Intro To Electrical Technology Edited

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ELECTRICITY – came from the word “ELECTRON” meaning AMBER.

Electricity is made up of two opposing electric charges. These are
the electrons and protons. The movement of these opposing charges
produces an electrical effect which is commonly known as electricity.
is the flow of
thru a
What is electricity? (continuation)


-is an invisible energy that produces heat, light, sound ,

motion, and video

-is an energy looking for some place to go

-is a flow of electrons from an area high in electron content

excess to one lower electron content.

- a stream of electron made to flow in a conductor by an

electromotive force.

The word electricity comes from the ancient Greek word amber – electron. The
early Greek observed that when amber (a fossilized resin) was rubbed with a cloth, it would
attract bits of material such as dried leaves. Later the scientist showed that this property of
attraction occurred in other materials such as rubber and glass but did not occurs in copper
of iron. The materials that had this property of attraction were describe as being charged with
an electric force; and it was noticed that some of these charged materials were attracted by a
charged piece of glass and that others were repelled. Benjamin Franklin called this two kinds
of charges positive and negative.

Electron Theory

The electron theory states that all maters is made of electricity. Matter in this
context, is anything which has mass, occupies space and is made up of molecules, of which
there are millions of different kinds. The molecule in turn, are made up of atoms which are the
smallest unit of several elements and of limited number. All atoms are believed to be
composed of electrons, which are the minute particles called nucleus. In a normal atom, the
amount of negative electricity of electrons is exactly neutralized by an equal amount of
positive electricity of the nucleus. Thus an atom exhibits no external sign of electrification.

Electrical phenomena occurs when some of these electricity is moved or when

electrical balance which normally is obtained with the atom is disturbed. There is in the
universe a definite amount of electricity. However, electricity cannot be generated. Neither
can it be created nor destroyed. It can, however, be force to move and thus, transmit power
or produce electrical phenomena. Electrical energy (not electricity) can be generated. (i.e.
produced from the energy of some other form) by forcing electrons to move in a certain
The Electron Theory consists of the following concepts:

1. All matter is made up of tiny, invisible particles called atoms.

2. The atom is composed of negatively charged particles calledelectrons (-),
positively charged particles called protons (+), and neutrally charged particles
3. Proton and neutron have the same mass and are about 1,830 times as heavy
as electron.
4. Every proton carries a unit charge of positive electricity; every electron
carries a unit charge of negative electricity.
5. The atom of any element contains exactly the same number of protons and
electrons, thus the atom is said to be electrically neutral.
6. The dense central portion of the atom — the nucleus, is made up of all the
protons and the neutrons. Thus, the positive charge of the atom is
concentrated in the nucleus.
7. Electron revolves around the nucleus in one or more shells or rings at various
dis tances.
8. The entire chemical characteristics of an atom depends largely upon the
number of electrons that it has and how these electrons are arranged.
What makes matter related to electricity?
Matter - anything that occupies space has mass Mixture
(mass is the amount of matter in an object while a
weight due to pull gravity). Matter includes the air Heterogeneous homogeneous
we breathe, water, paper, copper… practically every physical separation
thing. A matter could be an element or a compound. physical sep.

Compound – is a chemical combination of two or Elements compounds

more elements. Example of compounds are the table chemical separation
salt (NaCl), combination of sodium and chlorine;
water(H2O), combination of hydrogen and oxygen Atoms molecules
Chemical sep.
and many more. Smallest particle of compound that
still retain the chemical properties of the said Nucleus electrons
compoundis called molecule. scale

Elements are the basic structure of nature. These are materials that can not be reduced to simpler one by chemical
means. As of the writing, there are about 117 known, elements 94 of which occur naturally on Earth. Examples, of
elements are hydrogen, carbon, copper, gold, silicon, and many more. The smallest particle of an element that retains
the chemical properties of the element is called atom.

