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Elements of Visual Arts

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Then again,in the 1970s up to the present, artists are no longer confined to doing
traditional arts.Instead,they started combining different art forms and media-
mixing of two or more art forms(i.e. sculpture and music) to produce one specific
artwork for an audience.Although performing arts are already existent before the
1970s,integrative arts came into being to provide individuals with the broadest
opportunities to explore a more unique and unexpected way of creating artwork.
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Integrative Arts is an interdisciplinary that brings

together two or more art disciplines(i.e. music+drama=
opera or folk arts+western art=contemporary visual art).
Nowadays,integrative arts are most commonly applied
contemporary arts.In the Philippines alone,visual art
forms are no longer the traditional made pantings,
sculptures or architectures.Some of these are created for
functional purposes like advertising art,basketry,pottery,
textile weaving and many more.
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There are seven elements of art that are
considered the building blocks of art as a
whole. The seven elements are line, color,
value, shape, form, space, and texture.

LINE- is defined as a point moving in space

where its length is greater than its width. Lines
can be two or three dimensional, implied or
abstract. Different types of lines include
continuous, broken, jagged, vertical, horizontal,
or diagonal. Lines are the foundation of
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COLOR-There are three different components to color, there is
hue which is the name we give the color (red, yellow, blue,
etc.), intensity, which refers to the vividness of the color
(intensity can also be referred to as saturation or purity), and
value meaning how dark or light a color is. Color can be used
symbolically or to produce a pattern or to show contrast in a
VALUE- Value is the lightness or darkness in color. The
lightest value is white and the darkest value is black. The
difference between values is contrast. You can study the
use of value in monochromatic or black and white pieces
of art.
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SHAPE- Shape is the result of closed lines, they are two
dimensional and flat. Shapes can be geometric, such as squares
or triangles or they can be organic and not have defined
parameters and are more curved and abstract. Shapes in art can
be used to control how the viewer perceives a piece.
FORM- When shape acquires depth and becomes three
dimensional, it takes on form. Three-dimensional art
has an actual form (like in architecture) while two-
dimensional pieces can have the illusion of form when
the artist uses perspective or shading. Some common
forms are cones, pyramids, spheres, and cubes.
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SPACE- Space is any area an artist creates for a specific
purpose. Space can be positive or negative. Positive space
is an area occupied by an object or form. Negative space is
the area that runs between, through, and around or within
objects. This includes background, foreground, and middle
ground. Space that can be manipulated in art based on
how an artist uses lines, shape, form, and color.
TEXTURE- Texture is how an object looks or feels.
Sometimes texture can actually felt, such as in sculpture
or the texture of work can be implied such as if you were
to sketch a sheep’s wool. Some words to describe texture
include soft, hard, rough, brittle, fluffy, or smooth.
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A painting is a two-dimensional image or artwork created using
pigments or color on a ground such as canvas, cardboard, paper or
wood. The pigment may be in a wet form, such as paint, or a dry form,
such as pastels. Other variety of materials used are acrylic, charcoal,
ink, oil, and watercolor. Since painting is created on a flat surface, it can
be described as an artwork that has only height and width.
Different forms of Painting.
1. EASEL PAINTING is the most common form of painting.
This involves applying color to a board or canvas that is
fixed on an upright support called an easel.
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2. MURAL is a huge-sized painting
usually created on a wall that aims to
convey a message to the public. In the modern-day, a
new form of mural was developed to prevent the mural
from being erased from the wall – a portable mural was
created using bold strokes and bright colors on pieces
of cheesecloth or canvas.
an artwork synonymous to a backdrop or background
for a stage usually used in popular forms of theater arts
in the country such as komedya, sarswela, or sinakulo.
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PAINTING is an artwork that is
created on the famous
transportation of the country.

