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• When the farmer went again to the place
where he lift the leprechaund. He didn’t
show the leprechaund but he found a letter
of the leprechaund to him. The letter said:
• Hi Mr. Farmer I’m your friend the
leprechaund if you are reading this lettle is
because I lie you, the gold isn’t in that
place. To find the gold and me you need to
be clever and have a good thinking. Your
friend the leprechaund. Here is the first
• I live near the sea, and near the beach too.
I’m not an animal or a person.
• People use me to move on the sea, if you
know what I ‘m the second clue you will
• The farmer had an idea, in the beach near the village there is and old boat. He
went to his house again, he went to the beach on his car to find the gold and
the leprechaund. When he went to the beach he found the old boat. He found
another letter in the boat which said:
• Hi Mr. Farmer
• Here is the second clue.
• If you are in the boat you will can see me , I’m a part of the ground but I’m in
the middle of the sea. I’m big and beautiful; if you come with me the gold
you will have.
• The Farmer looked at the sea and he found a little Island. He caught the two
oars and went to the Island.
When he arrived at the island he found an “X” on the sand .
“ Here is the gold!! “ he caught a spade and did a hole. Suddently, he found a chest with the gold.
And then he realized how beautiful the island was and he decided to live his life in the island.
The legend says that if you find the boat and you go to the island you will can see the farmer with
his gold and looking for the leprechaund.

The end

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