Atom is basically made up of tiny particles called electron, proton, and neutron. The dense central portion of atom is
the nucleus, where protons and neutrons are located. Protons are the positively charged particle of the atom while
neutrons are electrically neutral. Revolving around the nucleus are the negatively charged particle called electrons.
Atom in its normal state contain the same number of electrons and protons hence atom is said to be electrically
neutral. When a normal atom looses electrons the atom becomes positively charged (protons are greater than
electrons). Atoms which gain electrons become negatively charged (electrons are greater than proton). The answer is
very simple…it is because all matter contains negatively and positively charged particles, the electrons and protons.
Atomic Structure of Matter
All matter is made up of atoms. An atom is made up of nucleus and
electrons. The nucleus is that part of the atom which is located in its center
as shown in the figure. The electron moves around the nucleus at very high
speeds in orbital paths. The electron is a negatively charged particle.

As can be seen from the figure, the nucleus is made up of two

types of particles namely the proton and the neutron. The proton is
positively charged particle. Its charged is equal in magnitude to the electron
but oppositely charged. The neutron in turn has a neutral charge, meaning
that it is neither negative nor positive charged.
The atom of Helium is shown.
It has 2 electrons, 2 neutrons and 2
protons. An atom always has equal
numbers of electrons and protons. As a
result of this equality of numbers the
net charge of an atom is always zero.
This means that the charge of the atom
is neither negative nor positive but



Electricity at rest, can be

called energy due to DYNAMIC ELECTRICITY
position or composition.
Electricity in motion or
ex. flashlight batteries, energy of motion or due to
car batteries “Kinetic Energy”.

ex. when electrical

charges stored in
battery moves or flow to
perform useful work
Static electricity
When two objects are rubbed together, electrons are removed to one material. The
object whose atoms acquire an excess of electrons is said to have a negative charge, while
other object is said to have positive charge. The term static means fixed or at rest.
Therefore this kind of electricity is generated through the action of friction between two

Dynamic electricity
This refers to electrons in motion. Moving electrons constitute electric current
which are free because they had escaped from their atoms that still moving and which no
longer circulate about a central nucleus.
Electrons are removed from atoms by electrical force which frees the electrons
from their atoms and causes them to move along the wire by chemical action, by heat, by
magnetic effect or in a no. of other ways. In all cases, the wire must form an endless path or
circuit from one side or terminal of the generator to the other.
The generating force causes to free a mass of electrons at one terminal where
atom s then take on a positive charge and propel them toward the opposite terminal which
thus take on a negative charge. Positively charge atoms at the other terminal draw electrons
from atoms all along the wire. Atoms which have lost electrons draw electrons from adjacent
atoms, and perhaps lose them again. This operation is continuous as long as the device is



o Voltage and current that comes from o Voltage and current that comes from
the power companies such as the NPC the batteries, such as dry cell, wet cells
and its distributing agency, the and storage battery.
BENECO and from small AC
generators. o We call this type of voltage and
current DC because this type has a
o We call this AC because it has no fixed polarity. In other words the
fixed polarity. In simple words the voltage and current has permanent
polarity of voltage and current alternates positive and negative points.
from positive to negative or vice versa
as it flows in a circuit.

+ +

- - +

Classification of Current
1. Alternating Current –A periodic
current, the average value of which
over a period is zero.
A continuous flow of electron from neg.
(-) to pos.(+) or vice versa.

2. Direct Current –Current flows

directly in one direction.
Batteries, fuel cells, and solar cells all create direct current (DC), which means current
always flows in the same direction, originating in the negative terminal and flowing
towards the positive terminal. Fuel Cell Basics
1. Fuel cells are operationally equivalent to a
2. The reactants or fuel in a fuel cell can be
replaced unlike a standard disposable or
rechargeable battery.
3. For automotive applications hydrogen is the
fuel choice.
4. Low temperature (~85 °C) Polymer
Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) type cells are the
standard devices.
5. Electrochemical energy comes from the
reaction: ½ H2 + ½ O2 → H2O.
6. Theoretically the maximum voltage that this
reaction can generate is 1.2 V. However, in
practice the cell usually generates about 0.7 V
to 0.9 V and about 1 W cm-2 of powe

Power plants, on the other hand, deliver alternating current (AC) .

Alternating current means just that, the direction of the current reverses, or
alternates 60 times per second.
Voltages are produced using voltage sources. The following are some sources of voltages.