5. COLLAGE involves the combination of different

images to form a single
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1. OIL PAINT is a thick, shiny paint made by mixing pigment with oil (usually linseed). Oil
paintings take several days to dry but the art piece lasts very long.
2. ACRYLIC PAINT is a thick shiny paint made by mixing pigmentwith water and an acrylic base.
Unlike oil, acrylic paint is cheaper and dries within a few hours.
3. POSTER PAINT is a solid water-based paint that dries to a matte finish.
4. FRESCO is Italian for "fresh".The technique involves painting with dry pigment on wet plaster.
Note that Fresco a secco involves painting on dry plaster.
5. TEMPERA is a water-based paint that may or may not be mixed with egg yolks (egg
6. WATERCOLOR is a soft and transparent paint made from pigment, water and gum Arabic.
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One can actually create a painting from any kind of theme. The most common themes
used in painting are:
1. STILL LIFE involves the use of natural or man-made objects in a natural-setting. It can be
flowers, food, or musical instruments. A still life reveals an artist's skill in painting shapes, light,
and shadow.
2. PORTRAIT is an image of a person or animal. Aside from showing what someone looks like, a
portrait often captures a mood or personality.
3. LANDSCAPES portray a natural scenery or an outdoor scene. A landscape artist uses paint to
create not only land, water, and clouds but air, wind, and sunlight. In the contemporary time,
landscape paintings are created using mixed media.
4. SEASCAPES make use of large bodies of water like the ocean or the sea as the subject of the
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5. INTERIORS refer to the painting of the space inside of a house or a building, which shows
social class of the people living in it as well as their traits.
6. HISTORY portrays scenes from the past, which often teaches a lesson about national
7. RELIGION is another common subject used in paintings. It includes religious images, lives
saints, and scenes from the Bible that portray a sacred story or express an artist's faith.
8. GENRE painting depicts people in their daily activities. Basically, it is a painting of scenes
that capture life in action. It could show a farmer tilling a land, a busy street, a beach party,
a dinner gathering, or any place where living goes on.
9. NUDES are portrayals of the unclothed human figure.
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1. ABSTRACT ART refers to a style of painting that does not use
figurative reality as a reference.
The artist alludes to his or her subject and reduces it to a
simplified form
Abstract Expressionism paintings are emotionally intense and spontaneously created by
the artist. 
Color Field paintings are characterized by large, solid colors on a flat plane. The colors
are the subjects themselves, and they are normally painted on large canvas material.
Lyrical Abstraction refers to abstract paintings that are softer and more romantic in
Cubism is characterized by geometric figures. Cubist painters analyze the subject and
break it up into a geometric abstract form.
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2. SURREALISM portrays images that are often
illogical and have a dream-like quality about

3. CONCEPTUAL ART is a modern art style where

the artist believes that concept is more important
than artwork itself.
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4. POP ART occurred as a reaction to abstract
expressionism, which mid-1950s British artists
believed was art that was far-removed from daily

5. PHOTOREALISM is one that looks as realistic

as a photograph. This is done by taking a
picture of the subject and then painting it.
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6. HYPERREALISM is an advancement of the photorealism art

movement. Artists use high resolution cameras to take
photographs and paint them on canvas

7. MINIMALISM is an art movement that is, as

expected, characterized by simplicity. Minimalist
paintings strip down the subject to its very
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8. FUTURISM concerns itself with subjects like the
technology, speed, violence, and the future of
the world. It concerns itself with the depiction of
man’s triumph over nature.

9. IMPRESSIONISM is characterized by thin

brushstrokes and an emphasis on the depiction of
light. It is often painted outdoors to capture sunlight
and color of their subjects.
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10. FAUVISM focuses on strong color. Artists employing

this style have wild brush strokes and
highly simplified subjects.
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Sculpture comes from Latin word “Sculpere”, meaning to carve.
Sculpture as plastic arts refers to the creation of three-dimensional
figures, forms or designs from a single block mass of materials.
Carving and Modelling are the traditional ways of creating a sculpture,
sometimes in stones, metals, ceramics, woods or other materials.
However, in the modern day, one has the complete freedom to choose
what kind of materials and process to use.
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1. Subtractive – is when unwanted materials
are cut away to form a figure.

