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College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
What is Laro ng Lahi?

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

What is Larong Lahi?
• Traditional Filipino games or indigenous games in
the Philippines (Tagalog: Laro ng Lahi) are games
that have been played across multiple generations,
usually using native materials or instruments. In the
Philippines, due to limited resources for toys,
children usually invent games without needing
anything but players.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

What is Larong Lahi?
• As modernization takes place, these games are rarely
played due to the advancement of technology. Most
of the children nowadays are spending much of their
childhood playtime on internet cafes or handheld
gadgets instead of socializing and playing different
kinds of Laro ng Lahi that for years is a culture of a
typical Filipino child.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

What are the Laro ng Lahi
that are still being played
by children?

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Why Laro ng Lahi is

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Why Laro ng Lahi is important?
•The importance of Laro ng Lahi
can be classified according to its
benefit in terms of health, culture,
social aspiration, and values.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Why Laro ng Lahi is important?
•Health - it will develop the motor
skills, body coordination, exercise
locomotor, apply skill-related
activities, and enhance mental
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Why Laro ng Lahi is important?
•Culture - Playing these Laro ng Lahi
reflects our culture and instills
patriotism. This is a part of Filipino
culture as a way of entertaining and
expending free time utilizing native
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Why Laro ng Lahi is important?
•Social Aspiration - Laro ng Lahi is a good
way of building and maintaining the
socialization skills of children because it
enables them to establish a good
relationship among their playmates.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Why Laro ng Lahi is important?
•Values - Playing Laro ng Lahi enables
you to establish your self-confidence,
positive-attitude, develop
sportsmanship, camaraderie, and
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Give at least three
examples of Laro ng lahi
and the objectives of the
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
How can we preserve
these Laro ng Lahi?

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

How can we preserve these Laro ng Lahi?

• It can also be preserved utilizing

continuous engagement and utilizing it on
respective houses and neighborhoods by
considering the use of local materials or
native materials.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

What are the types of
exercise you usually do at

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Physical Education
• It is the vital and integral part of general
education designed to promote the optimum
development of the individual physically,
socially, emotionally and mentally through
total body movement in the performance of
properly selected physical activities

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Objectives of Physical Education
• To develop the
individual Physically –
Participate in activities
that develops and
maintain good health
and high levels of
physical fitness.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Objectives of Physical Education
• To develop the individual
Socially – Cooperation,
friendliness, good
leadership, followership,
good sportsmanship,
honesty in group
connection and respect
for the rights of others.
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Objectives of Physical Education
• To develop the
individual Mentally -
idea, technique,
strategies, intellectual
to memorize and to

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Objectives of Physical Education
• To develop the individual
Emotionally Pleasant
attitude, values,
appreciation, discipline,
courage, determination,
self confidence and
desirable habits.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Four Types of Development

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Four Types of Development

1. Physical Development
2. Social Development
3. Emotional Developments
4. Mental Developments

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Four Types of Development

1. Physical Development - Physical development

is the obvious type of development within a
PE lesson. Physical exercise is a very important
part of life to keep us fit and healthy into our
old age.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Four Types of Development

2. Social Development - Socially, physical

education helps people develop bonds with
others; particularly whilst participating in
team sports.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Four Types of Development

3. Emotional Developments - Emotionally and

mentally, physical education can be a form of
therapy for individuals. Using up unused
energy can help release stress and tension.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Four Types of Development

4. Mental Developments - is also known as

cognitive development. It is basically the
construction of mind activity such as thought
processes, memory, problem solving and
decision making as well as over all
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Identify the objectives of PE
describe the following statements.
____1. Enhancement of growth and development
____2. Leading a healthy lifestyle
____3. Acquisition of desirable social traits
____4. Development of self-confidence
____5. Learning the mechanical principles underlying

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Identify the objectives of PE
describe the following statements.
____6. Avoidance of the risk of various health problems
____7. Acquisitions of knowledge and understanding of the
rules and strategies of games and sports
____8. Development of self-control
____9. Discovery of ways of improving movements in
gymnastics and dance
____10. Development of courage and determination
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Why do you think we need to study PE and why
is it included to the school curriculum?
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Why Physical education is
necessary for every student?
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
Enumerate the four types of development
of Physical Education.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
1987 Philippine Constitution
Article 14 section 19
The State shall promote physical education and
encourage sports programs, league competitions, and
amateur sports, including training for international
competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

1987 Philippine Constitution
Article 14 section 19

All educational institutions shall

undertake regular sports activities
throughout the country in cooperation
with athletic clubs and other sectors.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports


College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Pre-Spanish Period
The Spanish Regime
American Period