1. Chemical cells and batteries (chemical action)

2. Generators and dynamos (mechanical action through Magnetism)
3. Piezoelectric devices (Pressure)
4. Photovoltaic cells (solar)
5. Thermocouples (heat)
6. Friction

1. Chemical cells or batteries – these devices generate electric charge differences through the
reaction of chemicals. The graphic shows an example of chemical cell, the carbon-zinc cell.
The carbon-zinc cell is the most common and least expensive type of chemical cells. Chemical
cells that are connected to other chemical cells are referred to as a battery of cells or simply
battery. Batteries are used where portability of the powered device is a necessary


Electric cells are sources of electric power that generate voltage by the reaction of metals
with chemicals called electrolytes.
The schematic of an electric cell is shown in the figure. A battery consists of two or
more cells of electrically connected together and packaged to form a single
unit. The term battery however is loosely used to refer to either single or
multiple cells. The graphic shows the schematic of a cell and of a battery.


The graphic shows a

simplified representation
of an electric cell. The
positive electrode of an
electric cell is referred to
as its anode and the
negative electrode is Chlorine
referred to as cathode.
Electrolytes are solutions Sodium
of acids (or bases) in
Batteries are classified as wet or dry cells.

Dry cells are cells that use an

electrolyte in paste or gel form. Wet cells on the
other hand are cells that use liquid electrolytes. A
dry cell can be operated in any position whereas a
wet cell can only be used in upright position as
tilting it could cause electrolyte spillage. Carbon-
zinc is the most common dry cell and it is also the
cheapest type of cell. The lead-acid battery that is
used in automobiles is the most common type of
wet cell.

Batteries can also be classified as primary

and secondary
Primary cells are cells which cant be
recharged and therefore have to be
replaced with new cells when they are used
up. The carbon-zinc battery is a primary cell.

Secondary cells on the other hands are cells that can

be recharged again a number of times by the
application of a reverse electric current through is
terminals. The lead-acid battery is a secondary cell
and It can be recharge.
The amount of potential that can be supplied by the chemical cell is usually indicated in the package of
the battery and rated in volts. The magnitude of charge that the battery is capable of delivering is also
usually indicated. The quantity is rated in ampere-hours (Ah) or milliampere-hours (mAh).

1. Capacity and rating of Batteries

2. Safety Precautions with Batteries
3. Internal resistance of battery

Capacity and rating of Batteries

The capacity of a battery is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). The ampere hour capacity
equals the product of the current in amperes and the time in hours during which the battery will
supply this current. The ampere-hours capacity varies inversely with the discharge current. For
example, a 100 ampere-hour battery will deliver 100 amperes for one hour or 25 amperes for four
Storage batteries are rated according to their rate of discharge and ampere-hour
capacity. Most batteries are rated according to a 20-hour rate of discharge. That is, if a fully charge
battery is completely discharged during a 20-hour period, it is discharge at the 20-hour rate. Thus, if a
battery can deliver 20 amperes continuously for 20 hours, the batter has a rating of 20 amperes x 20
hours, or 400 ampere-hours. Therefore, the 20-hour rating equals the average current that a battery
can supply without interruption for an interval of 20-hours.
All standard batteries deliver 100 percent of their available capacity if discharged in 20
hours or more, but they will deliver less than their available capacity if discharged at a faster rate. The
faster they discharge, the battery ampere-hour capacity they have.
The low-voltage limit, as specified by the manufacturer, is the limit beyond which very
little useful energy can be obtained from a battery. This low-voltage limit is normally a test used in
battery shops to determine the condition of a battery.
2. Generators and Dynamos – these devices generates voltage by moving coils through a magnetic flux. The
coils are usually arranged around a metal rod and made to rotate around an axis. This rotational motion
around the magnetic flux produces current in the coils that generate voltage across the terminals of the
generator. Most of today's electric power supply is derived from the action of generators and dynamos.


It has been discussed that a current flowing through a conductor will generate a magnetic field around a
conductor. In a similar manner, when the conductor is moved across a magnetic flux a voltage is induced
in the conductor. This phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction.