2. Additive – is the putting together of materials

to form a figure.
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1. CARVING is a subtractive processwhere the material is removed. This is common in
woods or stones (specifically marble).
2. MODELING is an additive process where the material is added to build up a shape. This is
applicable to clay, wax, plaster, or paper-mache
3. CASTING involves the use of a mold to form molten bronze (or other material) into a
desired shape. Note that the “Lost Wax” Method is often used for jewelry or small
4. CONSTRUCTION is an additive process that involves welding, gluing, or nailing materials
5. ASSEMBLAGE is an additive process that involves assembling of found objects in unique
6. KINETIC SCULPTURE involves the use of movable parts (like the wind).
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Stone – although heavy, this material is hard and durable, and weather and fire
Basalt and Diorite (black and hard)
Marble (finely-grained, with crystalline sparkle)
Granite (tough, coarse-grained but suitable for bold effects)
Limestone (softer)
Wood – is lighter, softer, and cheaper, and easy to cut.
Terra Cotta - which means “baked earth” is made by firing clay, as in pottery
Bronze - is solid and too expensive. The difficulty in casting bronze is one of its
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1. Relief Sculpture is a kind of sculpture that does not have a flat
horizontal base. It is usually attached to a surface or a background.

a. Low Relief or Bas Relief – is slightly higher

from the flat surface. The lowest reliefs are
likened to the figures carved on coins.

b. High Relief - is when the form of the sculpted figure

is clearly visible because many elements are
completely detached from the background.
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2. Free-standing or full-round is a kind of sculpture that can

independently stand in space. With its flat horizontal base, a
free-standing sculpture can be seen from all sides.

3. Kinetic and Mobiles are moving

three_x0002_dimensional figures. These are those
that are suspended on air. This kind of sculpture is
moving with the wind or is vibrating with the
surrounding air.
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It is composed of written works that hold a lasting importance in the culture

of a particular people. are considered to be very good and to have lasting
importance. The first book printed in the Philippines is the Doctrina
Christiana, which had been published in 1593 inManila. Among the examples
of literature are prose and poetry.

1. POETRY refers to the type of literature that expresses one’s emotions or

ideas using afigurative or symbolic language, usually written in a group of lines
or stanzas.
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Elements of Poetry:
a. Meaning – the use of allusion, connotations, idioms, or any new words in portraying
the poet’s his feelings or ideas.
b. Figurative language – the use of simile, metaphor, and other figures of speech in
conveying a message without directly stating the literal meaning. This element allows the
artist to use an ordinary sentence that expresses a more impactful meaning,
which gives the readers new insights.
c. Imagery – the use of descriptions and details on objects, actions, and ideas that
appeal to the readers’ physical senses in order to give them a clearer picture of
the scene as if it was real.
d. Sound and Rhythm – the use of emphasis on words is sound while the position of
beats or the sound pattern of the work is rhythm.
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2. PROSE uses sentences and paragraphs, and sounds like an ordinary speech or
writing used to inform and persuade the readers.

