more people leave
the countryside to live in towns and cities.
Before the 1950s, urbanisation mainly occurred in more economically developed countries
(MEDCs). Rapid urbanisation happened during the period of industrialisation in Europe and
North America in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A lot of people left their home
villages for urban areas hoping to find jobs in the rapidly expanding industries in big towns and
2. Urbanization has increased in rich countries since 1950s.
cities. Since 1950s urbanisation has become slower in most MEDCs. Now, some of the biggest F
cities are losing population because people go back to live in rural areas. This is known as
3. Lack of
Since 1950, urbanisation hasresources in rural
grown rapidly ares(Less
in LEDCs is one of the factors
Economically leading
Developed Countries) in
Africa and South America.to Between 1950 andin1990
urbanization lesswhile the urban
developed population in LEDCs
doubled, increase was less than half in developed countries.
There are various causes of urbanisation in LEDCs. Here are some major ones. First, people
migrate to urban areas on a massive scale due to lack of resources in rural areas. Second, small
farmers find it4.h to
Themake a living of
standard notliving
just because
in citiesof and
bad we conditions
rural areas issuch as drought,
more or F floods,
or storms, because they can't compete with large agricultural companies. These are considered
‘push’ factors.
less the same .
People living in rural5.
areas are alsomore
By 2050, ‘pulled’ to cities,
than which areofknown
two –thirds to be places of financial
the world’s
centres, services, wealth and opportunities. Believing that standard of living in urban areas T will
population are expected to live in urban areas .
be higher in rural areas, many people come to the city seeking their fortune.
Today, about half of the world's population in urban areas. Urbanisation has provided
opportunities, higher incomes and better access to health facilities and education. The urban
population will continue to grow and it is expected that proportion will increase to 70% by 2050.

1. counter – urbanization /ˌkaʊntə ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ (n):

phản đô thị hóa, dãn dân
2. double /ˈdʌbl/ (v): tăng gấp đôi
3. expand /ɪkˈspænd/ (v): mở rộng
Rapidly-expanding (adj): mở rộng nhanh
4. industrialisation /ɪnˌdʌstriəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ (n): sự công nghiệp hóa
Industrialize (v):công nghiệp hóa
Industry (n): ngành công nghiệp
Industrial (adj): thuộc công nghiệp
5. migrate to somewhere/maɪˈɡreɪt/ (v): di cư đến
6. compete with s.o (v.p) : cạnh tranh với
7. seek one’s fortune (v): kiếm cơ hội đổi đời

8. LEDCs = Less Economically Developed Countries:

quốc gia có nền kinh tế kém phát triển
9. MEDCs = more economically developed countries:
quốc gia có nền kinh tế phát triển hơn
10. Proportion (n): tỉ lệ
11. Mainly (adv): chủ yếu
12. Rapidly (adv) = fast= quickly
13 major (adj): chính, quan trọng > < minor (adj): thứ
yếu, nhỏ, không quan trọng
14. On a massive scale (n.p): trên 1 phạm vi lớn
15. Make a living (coll.): kiếm sống
Task 3. Find the words in the text that have the following
meanings by matching numbers 1-5 with a-e
Words Meanings

1. Becoming larger in size or

amount a.Doubled
2. The movement of people out
of cities to the surrounding areas b. Increase

3. Became twice as big or twice

as many c. Migrate

4. A rise in size, amount or d. Counter-urbanization

5. Go to live in another area or
country e. Expanding
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Image uploaded by Pham Huy 12a4
Image uploaded by Lê Linh 12a4
Image uploaded by Phạm Văn Nam 12A4
Image uploaded by Nguyễn Thành Trung-12a4
Image uploaded by Trần Mai Hương
Image uploaded by Đức Anh
Task 3. Find the words in the text that have the following
meanings. Write the words in the space provided.
Words Meanings

1. Becoming larger in size or

amount Expanding
2. The movement of people out
of cities to the surrounding areas Counter-urbanization

3. Became twice as big or twice

as many Doubled

4. A rise in size, amount or

degree Increase in +N
Increase by …%
5. Go to live in another area or
country Migrate to swhere
Answer key

Task 3. Read the text carefully. Answer the following
1. What is urbanisation?
2. What do MEDCs and LEDCs stand for?
3. Where did rapid urbanisation take place prior to
1950? Why?
4. What happened after 1950?
5. What are some of the 'push' factors of
6. Why are small farmers' lives difficult?
7. What are some of the ‘pull’ factors of
1. What is urbanisation?
=> It's a process by which urban areas grow bigger
as/because more and more people leave the
countryside to live in towns and cities.
2. What do MEDCs and LEDCs stand for?

=> MEDCs stands for more economically-developed

countries. LEDCs stands for less economically-
developed countries.
3. Where did rapid urbanisation take place prior
to 1950? Why?
=> Before the 1950s, rapid urbanisation took
place in Europe and North America because it
was the period of industrialisation in these areas.
4. What happened after 1950?
=>  After 1950, urbanisation started to grow
rapidly in LEDCs.
5. What are some of the 'push' factors of
=> Some of the ‘push’ factors of urbanisation are
lack of resources in rural areas, bad weather
conditions, and competition from large
agricultural companies.
6. Why are small farmers' lives difficult?
=> Because they have to suffer bad weather
conditions and competition from large agricultural
7. What are some of the ‘pull’ factors of
=> Some of the ‘pull’ factors of urbanisation are
the centralisation of resources such as money,
services, wealth and opportunities as well as the
higher living standards of these areas.
Task 5. Discuss with a partner. 
How has your area been affected by urbanisation?
Follow this sample conversation

A: Where do you live, in the city or in the countryside?

B: I live in………………………….
A: Do you see many people move out of your area to
other places or people from other places move to your
A: Has your area been affected by that?
A: How has it been affected?
B: ………………………………………………..
1. Economy (Về kinh tế): Urbanisation leads to fast
economic growth in my area, which provides jobs for
thousands of people. (Quá trình đô thị hóa dẫn tới sự
tăng trưởng kinh tế nhanh trong khu vực của mình,
điều này tạo ra việc làm cho hàng ngàn người.)
2. Sociology (Về xã hội): Urbanisation promotes
higher living standard in my area. People have money
to build high and modern houses and get easier
access to good health care, high-qualified education
service, etc. (Quá trình đô thị hóa thúc đẩy chất lượng
cuộc sống cao hơn ở khu vực của mình. Mọi người có
tiền xây nhà cửa cao ráo hiện đại và có cơ hội tiếp cận
dễ dàng hơn với dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe tốt, giáo
dục chất lượng cao, v.v.)
3. Environment (Về môi trường): Urbanisation results
in polluted rivers and lakes in my area. People suffer
from unpleasant smells from factories' chimneys and
drink toxic water from dirty rivers. (Quá trình đô thị
hóa gây ra ô nhiễm sông hồ ở khu vực của mình. Mọi
người phải chịu đựng mùi khó chịu từ ống khói các
nhà máy và uống nước nhiễm độc từ các dòng sông

-Learn all the new vocabulary by heart.

-Translate the reading.

-Prepare the new lesson - Writing

Trò chơi “Spin wheel”, các bạn xóa
tên trong vòng tròn đi và viết tên
học sinh của mình vào. Quay vào tên
bạn nào thì bạn đó sẽ chọn ngôi sao
để trả lời. Bạn bấm vào ngôi sao nào
là là ra câu hỏi nhé.

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