In the graphic, when the conductor is moved across the space between the two magnets, the
conductors will cut across the invisible magnetic flux existing between the two poles. Because the
electromagnetic induction, a voltage will be induced across the end terminals of wire. A sensitive
voltmeter connected across the wire will show a needle movement indicating the presence of induced

Alternatively the
wire could be held
stationary and the
magnet pair could
be moved up and
down to induce a
voltage in the wire.
This is because the
conductor will still
be cutting across
the magnetic flux
when this is done.
3. Piezoelectric – devices of this type generate voltage by applying
mechanical pressure on a quartz crystal component. A quartz crystal has the
special property called piezoelectricity. A piezoelectric material produces
voltage and its terminal when the material is exposed to varying mechanical
pressure across the faces of its crystalline structure. Piezoelectric devices
generate only small amount of voltage and are used for generation of varying
electric signals for communication devices such as microphones. They are
also used to generate electric signals at specified frequencies. When they are
used as such they are referred to as crystal oscillators and resonators.
4. Photovoltaic cells – voltage is generated by photovoltaic cells, where free electrons are released by
the cells when it is hit by light radiation. Most photovoltaic cells are manufactured to produced
electric energy from solar radiation or sunlight. Because they generate electric power from sunlight
which a free renewable and non-polluting resources, a significant portion of the world’s electric
supply will be derived from photovoltaic cells in the not so remote future. At present, the cost of
photovoltaic cell is a major hurdle in the quest for large scale generation of voltage. It is generally
conceded however than in the near future, at the present scale of research and development in
photovoltaic cells, the cost of production can be brought down such that the cost of photovoltaic
electric energy generation can complete with that of the power generation from petroleum fuel.

A solar cell consist of two layers of

semiconductor, one p-type and the
other n-type, sandwich together to
form an ‘pn junction’. This pn
interface induces an electric field
across the junction. When particles
of light (‘photons’) are absorbed by
the semiconductor, they transfer
their energy to some of the
semiconductor’s electrons, which
then are able to move about
through the material. For each such
negatively charged electron, a
corresponding mobile positive
charge called a ‘hole’, is created. In
an ordinary semiconductor, these
electrons and holes recombine after
a short time and their energy is
wasted as heat.
How the cells work
When the sunlight passes through the silicon
sheets in the photovoltaic cell, photons from the
sunlight are absorbed. The energy of the photons
is transferred to the semiconductor, knocking loose
free electrons. Electricity is produced.
5. Thermocouples are devices that convert heat energy to electric energy. Thermocouples
generate a very small voltage across its terminals when exposed to heat.

The basis of thermocouples was

established by Thomas Johann Seebeck
in 1821 when he discovered that a
conductor generates a voltage when
subjected to a temperature gradient. To
measure this voltage, one must use a
second conductor material which
generates different voltage under the
same temperature gradient. Otherwise,
if the same material was used for the
measurement, the voltage generated by
the measuring conductor would simply
cancel that of the first conductor.

The Seebeck coefficients (thermoelectric sensitivities) of some common materials at 0°C
(32°F) are listed in the following table.

The above table also reveals some possible wire pairings. For instance, iron or copper can be put in the positive
terminal while constantan can be used for the negative terminal of the thermocouple circuit (type J and T.
6. Frictional Energy – Static electricity is generated by the action of friction between two
materials. A most important application is the use of static electricity in electrostatic precipitators
to remove carbon, fly ash, and the other particles from the gases leaving a smokestack.

1. Steam power plants use fuels such as petroleum, coal, or biomass are burned to heat
water to create steam, the pressure of the steam spins a turbine turning the copper wire
inside the generator.

Coal-fired units produce electricity by burning coal

in a boiler to heat water to produce steam. The
steam, at tremendous pressure, flows into a
turbine, which spins a generator to produce
electricity. The steam is cooled, condensed back
into water, and returned to the boiler to start the
process over.
2. Geothermal power plants are steam power plants that tap into steam released from the
earth. Once used the water returned to the ground.

Dry Steam Power Plant. First type of

geothermal power plants constructed are dry
steam. Steam from the geothermal reservoir is
route directly through turbine/generator units
to produce electricity.  The steam eliminates
the need to burn fossil fuels to run the

Flash Steam Power Plants

Hydrothermal fluids above 360°F (182°C) can
be used in flash plants to make electricity.
Fluid is sprayed into a tank held at a much
lower pressure than the fluid, causing some
of the fluid to rapidly vaporize, or "flash."
The vapor then drives a turbine, which drives
a generator. If any liquid remains in the tank,
it can be flashed again in a second tank to
extract even more energy.