Elements of Prose:
1. Theme or content is the general idea or central thought of the composition.
2. Language and Style refer to the writer’s choice of words that affect the mood of the story.
This includes the use of sentence structures and figurative language in conveying the
3. Form and structure are the sequence of topic and transitions that make up the whole
4. Plot or story line is the sequence of events in the story that gives the flow of the narrative.
5. Characters can be a person, an animal or even thing who takes part in the story.
6. Setting is the time and place where the story took place.
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First Person Point of View is when the main character is also the narrator of the story, as
told from his/her own perspective. Generally, this is revealed by the “I” sentence
construction and relies on first person pronouns like “I went to school today.” Oftentimes,
the reader assumes that this character is closely related to the story’s action – someone
close to the protagonist. Using this point of view provides intimacy and a deeper look
into a character’s mind.
Second Person Point of View is structured around the “you” pronoun, which allows you to
draw the reader into the story and make them feel like they are part of the action
because the narrator is speaking directly to them. This type is less common in
novel_x0002_length work.
Third Person Point of View is when the writer narrates the story about the characters and
refers to them with the third person pronouns such as “he/she.”
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a. Third-person omniscient point of view is when the omniscient narrator knows
everything about the story and its characters. This narrator can enter anyone’s mind,
move freely through time, and give the reader their own opinions and observations
as well as those of the characters.
b. Third-person limited omniscient is often called a “close third”. This is when an
author sticks closely to one character but remains in third person. The narrator can
this for the entire novel, or switch between different characters for different
chapters or sections. This point of view allows the author to limit a reader’s
perspective and control what information the reader knows. It is used to build
interest and heighten suspense.
c. Third-person objective has a neutral narrator that does not know the characters’
thoughts or feelings. Instead, the narrator presents the story with an observational
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Ethnic Tradition
Epic relates adventures of a super hero with powers and serves as a code of values of a
particular ethnic group.
Folk song is a song that is conveyed orally from one generation to another and known as
awiting bayan in Tagalog.
Proverbs is composed of straight-to-the-point statements that teach morality and tradition
and usually expressed as rhyming pair of lines that depict two different elements.
Riddle is a statement or question that offers a puzzle to be solved, which suggests a
challenging entertainment for the reader to figure out the answer.
Short poem usually has four lines, with 5-12 syllables per line.
Poetic Joust is a type of oral poetry competition held in the 17th century. Also known as
Balagtasan, it stimulates the creativity and verbal agility of novice poets.
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Spanish Colonial Tradition

Metrical romance is a prose poem that do not have rhymes. It
deals with themes such as
adventure and epic journeys, chivalry, folklores, interpersonal
relationships, knights and fair
maidens, legends, religion, and rites of passage.  Pasyon is an
epic narrative of the Filipinos about the life of Jesus Christ. This is
written in a
stanza with 5 lines, with 8 syllables per line. Pasyon provides a
source of colorful and
dramatic images of Jesus Christ’ passion, death and resurrection.
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Folk narrative is any story that depicts the people’s tradition, feelings, beliefs, and judgments, that
were handed down through words of mouth of the past.
Myth is a legendary or traditional story that involves historical events and supernatural
beings, with or without factual explanations. Myths initially began with stories that were told to
provide logical explanations to people of a culture in order to explain natural (i.e.origin of the world
and its first inhabitants) or cosmic events.
Legend lies between a myth and a historical fact. It is a story or narrative about the historical lives of
great men and women. Examples of this are:
a. Religious legend narrates the miracles of God and of the Saints.
b. Supernatural legend tells the story on the existence of beings from the underworld.
Toponymical legend explains why a certain place has its name.Folktales are classified into animal tales
or fables, magic tales, humorous tales, novelistic tales, religious and didactic tales.
Essay explains the insights or information using description, narration, and humor.
Novel is a lengthy and complex narrative of events based on the author’s imagination.
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Music is an arrangement of sounds, combining vocal or instrumental sounds, to
create a continuous and unified composition for emotional expression.
Elements of Music:
1. Melody is the overarching tune created by playing a succession or series of pitches.
2. Rhythm is the pattern or placement of sounds in time and beats in music. Basically, rhythm is
the particular arrangement of note lengths – how long or short a sound is. It has three
qualities:  Tempo - describes how fast or slow the music is
 Meter - refers to the unit of time that is made up of beats or pulses
 Rhythmic pattern – is the combination of notes and rest
3. Harmony is a combination of different tones or pitches played using the instruments that
support the melody.
4.Texture is the layer of the sound that describes how sparse or dense the music is. This is the
relationship of melodic and harmonic lines in music.
5.Dynamics is the degree of softness and loudness of music.
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6. Timbre is the unique sound quality of an instrument or sound generated by the voice.
7.Form is the order or arrangement of the parts of the music. This is how the elements of
music are organized.
8. Tonality – is the overall sound of the music whether it is pleasant or unpleasant.