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Pre-Spanish Period
Education in the Philippines was informal and
unstructured, without any fixed methodology.
Children were usually taught by their parents and
tribal tutors and education was geared more
towards skills development.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Pre-Spanish Period
The Aborigines of the
Philippines, the Negritos or Aetas,
had a way of life the same or
similar to any other people living
in a primitive society. They were
nomadic or wandering tribes who
lived mainly by hunting with an
expert use of the bow and arrow.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Pre-Spanish Period
The Indonesians and the
Malays. Those who arrive
earlier were driven to the
hinterlands, while the later
waves of immigrants settled
along the coast or in the

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Pre-Spanish Period
Indonesian and Malays
Their physical activities
consisted of producing
foods through planting and
cultivating the mountain
sides until they produced
the famous Banawe rice

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Pre-Spanish Period
Pagan people as they were, they worshipped their gods
and goddesses and made offerings to the anitos or spirits.
Dancing was a form of religious activity and they
danced to please their gods. They also dance to cure the
sick, to make things happen as when there was drought
and they wanted rain, and they also danced after a
bountiful harvest. They danced for a victory in a tribal
war which they termed as “cañao.”

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Pre-Spanish Period
The people in the lowlands especially those who
settled along the river banks and lake had bathing and
swimming as their favorite pastime.
Father Pedro Chirino, a Spanish historian, relates in his
Relacion de las Islas Filipinas that “men and women
and even children swim like fishes. They take a bath in
the rivers and lakes at any time of the day for
cleanliness or for recreation.”
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Pre-Spanish Period
Cockfighting is an ancient
sport in the Philippines.
Antonio Pigafetta, the
chronicler of Magellan’s
expedition, mentions it as
one of the notable sights
he saw in the island of

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Pre-Spanish Period

Historians believe that

this sport is probable to
have been introduced by
the Malays as early as A.D
1212 during the rule of
Datu Sumakwel of the
island of Panay.
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Pre-Spanish Period

Cockfighting was still the

favorite sports of the

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Spanish Regime

• The Spanish conquest of the Philippines did

not have much effect on the physical activities
of the Filipinos, except of the enforced labor
among the lower class of the people in the
building of the churches. Generally the people
lived in the Sedentary Lifestyle while waiting
for the harvest time after planting
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Spanish Regime

• Dancing continued one of the major

physical activities enjoyed by the people

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Spanish Regime

Curacha Jota

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Spanish Regime


College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Spanish Regime


College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Spanish Regime

• Ceremonial dances were performed during

religious events, like Santacruzan where in the
people ate, sang, drank and danced to their
heart’s content.

• Games were played by the Filipinos during a

grand celebration or after the Santacruzan.
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Spanish Regime

• Games like ….


College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Spanish Regime
Palo Sebo Juego de Anillo

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Spanish Regime

Sungka Siklot

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

The Spanish Regime

• Also piko, luksong tinik, and hide and seek

• Young boys play patintero, sipa, spinning top and

kite flying.

• Card games were very popular recreational to old

folks which were introduced by the Spaniards.
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
The Spanish Regime

•Schools, colleges and universities

were established for formal training
of the Filipinos. In these institution,
Physical Education was not included
in the curriculum
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
American Period

•Just as soon as the American soldier

landed in the Philippines After the
historic event of the signing of the
Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898,
schools reopened.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

American Period

•1901 – Physical exercise was one of the

subjects introduced in the public schools
and a regular program of athletics was

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

American Period

•1905 – Baseball and track and field were

introduced and taught to the young boys
in school

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

American Period

•1910 – Philippines’ most popular sports

nowadays; which is the Basketball, was
first introduce by the Americans during
this year.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

American Period

•1920- Physical Education was made as

required subjects in the curriculum of all

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Traditional games in the Philippines - These are
games commonly played by children, usually using
native materials or instruments. In the Philippines,
due to limited resources of toys of Filipino children,
they usually come up on inventing games without
the need of anything but the players themselves.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

Upon the desire of the Bureau of Physical Education
and School Sports (BPESS) to foster patriotism,
nationalism and appreciation of traditional games
among the youth, it embarked on a difficult but
fruitful task to search and record the traditional
games from the different regions of the country.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

• games commonly played by children, usually using native materials or
• In the Philippines , due to limited resources of toys of Filipino children,
they usually come up on inventing games without the need of anything
but the players themselves. With the flexibility of a real human to think
and act makes the game more interesting and challenging.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

• A few decades ago, kids used to
gather in the streets or in their
neighborhood playground to
play their favorite Larong Pinoy
games like piko, patintero,
taguan, tumbang preso, siato,
luksong tinik, etc.
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

• These has been their regular and popular pastimes,

as well as the favorite games of their parents and
grandparents until new and modern forms of
entertainment has taken over the interests of young
College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

• Dickie Aguado , Executive Director of Magna

Kultura Foundation , confirms that the
Traditional Filipino Games are very much alive in

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports


•It is not true that the Filipino Street Games

are no longer played, as some would say
that it has vanished in Philippine society.

College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports


College of Computer Studies PE 1 – Philippine Traditional Games and Sports

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