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Talk No.


Covenant Orientation
18th February 2022

We have a covenant with God and with one another.

We are to be His people, and our lives are to reflect our
intimate relationship with Him.

We are called together in CFC to live out a common life.

A distinct culture; as Christians in general, as CFC in particular.
The New Testament
What did God do for us?
Colossians 1:13
13 Because that is what he has done. It
is he who has rescued us from the ruling
force of darkness and transferred us to
the kingdom of the Son that he loves,
What is our response?
Ephesians 4:17-18.
17 So this I say to you and attest to you in the Lord, do
not go on living the empty-headed life that the gentiles
18 Intellectually they are in the dark, and they are
estranged from the life of God, because of the ignorance
which is the consequence of closed minds.
Our new identity as Christians
1 Peter 2:9 11a
9 But you are a chosen race, a kingdom of priests, a holy
nation, a people to be a personal possession to sing the
praises of God who called you out of the darkness into his
wonderful light.
11a I urge you, my dear friends, as strangers and nomads,
What is a culture?
1. Culture = the way of life of a people.

2. Christianity is a culture.
Our Christian culture in CFC
1. CFC is a Christian community with distinctive beliefs,
values & patterns of life

2. Our statement of vision defines who we are, why we

are doing our work, & what God wants us to achieve
3. Our statement of mission provides our direction & the
rationale for our existence.
4. Our “statement of philosophy” contains the beliefs &
ideals of CFC, which govern our thrust and mission
Some reasons why we do not have a personal prayer
Expressions of Christian culture in CFC

Faith. We are to be
The way we relate Prayer and
men and women of
to one another Scripture

Order in the family Life as a body


CFC is one body Our response

God wants to create a will determine
throughout the new humanity, one that the effectiveness
world, w/ one would live His life on of our witness. Our
vision, one earth. We are to be positive response will
mission, & also witnesses to His work keep us united and will
in our lives. enable the Lord to use
one culture.
us for mission.
Is my life a
reflection of
Christianity, which
is a counter culture
to the world’s ways?

Am I trying to live
out faithfully the
culture of CFC in all
its various

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