Ethnic Traditional Music: 
Ballad is a narrative folksong that tells all kinds of stories about events happening in a
community. It includes histories, legends, fairy tales, animal fables, tales of outlaws and even
star-crossed lovers.
Chant is a song with an unaccompanied melody and variable rhythm.
Song Debate is sung by male and female singers who try to beat each other about a certain
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European-influenced Religious and Secular Music: 

Art Song is a vocal music composition characterized by one voice
with piano accompaniment, merging the voice part, lyrics, and the
accompaniment together to achieve an artistic musical whole.
Habanera/Danza is a social dance in duple time.
Liturgical Music is a vocal and instrumental compositions that used in
official rites of the Christian churches.
Kumintang is a love dance accompanied by a guitar and a string bass,
characterized bygraceful hand and wrist movements popularly known
as “kunday”.
Pasyon is the chanting of a narrative poem about the life, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ in various styles.
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American-inspired Music: 
Classical Music refers to musical traditions of the West that were founded on
the refinementof Western folk music or popular music traditions.
Semi-Classical Music refers to a musical composition in between classical and
popular music. It includes band and rondalla music, hymns and marches,
sarswela music, and stylized folk songs.
Popular Music includes original music composed by Filipinos, which utilizes
Western and local musical flavors.
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Folk Dance is a dance developed by people to reflect the life of a certain region
or country. This is a dance that expresses the vernacular or historical culture of a
group of people. Examples include ceremonial dance, combative, courtship,
exorcism, funeral, game, torture, comic and religious dances.
Ballet is a theatrical dance performed on stage with the use of costumes, music,
scenic design, and lighting.
Modern Dance is a dance form that emerged during the 20th century that make
use of dance styles such as folk, ethnic, religious, and social dancing, and
sometimes theatrical in nature like ballet.
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a. Aerobic dance is a dance intended to increase one’s consumption of oxygen over a
period of time. The dancer dances to the tune of popular music.
b. Bodabil dancing is an indigenized version of Vaudeville introduced to the Philippines in
the 1910s during the American period. It features a mixture of performance of American
ballads, torch songs, and blues numbers.
c. Jazz dance uses African dance techniques like the isolation of individual human body
parts, rhythm, and polycentrism.
d. Polynesian and Tahitian dance are dances that tell the ancient legends and folkore of the
Polynesian culture. These dances were described as sensuous that they were banned by
the missionaries in the 1800s.
e. Tap dance is a dance which involves tapping with toes and heels to generate rhythmic
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Theater is an art form that involves live performers, usually actors or
actresses, to present theexperience of a real or imagined event in front of an
audience, usually in a particular pace, often a stage. The performers make
use of carefully planned actions or gestures, and speech combined with a
song or a music to convey emotions.
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Elements of Theater:
1. Actors are the persons on stage who portray specific characters for the audience.
2. Scenery or scenography is mostly integrated into the stage, which includes the set of
objects and scenery used to represent the space in which the acts take place.
3. Audience are the witnesses of the performance. Oftentimes, this element is taken for
granted but the truth is, the audience plays an important role in that the conception of a
play is carried out based on the cultural, social and psychological characteristics of the
audience in mind.
4. Script is the text that describes what happens in the play in the form of dialogues.
5. Lighting helps mark the moments of transition from one scene to another by turning off the
lights, but in some cases, lighting gives meaning to the play. For example, spotlights are
used to direct the audience’s attention to a certain point on the stage. Other times,
lighting is used to generate patterns of colorful movements that can fill the stage
depending on the emotion being portrayed in the story.
6. Make-up primarily beautifies the characters although this is not always the case.
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7. Wardrobe is the costume that the actors wear to express the character being portrayed.
8. Sound is composed of the music and complementary sound effects that accompany the
story, which gives the audience a better understanding of what is happening in the story.
9. Voice Over is a series of statements being narrated by someone who is not in view of the
audience. It usually gives information related to the development of the plot.
10. Director supervises the actors and directs the entire production. He is the person-
in_x0002_charge of coordinating the rest of the elements of the theater, including the
actions that
the actors must carry outFORM
to play their
AND characters.
Dulang Pahiyang is a theater that is not viewed as a separate activity, but as a part of life.
a. Rituals – are characterized as a way to communicate with the Gods or spirits, which
involves a shaman, usually a babaylan or an albularyo, who calls the spirit and is
being possessed by that spirit.
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b. Duplo – is a poetic joust in speaking and reasoning, in which Balagtasan was derived
c. Bayok – is a Maranao mimetic joust, whose theme is reliant on the occasion when the
joust is being performed.
d. Balitaw – is a poetic debate between a man and a woman