Binary-Cycle Power Plants

Most geothermal areas contain moderate-
temperature water (below 400°F). Energy is
extracted from these fluids in binary-cycle
power plants. Hot geothermal fluid and a
secondary (hence, "binary") fluid with a much
lower boiling point than water pass through a
heat exchanger. Heat from the geothermal fluid
causes the secondary fluid to flash to vapor,
which then drives the turbines. Because this is a
closed-loop system, virtually nothing is emitted
to the atmosphere. Moderate-temperature
water is by far the more common geothermal
resource, and most geothermal power plants in
the future will be binary-cycle plants.
3. Gas Power Plants use fuels that are burned to create hot gases to spin the turbine.
4. Nuclear power plants. Nuclear generators use nuclear fission to turn water into steam. This
drives the steam turbine, which spins a generator to produced power. A pound of highly enriched
uranium can power a nuclear submarine or nuclear aircraft carrier is equal to something on the
order of a million gallons of gasoline.
5. Wind power plants use the wind to push against the turbine blades, spinning the copper wires
inside the generator to create am electric current.
How Wind Power creates
1. The wind presses against the rotor blades and causes the rotor assembly to rotate.
2. The rotor blades transfer their energy to the hub, and set the driveshaft inside the rotor
assembly in rotation.
3. The hub is fitted with a transmission that adjusts the rotor speed to the requirements of...
4. …the generator that converts the rotational energy into electrical power by means of
magnetic fields.
5. The electric power produced by the generator is passed to a transformer that converts the
low voltage generated to a higher voltage suitable for feeding into the grid.
6. Coal Fired Power Plants burn coal to drive a steam engine. Coal is plentiful, but the
collateral damage is extreme.
• ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE –the electrical
pressure that causes free electrons to move
in a conductor; it is also called EMF,
differences of potential or voltage.
• ELECTRIC CURRENT –the word “current”
means running or flowing and an electric
current means a flow of electrons.
• RESISTANCE –the opposition of electron
-Is named after the German physicist “George Simon
-The instrument used to measure resistance is ohmmeter.
-The letter symbol for resistance is “R”.
Georg Simon Ohm
Born: 16-Mar-1789
Birthplace: Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
Died: 6-Jul-1854
Location of death: Munich, Germany
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Alter Südfriedhof,
Munich, Germany

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Physicist
Nationality: Germany
Executive summary: Ohm's Law
VOLT (v)
-Is named after count “Alessandro Volta”.
-Is the unit of measurement for voltage,
-The instrument used to measure voltage is voltmeter,
-The letter symbol for voltage is “E”.

Alessandro Volta
AKA Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio
Born: 18-Feb-1745
Birthplace: Como, Lombardy, Italy
Died: 5-Mar-1827
Location of death: Como, Lombardy, Italy
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Como, Lombardy, Italy

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Physicist
Nationality: Italy
Executive summary: Invented electric battery
-Is named after “Andre Marie Ampere”.
-The instrument used to measure the electric current is
-The letter symbol for electric current is “I”.
André-Marie Ampère
Born: 22-Jan-1775
Birthplace: Lyon, France
Died: 10-Jun-1836
Location of death: Marseille, France
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Cimetière de
Montmartre, Paris, France

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Physicist
Nationality: France
Executive summary: Explored
-Is named after “JAMES WATT”.
-The instrument used to measure the electrical power is
-The letter symbol for electric power is “P”.

James Watt
Born: 19-Jan-1736
Birthplace: Greenock, Scotland
Died: 19-Aug-1819
Location of death: Heathfield, Scotland
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, St. Mary Churchyard,
Handsworth, Staffordshire, England

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Inventor
Nationality: Scotland
Executive summary: Invented modern
steam engine
-Is named after “HEINRICH HERTZ”.
-The instrument used to measure the frequency of AC
alteration is frequency meter.
-The unit of measurement for frequency is “Hertz” or Hz.
Heinrich Hertz
AKA Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
Born: 22-Feb-1857
Birthplace: Hamburg, Germany
Died: 1-Jan-1894
Location of death: Bonn, Germany
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Ohlsdorfer Friedhof,
Hamburg, Germany

