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Goals and
Presented by Group 1
Hello we are

The Group 1

Roniel Jomar Harly Mary

The Group 1

Fritche Jelyn Yvonne Sheena

The Group 1

Hani Alchris Anna

Main Goals of
You must already understand by now that the key
purpose of marketing revolves around customers
who are considered the lifeblood of every business
and the main reason why businesses invest in
marketing efforts. This places customers at the core
of the main goals of marketing which are:
1. To attract new customers by promising superior
2. To keep current customers by delivering
(Kotler and Artstrong, 2000)
The purpose of marketing is not only limited to make customers
happy and gratified. Marketers should also pay attention to two others
factors: the competitors and the company. When these three variables
are combined, it now becomes a marketing strategy known as the
concept of 3Cs – customers, competitors, and company. The key
objectives of the 3Cs of marketing are as follows:
. customers – satisfy their needs, wants, and demands
. competitors- outperform them in the competition
. company- ensure business health and profit
The concept of 3Cs states that these three variables are
interrelated. Besides satisfying customers, the purpose
of marketing also encompasses the competition in a
market place and the corporate growth of a business.
When these three variables are managed properly, a
business could gain a competitive edge and create
loyal customers.
Marketing goals vs
Imagine yourself planning your first trip alone to
another country you but your plane ticket, book your
hotel, and bring enough cash for shopping and
sightseeing. However, you failed to create a travel
itinerary. What’s likely to happen? You’ll probably get
lost, overspend, and end up being frustrated.

It’s similar when we fail to plan in terms of marketing.

We cannot simply be saying we don’t know where we’re
and be complacent in implementing marketing action
plans and programs. Lack of direction causes confusion
or ineffectiveness. For these reason, marketing managers
must know the direction of the marketing unit and clearly
define goals and objectives before creating a marketing
Describe what a company GOALS:
wants to accomplish within a • know the direction of the business
• be realistic
time frame. Business goals or • examine the company’s resources
corporate goals are created to
help companies get to where Before marketing managers create
they envision their business in marketing goals, they must first
five to ten years. The owners understand the business goals. The
marketing manager must set marketing
or top executives of a business goals aligned with the business. For
develops these goals to create example, if the business goal is to
a strategic road map that will increase revenue, then the marketing
guide the entire organization. goal should support and correlate to
Business goals are also the that by setting the marketing goal: “To
basis for marketing goals. increase sales by 10% for the year.’’
E xa m p le o f b r o a d
g g o a ls t h a t c a n
marketin c k a ble
be turne d in to tra
1 Incr e a s e s a l e s
r at e c u s t o m e r l e a d s
2 Ge n e
ir e n e w c u s to m e r s
3 A cq u
o s s - s e l l in g s tr a t e g y
4 Use c r
E xa m p le o f b r o a d
g g o a ls t h a t c a n
marketin c k a ble
be turne d in to tra
se b r a n d a w a r e n e ss
5 Incr e a
m e r s a t i s fa c t io n o f
6 Increase cu s to
existin g c us t o m e rs

u n c h ne w p ro d u ct s
7 L a
Most people assume that goals and objectives are the same thing.
Simply put, marketing goals support the overall goals of a
business and describe the broad direction of the marketing
department. On the other hand, marketing objectives are specific
actions that support the marketing goals. In setting marketing
objectives, marketing managers should visualize the actions to be
executed by the marketing and sales team in a week or month. It
must provide a clear direction and measurable target to achieve
stated marketing goals.
S.M.A.R.T Criteria
In order to set successful and achievable marketing goals and objectives,
it’s essential to make them SMART. It stands for specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic, and time-bound.

Scenario: Assume that ABC Cosmetics sold 12 500 units of cosmetic

products in the year 2029. By the following year, one of the marketing
goals of the company is to increase sales which is in line with the business
goal to increase revenue.
SPECIFIC The goals should have measurable
result. Businesses of the use
It must define a performance metrics or KPIs (key
specific outcome. In performance indicators) to measure
progress. This is to ensure that firms
the marketing goal have a way to keep track of results.
example, it is clearly
Since the goal is to increase sales by
stated that the target 12% or 1500 units, it can be measured
increase is 12% for by setting targets every month. The
the following year. company should sell an average of 125
units of cosmetics monthly to achieve
the target of 1500 units sold in a year.
Your goals must be Keep your goals actionable and
achievable, feasible, and reasonable. Your company should have
accomplished within the set the resources available to put them into
timeframe. action.
Aside from people, assess if the other
The marketing manager assets of your business such as cash,
should first assess the goals machineries, and materials are enough to
that were set if they could be reach your goals. Additionally, analyze
achieved in a year. The the current condition of the industry and
production department should economy. It would be impractical to set
determine if it has the this kind of marketing goals if there’s an
capability to increase economic downturn or if the company
has too many competitors.
production from 12 500 to 14
000 units.
The goals should be trackable and time-specific. It
is appropriate to determine an end or deadline in
achieving a business metric.
The timeframe set for the goal is one year therefore
meeting the criterion in terms of being time-specific.
Any Question?

Credits to Ms. Rhoda T. Avila

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