Dulambayan or the People’s Theater is considered as the “theater in the context of social
movements.” It depicts themes such as the current system of the government, nationalist
movements, and protests and propagandas.
a. Drama Simboliko - is the allegorical nationalist drama, which began during the
American regime and was revived later on during the Marcos regime.
b. Street Theater – is presented outside the theater building and without a stage area.
Although this can be applied in rituals and religious plays, political theater is also a
form of street theater.
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Teatrong Pansimbahan is focused on spirituality and is usually performed based on the

events implemented by the Church. Examples of this are: Komedya of the Moriones, Dapit
which portrays the Washing of the Feet of Jesus, Flores or Panunuluyan, Hudas or Osana,
Sieta Palabaras or Sinakulo, Salubong, etc.
Theater as Arts is founded on Western models, where theater is viewed as a profession.
Examples include: Puppet Theater,Opera, Musical, Drama, and Comedy.
It is also important to note that the following types of modern plays are original plays by Filipinos:
1. Representational Style – is a play that makes an illusion of reality using well-rounded
characters, placing emphasis on the individual’s psychological or social problems.
2. Presentational Style – is a play that focuses on discussing social issues and ideas either in
a) Documentary Style, which is performed to connect historical persons and events to
the present; and b) Dula-Tula, which is a dramatic monologue; or c) Brechtian Theater,
also known as Theater of Instruction, which features a social orientation.
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Also known as a movie, motion picture or moving picture, Film is a work of
visual art used to communicate ideas, feelings, experiences using moving
images that are shown on television in cinema.
Elements of Film:
1. Narrative – tells the story of the film. It includes the
story, characters, and setting.
2. Mise-en-scène – includes everything that appears in a
frame like the sets, locations, actors,
props, costumes, lights and shadow as consolidated by
the production designers, make- up
artists, set builders, cinematographers, and actors.
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3. Editing – involves the editor’s use of time and continuity as tools in presenting the narrative.
Basically, this is the putting together of the pieces of scenes from different cameras into a whole
4. Sound is an influential aspect of the film as it includes three components: the dialogue, the
sound effects and the music.
5. Cinematography is defined as “writing in movement”. This is how something is shot and framed
based on photography. Cinematography includes camera angles, camera movements, shot sizes,
lighting and composition.
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Aksyon (Action) – emphasizes conflict based on real-life stories or actual experiences of
persons, and based from the tradition of metrical romance or literary komedya.
Animation is a film that involves the creation of illustrations or inanimate images and
bringing them to life.
Bomba is a film that depicts nudity and sex but is different from X-rated pornography.
Dokyu (documentary) is a motion picture that narrates news events or explanations on a
specific subject matter based on facts.
Drama is a motion picture that dwells on personal problems and conflicts that `portrays
sentiments and emotion.
Experimental is a film that involves the creation of something new and innovative, that is
never been done before with the camera.
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Fantasy is characterized by scenes from the imaginary world.