Gender: Male
Religion: Christian
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Physicist
Nationality: Germany
Executive summary: Discoverer of
electromagnetic radiation
Michael Faraday
Born: 22-Sep-1791
Birthplace: Newington Butts, England
Died: 25-Aug-1867
Location of death: Hampton Court,
London, England
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried,
Highgate Cemetery West, London, Engla

Gender: Male
Religion: Presbyterian
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Physicist
Nationality: England
Executive summary: Discovered
electrical induction
Joseph Henry
Born: 17-Dec-1797
Birthplace: Albany, NY
Died: 13-May-1878
Location of death: Washington, DC
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried,
Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Physicist
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Discovered
electromagnetic induction
Kind of Materials

When electrons can move easily from atom to atom in

a material, it is conductive. Metals are good
conductors. They have a large amount of free

A material with a very few free electrons is an

insulator. Insulators (dielectrics) cannot conduct
electricity but can hold or store it.

Semiconductors conduct less than the conductors but

more than the insulators. Because of their unique
properties some of them are the basis for modern
electronic devices such as diodes, transistors and
integrated circuits.

Materials having a very Materials having a very

low or minimal opposition high or utmost opposition
to the flow of electricity or to the flow of electricity or
electric current. Materials electric current. Materials
that will allow the flow of that will not allow the flow
current… of current…

ex. Gold, Silver, Copper, ex. Plastic, Rubber, Tape

CONDUCTORS - are substances that permit the free motion of a large number of electrons.

• Silver –best conductor Tin –combined with lead for

among materials. soldering

• Copper –commonly used

in electrical jobs. Tungsten –for heating element

• Aluminum –commonly
used transmission lines

• Zinc –used in
manufacturing cells and Brass

• Platinum –used for

making contact points Gold
Conductors are used to conduct electric power where it is generated to the point where it is
used. Wires are the most commonly used conductors, and copper is the material commonly used
in building wiring. Aluminum conductors is widely used in transmission lines.
The sizes of wires are measured in mils and circular mils.
1 mil = 1 inch = 0.001 inch
1circular mil is the area of a circle that is 1 mil in diameter or 0.001 inch.
Since the area of a circle is proportional to the square of its diameter,
(Cmil) Circular mil = (mil)2 = mil x mil
Example: What is the cross-sectional area of a wire whose diameter is 10 mils?
Cmil = (10 mil)2 = 10 x 10 = 100 Cmils

Instead of referring to common sizes of wires by their areas, sizes or numbers have been
assigned to them. The gauge commonly used is the American Wire Gauge (AWG).
The sizes No. 50 to No. 20 are used mostly in manufacturing electrical equipment. Nos. 18 and 16
are used for flexible cords, signal systems, and similar purposes where small currents are
involved. No. 14, 12, 10, 8 are used in residential building wiring and No. 6 to 4/0 are used in
commercial and industrial wiring. Wires larger than 4/0 are not designated by a numerical size
but by their cross-sectional area beginning with 250 MCM to 2000 MCM. (MCM means thousand
circular mils). The odd sizes are seldom used in wiring but commonly used in the form of magnet
wire for manufacturing motors, transformers and generators.
NOTE: The bigger the number, the smaller the diameter of the wire.
Where considerable flexibility is needed, as in flexible cords, the conductors consist of many
strands of fine wire twisted together. The number assigned to such conductors is determined by
the total cross-sectional area of all the fine wires, the individual strands, added together. No. 6
and larger wires must be stranded to be practical. Solid wires in larger sizes are too stiff to handle.
Most kinds of wire used in building wiring have thermoplastic insulation, the thickness of which
depends on the size of the conductor.

T Dry only All sizes

TW Dry or wet All sizes

THW Dry or wet All sizes

THWN Dry or wet All sizes

THHN Dry only No. 14 and

RHH Dry only
No. 14 and
RHW Dry or wet larger

All sizes
Wire types are designated by letters which indicate the type of insulation on the
T – thermoplastic
W – moisture-resistant
H – heat-resistant
N – oil-resistant
R – rubber
CABLES are classified as non-metallic sheathed cable (NM) and armored cable.
The NM cable is a group of two or more insulated wires with an outer sheath or
protective covering of moisture-resistant, non-metallic material. The armored or
BX cable is a group of insulated wires which are wrapped in coated paper and
covered with self-locking steel armor. Cables may be 2-wire or 3-wire types.

INSULATORS – are substances with tightly bound electrons.

