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Nuclear Reaction

By: Anush Dcosta

What are Nuclear reactions?
• When at atom of an element loses energy
in the form of radiation. This leads to the
transmutation of elements. This is when an
atom changes from one element to
• The bombarding particle may be an alpha
particle, a gamma-ray photon, a neutron, a
proton, or a heavy ion. In any case, the
bombarding particle must have enough
energy to approach the positively charged
nucleus to within range of the strong
nuclear force.
The different types of particles in the
Types of
Nuclear Reactions
Alpha Emission
• If a nucleus is too big the nuclear force
becomes weak and so alpha omission occurs.
Where the nucleus will emit an alpha
particle. It can also undergo spontaneous
fission where the nucleus breaks into lighter
nuclei and usually some neutrons.
•  Since an alpha particle is relatively more
massive than other forms of radioactive
decay, it can be stopped by a sheet of paper
and cannot penetrate human skin.
Beta Emission
• The beta emission occurs when an electron
is emitted if an neutrons is spontaneously
converted to a proton. This usually happens
if the neutrons to proton ratio is too high.
An excess neutron transforms into a proton
and an electron. since the mass of a
neutrons is the proton and electrons
• This process decreases the number of
neutrons by one and increases the number
of protons by one. Since the number of
protons in the nucleus of an atom
determines the element, the conversion of a
neutron to a proton actually changes the
radionuclide to a different element.
Positron Emission
• It is the emission of a positron which is a
positive electron of the same mass and
size of the electrons but positively

charged. This happens when a proton in

the nucleus gets spontaneously converted
to a neutron.
• This leads to the emission of a
positron(positive electron). This type of
emission usually occurs when a neutron to
proton ratio is too low.
Uses of the concept of nuclear reaction
• There are a number of beneficial uses for nuclear technology:
1. Electricity
2. Agriculture and Food - In many parts of the world, agricultural workers
use radiation to prevent harmful insects from reproducing. 
3. Medical - Nuclear technologies provide images inside the human body
and can help to treat disease.
4. Space Exploration - Nuclear technology makes deep space exploration
5. Water Desalination - Nuclear energy facilities can provide the large
amount of energy that desalination plants need to provide fresh drinking
Nuclear Reactors
• Machines called nuclear reactors are used to start chain
reactions which release neutrons used for both electricity
and further experimentation. The most common element
used is uranium due to it’s high radioactivity.
• In MIT’s nuclear reactor silicon is irradiated with neutrons
(known as doping) obtained from the reactor to convert it
to phosphorus which is used as a semiconductor.
• In the nuclear reactor there is a hexagon shaped core made
up of 27 diamond shaped fuel elements. One of these
elements contain a salt which will be used to cool down the
nuclear reactor. Scientists working near the reactor are
shielded due the 10 feet of water that is present between
the core and the top of the reactor this is because water is
good at absorbing neutrons.
• The neutron beam that collects the neutrons
produced by the reactor can be used for various
reasons such as:
1. We can see how well a material absorbs
2. Calculate the power level.
3. The shape of molecules.

• Gold is made radioactive in the reactor which will

be used in order to damage a tumour. The
nuclear reactor is usually protected well but
there are cases where the reactor may cause

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