Historical depicts actual events from the past.
Horror is a film that brings fear to the audience. 
Komedi (Comedy) aims to bring laughter to the audience.
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Certainly, the culture and arts in the Philippines is diverse. Other

references classify the forms of art in the country as follows:

ADVERTISING ART is a graphic design used for advertisement and

promotion. It can be in the form of illustrations, photography, digital
development and more. This form of visual art aims to convince
consumers and/or convey a message.
BAMBOO ART refers to art pieces made from bamboo that are created for functional
use, or for decorations or ornaments.
BASKETRY is the craft of making objects by weaving or coiling together materials like
grasses or twigs that result to baskets used for carrying, storage or even trapping animals.

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Types of Painting: Easel Painting, Mural, Telon Painting, Jeepney and Calesa Painting, Collage
Materials Used in Painting: Oil, Acrylic, Poster Paint, Fresco, Tempera, Watercolor
Common Themes: Still Life, Portrait, Landscapes, Seascapes, Interiors, History, Religion, Genre, Nudes
Styles in Painting: Abstract Art (Abstract Expressionism, Color Field, Lyrical
Abstraction, Cubism), Surrealism, Conceptual Art, Pop Art, Photorealism,
Hyperrealism, Minimalism, Futurism, Impressionism, Fauvism
Two Major Processes: Subtractive and Additive
Techniques in Sculpture: Carving, Modeling , Casting, Construction,
Assemblage, Kinetic Sculpture
Materials Used in Sculpture: Stone, Basalt and Diorite, Marble, Granite,
Limestone, Wood, Terra Cotta, Bronze
Kinds of Sculpture: Relief Sculpture (Low Relief or Bas Relief and High Relief),
Free-Standing or Full-Round, Kinetic and Mobiles
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Poetry and Prose
 Elements of Poetry include: Meaning, Figurative Language, Imagery, Sound and Rhythm
 Elements of Prose include: Theme, Language and Style, Form and Structure, Plot, Characters,Setting,
Point of View
 Traditions and Forms of Philippine Poetry include: 
Ethnic Tradition: Epic, Folk Song, Proverbs, Riddle, Short Poem, Poetic Joust 
Spanish Colonial Tradition: Metrical Romance, Pasyon
Forms of Contemporary Prose in the Philippines: Folk Narrative, Myth, Legend,
Toponymical Legend, Essay, Novel, Short Story, Komiks
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 Elements of Music include: Melody, Rhythm, Harmony, Texture, Dynamics, Timbre, Form, Tonality
 Forms of Philippine Music:
 Ethnic Traditional Music: Ballad, Chant, Song Debate
 European-influenced Religious and Secular Music: Art Song, Habanera/Danza, Liturgical Music,
Kumintang, Pasyon
 American-inspired Music: Classical Music, Semi-Classical Music, Popular Music
 Elements of Dance: Body, Action, Space, Time, Energy
 Forms and Types of Dances in the Philippines: Folk Dance, Ballet, Modern Dance
 Other Forms of Dance: Aerobic Dance, Bodabil Dance, Jazz Dance, Polynesian
and Tahitian Dance, Tap Dance
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 Elements of Theater: Actors, Scenery, Audience, Script, Lighting, Make-Up, Wardrobe,
Sound, Voice Over, Director
 Forms and Types of Philippine Theater: Dulang Pahiyang, Dulambayan, Teatrong
Pansimbahan, Theater as Arts
 Elements of Film: Narrative, Mise-en-scene, Editing, Sound, Cinematography
 Forms and Types of Film: Aksyon, Animation, Bomba, Dokyu, Drama, Experimental, Fantasy, Historical, Horror,
 Other forms of art in the country are: Advertising Art, Bamboo Art, Basketry, Book
Design, Costumes, Embroidery, Food Art, and Furniture

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