• Porcelain •Dry air

• Rubber

• Glass


• Mica

• Bakelite
• What is a circuit?

CIRCUIT –is the complete path of current flow.

1. Source of electrical energy 3. Path of electron/conductors
(battery, generator) (copper wire etc…)

2. Current consuming device 4. Means of control/switches

(fans, electric stove, (three-way switch, dimmer
flat iron, etc…) switch, photo-electric
switch, etc…)

3 Safety protection
2 Conductors (wires) - part of the circuit which will
- passage of the ensure the safety usage of
flow of electron. electricity. These are the
This is the path or fuses, circuits breakers, etc…
road of electrons.
3 4 Loads
2 4 - part of the circuit
needing the flow of
L electron. These are
1 S the power consuming
electrical equipment
1 Power source
fixtures, appliances,
- supplies the
current, coming
5 etc…Maybe a washing
machine, a stove, radio,
from: power
5 Controls airconditionaire, electric
plants, batteries,
- refers to parts controlling the bulb, etc…
usage of electricity such as
putting it off and on as the need
arises. These are the switches,
dimmers, circuit breakers, etc…
1. Series circuit –has only one
path of electric current.
– in series circuit, current
is the same throughout.
It=I1 =I2=I3= etc…
– in series circuit, voltage
is the sum of each
voltage drop.
Et=E1+E2+E3+ etc…
– in series circuit,
resistance increases.
Rt=R1+R2+R3+ etc…
– in series circuit, power is
the sum of each watt
load. Pt=P1+P2+P3+ etc…
2. Parallel circuit –has two or
more path of electric current.
– in parallel circuit, current is the
sum of each load throughout.
It=I1 +I2 + I3+ etc…
– in parallel circuit, voltage is the
same throughout.
Et=E1=E2=E3= etc…

Rt= R1xR2
– in parallel circuit, power is the
sum of each watt load.
Pt=P1+P2+P3+ etc…
3. Series-Parallel circuit –is the
combination of the two circuit.
– It=I1 = I2 + I3= etc…
– Et=E1+E2=E3= etc…
– R t= 1
– Pt=P1+P2+P3= etc…



Deals with the relationship
E = I x R or V = I x R
between voltage and
current in an ideal
conductor. This
E = Voltage
relationship states that:
I = Current in amperes
The potential difference R = Resistance in ohms
(voltage) across an ideal
conductor is proportional Volts
to the current through it. V
The constant of I X R
amps ohms
proportionality is called the
“resistance”, R.


o Defined as the force that makes the electron flow in the circuit.
The above do not flow but the driving force so that the electrons
or electricity will flow.

o Voltage drop – the difference in voltage between the two ends

of a conductor through which current is flowing. If we compare
current to water flowing through a pipe, then voltage is the
water pressure.

o Current – refers to the electron flow.



1. Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) 6. Four-way

2. Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) 7. Switch and pilot lamp

3. Double Pole Single Throw (DPST)

4. Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT)

5. Three-way (with one load)



o Most commonly used protection for the use of electricity:

- Fuses
- Circuit Breakers

o Selection is based on ampere ratings or capacity to handle the

flow of electrons.

o Thus we have 5 amp, 10amp, 15amp, etc…. Ratings

o They vary in shape and type of holders



1. Volts – the unit of measure for voltage. The measurement is by

the use of a voltmeter.

2. Ampere – a unit measure for current. The measurement is by

the use of an ammeter.

3. Resistance – a unit measure for the capacity to resist the flow of

current or electrons. The measurement is thru an ohmmeter.

4. Multi-meter (or volt-ohm-ampere meter) – a measuring instruments

incorporating all the unit of measures in electricity.

5. Watt-hour-meter – used to measure power consumed in a given


1. Economical in the sense that the same

amount of current is used by so many
devices in the circuit.
2. Different degrees of light intensity maybe
obtained by varying the connection.
3. There is less danger of overloading the

1. When a device or appliances of different

capacities are connected together, they do not
give the same degree of performance.
2. When a device gets out of order, the whole
connection is put out of commission.
3. More wire is used because as more devices are
connected in series, the wire becomes longer.
4. Less power is obtained because devices so
connected give higher resistance and
consequently less current.
5. Not possible to control set of lights individually

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